Live & Reloaded

It’s gonna be a wall bros, but here i don’t mind much to make it a pain to read on a smartphone ^^

I’m the Don Quijote of the fans ^^ It’s not true but more seriously, let’s show my colors on this first.

Herms + fans = doomsday. So the zero-fan is a true constraint for me, i literally hunt first all latent herms i can at each round until the line is enough healed to handle my selections. If you look at my weird tent and the work i’ve done on static pressure and airflow, you have to remember this first.

I’m forced to be synthetic to give you a logical lead, we can enter in details afterward if you want. It’s quite wicked but we can make an analogy between the transpiration of the plants and the transpiration of humans.

It’s just that plants are really breathing with the surface of transpiration, not us. Plants don’t need to burn the shit ton of fuel we are burning, as mammals. Even fishes are dragsters in petrol compared to plants. Moving cost a lot of energy, then require specialized organs to treat the same air at high rate of effiscience.

What is cooling the leaves is their transpiration. And if you increase drastically the levels of co² during the photosynthesis, plants can handle extreme temps like champs. It’s no longer popular now, but back in the day you was able to see hermetic spaces with almost zero airflow and multiple 1Kw HPS blasting. With average temps constantly over 35°c/95°F and more of the time running on the 40°c/104°F range.

And it was not the sugar canes with not enough weed to roll a blunt on it that you see often now in new age growlogs. But fat ass plants with main colas as fat than your arm or even your leg.

I’m talking about these extremes specifically to give you a range of consideration, not to find a reason to remove all your fans.

Airflow is very important, and it’s the sum of all my efforts with the modded tent : letting dance my leaves passively but with a strictly controlled flow : each cm² of the tent is pumped by the central parabolic reflector (that act like a funnel for the airflow), in a straight line. I’ve literally suppressed all turbulences with aerodynamics tests used in the automotive industry. I hate all types of herms at this point.

Now let’s imagine a plant growing in a bad airflow full of looping back poach of vapor, full of turbulences and with an unmastered negative pressure that draw a direct and straight line between the intake point (passive of active intake) and between the outtake point (carbon filter). With high temps, to complete the catastrophic picture.

They already transpirate more than they breath (it affect stomates, then the photosynthesis effiscience indirectly), so if you add a couple of fans in top of this, you are generating in this caricatural situation even more turbulences and vicied air poachs loops, pushing the plants to transpirate even more.

Trust the humans the most exposed to extreme heat and that use transpiration as AC.

They even drink fucking hot tea to … chill themselves.

My house is build this way, with geothermic thermodynamics, cold chambers insulation (literally) and inertia heaters for the winter. With the little help of a subterranean phreatic layer, people think i’ve an AC dialed full throttle when they enter in the house when it’s 40°c/100°F+ outside. At the front door. My thermostat is the earth, keeping me away from extreme temps both sides. I even choose my houses only after a water analysis, it’s not a joke. Yes it’s helpful for breeding (PH free grow), but i’m washing me and i drink/cook with this water too ^^

And i’ve build and modded my tent totally for the house i’m living in, to the whole static pressure pumped by the grow space (that i call the “lab”).

A successful environment that improve the stability of your crop mechanically decrease organically and proportionally your energy consumption. Even if you love lethal levels of lights for your seedlings ^^

Another important datas : what’s around the house. My enemy here is fungic attacks coming from vineyards, i’m surrounded. Then their inherent fucking fungus gnats of the hell, mutated by decades of moronic strategies by the local agronomy.

If the house is in arid zone (lucky you if it’s the case, it kill almost everything we hate with cannabis), hot or cold, humid zone with swamps and fuck tons of insects etc …

Believe your own weather and act accordingly.

But in any case, a direct flow to the plants : NO. You can’t believe how much it improve the quality of the weed in top of this, one will restitude the chemotype with accuracy, the other will just tastes the nutrients you give even if you rinse the hell your plants. It’s due to the increased flow of sap and transpiration, even if you’re using supersoil with full organic amendments.

Don’t tell it to hipsters, the pleasure to see their faces melting in smoking my “chemical weed” is a grand moment.

The best tool i’ve ever used with active intake in my old spanish lab (very hot summer) was the most cheap and simple you can imagine : airsocks.

In this photo they are used to counteract the movement of convection, but small diameters ones are available to grow weed in more small spaces and you can place it at floor level. Like a snake of filtered fresh air encircling your plants.

Buy always by twos. Depend on the aridity of your sector, you have to unmount it on regular basis and machine-wash it. 5 minutes top, it’s just a sock. Cannabis love it as fuck (indirect diffused air heavenly repartited), and it offer various protections i don’t need to mention.

On the fem production units, i was using it with a lung chamber with AC inside. You can’t produce high grade fems if you don’t master the temps and the airflow of your space, that have to be rockstable at given levels.

Don’t ask me these datas, you need the chemist that builded the STS cocktail solution used to know it. It’s not the “i can do cheaper with photography stuff” like americans are just discovering now on the late. But bottles worth 4 digits used on large scales, enriched with a fuck ton compounds to reverse even Chuck Norris without any “lag” in the production chain.

Fuck, i hope the situation is streamlined by the up. Or will soon enough. Courage buddy, what don’t kill us make use stronger and better. Let’s say Jah have a plan, your job is to be enough attentive to see it.

At one point i thinked about moving to CA too, around SD. But i changed my mind. I’m used to do my stuff in Europe, where breeding is just as fucking hot everywhere … so i pay less attention to legal considerations. A strong move at federal level is happening too, actually the FDA is harassing the DEA to reschedule. Who was able to imagine this 20 years ago ? ^^

Moving across the pond still in my plans. I just need to hurry up before the genetic cycle come back in Netherland again ^^ I’ve personal reason for it, but working with americans to consolidate their fantastic evolution is a very sexy plan for my last part of life lol Before Dutchs stole the dynamic again.

Again, put on paper everything you can about your house. It permitted me to sometimes to grow in hell during transitive moves (a pro-active breeder here can’t stay more than 2 years at the same place, and it mean country often).

I must say that the NL5H is quite respected in your lands, but yeah the saturation of the market, the panic in term of genetics, the rush for the green money … better safe than sorry.

The prototypes of Shoes i’m growing actually are a bit badly pressurized but are just growing like the NL#5 cut for now. Next round, you will see the real deal too (Sensi NL5H), aside the Jack Herer (a NL5H base too).

Just keep in mind that the lines are wounded, and need cleaning/screening.

It slowered the little farm, the fucking siberian wave was hardcore here. But we passed the hell without decreasing the exhaust rate (risk of fungi here). I’ve finally let the house deal with it for me, i don’t changed anything and included it in the actual screening. But yeah, it was stressful at the coldest point. I’m forced to split with a register the air intake at 50%house/50%outdoor to don’t make crazy the heaters of my house and the bills. I reached at one point a top low of 13°c/55°F. So i increased a bit the N and have grown “dry”.

Now, i knew it and see it coming weeks before the wave was here. I’m even watching solar activity weekly ^^

My choice to force seedlings at this moment in limited volume of soil wasn’t entirely about breeding. Just opportunism, i aligned the planets myself if you want. Big volume of soil suffer a lot more about the cold than restricted ones. But a simple heating mat of greenhouse is enough to permit to your plants to grow on cold, if any. Better than any air heater and it make the roots crazy in bonus ^^

I’m actually singing to have ~50 specimens per 4x4 flow. I let you imagine with a 10x10 the hell i will not resist one second to set. I’m forced to unmount my spaces to limit the number specimens i’m growing, it’s just stronger than me. The Big Bud rounds just make me very uncomfortable, each time i opened the zip i insulted myself to have so much empty space.

But this way i discovered the importance of the focus on the accuracy of observations, and to best manage my time per plant.

Anyway i’m very not a reliable guy to keep the things rational about it ^^ Be ready for the JH of my cat, it’s coming this year for the private club ^^.

Nah and i’ve even a scientific reason lol For real.

In my effort to know my printfoot in breeding, i’ve set a complicated procedure of tests … 19 years ago ^^

Smoking my favorite bulldozer weeds like a train, stopping suddenly, blood analysis specialized in THC dosage, and again … during a whole year to be sure that it wasn’t related to lipid high/low with winter etc … no, it’s not a joke ^^ Breed the breeder lol It explained also a lot of things of my past about my various drug abuses and my inefficiency to be physically hooked by anything. I’ve an enzymatic activity of the hell, my recent blood sample are like the blood of a young teenager. I’m even a bit fat actually and don’t have any cholesterol or insulin funk. But i’m glad, they have finally accepted it fucking hell. My arms will look like the ones of a junkie of they continue to pump my juice to believe it.

Anyway i try, edible or not, my body is unable to stay positive at blood test more than two weeks. With or without intensive sport activity. I’m a fucking THC black hole, and i think that it’s why i select only females able to saturate fast the receptors. And why i’m bad at terp breeding outside very strict methodologies, either.

This digression was worth the ride ^^

Kind of ^^ LED are for pussies lmao
Nuclear weed baby !

Joke aside, and beyond the 3µmols sweet spot, brightness don’t mean you have the fusion core that is the sun in your tent. When you chill on a beach, the sun literally pierce you like a paper sheet without any exponential decrease. None artificial lights is able to do it but high output lasers able to cut titanium and stones.

Another bitchy consideration for you : LED are working exactly like my actual love for neons. At the difference that my neons produce a radiant light and that electronics are doomed to be directional. It’s why i’ve not switched yet, i’ve learned breeding with neons and HPS. All my marks are built under these lights. If i change the type of light too radically for LED panels, i’ve to re-map everything i know.

I’m also already involved in the Oregon sun grown genetics, and it’s not something i can think about here under LED breeding pressure and zero opportunity to do this :

(literally, my way for outdoor breeding)

Don’t get mad at me for this, understand the expression of the phenotype instead. Be darwinists and mendelian, it give peace in life.

I’m actually helping a padawan to set a full LED lab that kick ass, for the sole purpose of breeding. And not to hit & run, i take also the responsibility to learn him how to map his plants under these conditions : almost 2Kw LED in a 5x10, to give an idea. Pollen space ? 100w panel ^^ Unleash these fucking lights, cannabis is a photosynthesis beast and not the damned living room poodle hermy-ing because you gave them a bad look.

It wasn’t an analogy but the description of what do electroculture on cannabis specifically ^^


This is the three examples i always failed. But that i saw working with my own eye, at a point for one case to have saw the snow and the ice dodging the parcel. Pests too. Potatoes not freezing and fucking growing out-of-season inside negative temps greenhouse, Roses and tulips flowering surrounded by snow (helped with chems) … it’s something to experienced. You pass your time to check if the soil is not freshly moved to lure you with fresh plants. I think that to be an elite grower is required, and as i stated already it’s not my case at all.

But i succeeded at it, indoor and under HPS at negative temps (-5°c/23°F). I just used a variation later, in using a NFT build with sewage tube and plastic soda bottle inside for the pots. The only picture i have saved from an hard drive :

It’s a Haze#1 (sensi,not a release) x pure ghanaian F12-F15 (don’t remember exactly). Vegged and flowered at negative temps. The bottom of the pot is filled with rockwool, the other half with polarized soil (K+ enrichment). On the NFT, i was surprised that transforming it in electrolyse just fixed the PH for good at the level it was when electrified. No swing, at all.

Nothing for now, but the seeds increased a lot their size in the sprouter. Weird. I give them an additional week before the dissection. I will take macros of this, i promise.

Keep the vibes high, and forgive my digressions ^^ Robocop is coming, it’s calming to write walls lol


This is pretty intriguing to me, I’ve never seen this before nor did I have any awareness this was a real thing. Presumably to minimize strong drafts during pollination?

I can see this being very useful to home growers working in a negative-pressure space for the inlet air. I’ve got a filtered intake but this would work just as well.

Funniest thing I’ve read all day :rofl: :arrow_up:

Second funniest :joy: :arrow_up:

I think the LEDs actually have many good characteristics: The small size allows them to be distributed, not like the pseudo-point-sources of HID, meaning better penetration (probably but not universally). The spectral spread is broad, like many CFLs.

It is fascinating how dependent on the light source expressions can be. I’ve read about this for as long as I’ve been back into cannabis (10 year hiatus after college - career and whatnot). Of course, I’ve never seen it. My first opportunity to view for myself the differences will be this fall - comparing plants grown in my micro tent hydro setup under LED, to outdoor full-term of the same plant in living soil.

Nevermind, this is the funniest :sweat_smile: :arrow_up:

Holy shit. This is awesome. Off to the depths of the internet I go stimulated not by electricity, but by equatorial sativa smoke :sunglasses:

Cheers buddy.


The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


Busy week for me and it affect a bit the environment, it’s the mess around the tent. Pots and container not bleached/washed, a bit of dirt there and there … Tuesday i declare the war to the mess, after the transplantations of Monday. Back to a clinical cleaning ^^ End of the next week will be quite intense again, i don’t want to stack the mess lol

Temps are back, so the COB and the Calindi are starting to declare. A good set of an half dozen of males for now, shared equally by the two lines. Next week i’m back at another layer of notations, i will bulletproof my ratio of specimens/sqm this way too. I think it’s the sweet spot but if I can’t proceed all plants in one shot the same day, i was wrong.

Not much to talk about at this point but the nutrient’s blowback. They were feeded during the cold wave with any change in the regime and even with cares, i stacked a bit some reserve in the soil by the slow mode of the plants. Now they are pumping it full throttle so i’ve some traces of fattening. Still under control, but i’m unable to start the PK enrichment for now.

So i will alternate with the base and a pure PK watering without the base, the time that the soil lost all its reserve. Let’s make some yellow on purpose ^^

The COB on left and the Calindi on right. My theory on the proximity of these two lines have been confirmed by the timing of the declaration of resistant males. Just the obvious hint of skunk in the COB.

What was a recycling of a coupon on a cheap white label line is turning more interesting than planned. I still don’t know if i preserve the two lines pure or if i don’t directly make a F1 to inbred. The combo look like promising and a kind of evolution of an old work i’ve done with Orange Bud and Calindi. Notations will help me to figure out.

The fems of Shoes, more NL5ish as fuck that previously. I’ve the mirage to grow the cut lol I’ve never mapped the C91 yet, but i don’t see any external dominant signs for now. It’s quite disturbing. A little bit in the shape of the leaves, but not for all specimens and it’s at a level i’m not even able to describe. Lesser than a nuance.

Flowers will talk. As bonus an “harlequin” mix of chlorosis and variegation, i know stoners like it. I don’t give a fuck ^^

The lovely Aks, better batch overall than the previous. I already have spotted the typical serration of the “bubblegum pheno” i’ve crossed with the Shiskaberry. Can’t wait the declarations, but not too much … i’ve the COB/Calindi to cross before in the sequence ^^

And this good old Bug Bud in it’s direct S1 state. And the confirmation of my big feedback on the 2023 millesime, in front. The three NL#1 phenos are produced by what i advised to dodge, and what Sensi show as the genetic reference in their official growlog.

It will be washed out with the real inbred line, as it will for the Calindi too.

Now a special dedicace to @FieldEffect and @McMuffin. Two different discussions, same subject : hormons.

BB F2S1, pheno A (light disorder)

BB F2S1, pheno B (“complete” disorder)

The B is specific in this round, we have a game together. I want her in my blunts and she don’t. So she push me since the start to dry her roots badly enough to trigger her hermaphroditism. A right i refuse to her lol
Let’s see who win the battle, and who is the more stubborn and tricky at it. No pronostic for now, she’s really a smart bitch.

Both phenos show perfectly two differents levels of the same cytokinins disorder.

Little update on the alien’s pods. Their size have increased a lot but no real sign of activity for now. One week more and i play with the scalpel. If i can save at least an embryo like the COB or the Calindi seeds, it will please me to see what kind of plants can grow from this ^^

Wifey printed it for me, it’s dope ^^ She know how i am when i turn in circle in the cage in waiting to launch the seeds. Cryptographic taunting. She prefer me dumb as fuck and full of stupid jokes under the influence of a Sour Diesel, a Bubblegum or a Sweet Tooth#3. But she know how i feel good with something that fuel my brain with the rocket propellant that is the JH.

No, i manage it by the airflow and specialized exhaust lines mostly. Even in more consequent conditions.
Dust, pests, bad humidity (AC), a certain number of disease … more this. But the most valuable aspect is the perfect spread of the fresh air among the plants when you use only one active source point. With a passive source, better to bet on simple filters screens. You need to much negative pressure to make it working decently, which become counterproductive in regard of the plant’s cycle of transpiration/breath.

As simple that fucking efficient, like a lot of things in the industrial world ^^

We have a concern here lol

Nothing beat the CMH in term of penetration, the true porn star of the photosynthesis ^^
Even if DE HPS are sniffing their ass closely i must admit.

For the CFL/LED spectrum, they really don’t play the same game in UVs buddy. Like cats and dogs, with their respective constraints.

Anyway you know my opinion on light’s comparisons, it doesn’t have much sense for me at a global consideration.

Now in term of breeding, customers are already hungry and waiting for genetics developed specifically for the diodes. To get the max orf it. I find crazy that it’s not happening yet, beside venting on it. Not a single label is actually at it for now, with a true structured methodology. With a bunch of labs already fully on LEDs, nonsense.

They are too busy to play with their sprayers with recipes no one use in the industry anymore ^^

Take care, it’s biased. The sole comparison between artificial lights and sun is a fucking valley, no matter the tech used. The gap is too huge to make it a specialized conclusion on LEDs only. We try our best in our spaces but nothing beat a planet in term of ecosystem. It’s not only the light source … and i don’t even start to talk about the notion of “terroir”. You can experience crazy difference of expression with an unique cut, in various locations that are at the same lattitude.

Now in term of breeding footprint, hell yes the impact is real from one light to another. You have to think twice before starting on a specific tech, for the reasons i’ve mentioned. It’s totally a question of person and what the person have accumulated under a specific environment. I repeat, we are setting with a friend a LED muscle-car-lab entirely dedicated to breeding. Maybe the first breeder of the market that will offer genetics pressurized to the bone for the higher tier of LED density, who know (him in reading this → :fearful:)

My transition from neons/HPS to full neons was quite soft but changed a lot of things in my practices, just the difference of radiation and transpiration are impacting a lot the methodology. Any radical change is anyway a strong epigenetic factor to take in count. When accuracy is a concern of course, not for those just selecting a motherplant to smoke and that are calling it suddenly breeding one day ^^

They were not strictly equatorials (but very close), but the ghanaians were my very first seeds to germinate. But this kind of smoke was provided in my stash by the ST#3, that have not a single hint of it. So racy that she was called the “Peruvian weed” in BCN during a contest.

It was inbred in this sense but take care about the cultural bias, with stoners it’s rarely accurate ^^ It’s possible to select for THCv buddy, no matter the line. Specially today with the tools we have to facilitate it, you don’t even need to smoke weed to succeed at it lol


So I’m a little confused about the disorder here. I assume we are talking about the flowers emerging in atypical locations. Is there a proper name for this?

Curious still about the alien pods. Looking forward to an update of whether or not you surgically extricated them.

Hilariously, I rather enjoy the “dumb as fuck” feeling winding down in the evenings. I need to try some JH, been dabbling with the NLD types and find that enjoyable. I don’t even know where I would find a JH I would trust is anything close to what you are talking about. I have lots of C99 seedstock and have enjoyed that periodically when I had found it - but I haven’t really been to a weed store since I started growing. I think I got a few bags of C99 back in 2006 with a distinctively cherry-fruit undertone that was fucking amazing. The effect was fantastically motivating and energetic. I’ve been chasing that effect for a while. That was back before weed came with a name attached with it in my area, even if it did I wouldn’t believe it. Deep in the staunch prohibition phase back then. Blueberry was also around, recognizable for the scent and effect. I digress…

Yeah, I was making the comparison in regards to the physical size characteristics of the emission sources. Not so much spectral beyond the sense that the mechanism (phosphor re-radiation) of broad-spectrum emission by both CFL and LED are similar.

My goal certainly isn’t to draw a conclusion about LED lighting. It’s to view the valley of difference between the two styles, which I just haven’t seen for myself. I read a lot about it, but have never seen for myself, with the same genetic stock in both environments.

I was unaware of a correlation between THCV and the stimulating effects of certain varieties. Is this the implication of your statement? Is that the fundamental difference between the effects, from being “dumb as fuck” and “rocket fuel?”

Looking forward to your update this weekend. Hope all is well there


Going along quite well in the tent, it starts to really explode. I’m sure you’re quite busy this week, and next one will be intense. Can’t wait Sunday’s update :smiley:

Thats’s the effect I seek for wake’n’bake and day to day smoke too. Have a jamnesia cut right now that is exactly like that thanks to the jamaican blue mountain father. Plus very clear high without come down but pretty high ceiling so it can hit hard still. “Dumb as fsck” well, that’s for other moments :smiley:

Yep it does. Thai strains often have a “high” percentage and that’s why they’re often felt as racy.


This week was tense, the next i’m free from medical harassment.I will appreciate and the plants also ^^

I’ve the tendency to talk about each phenotype with a hint of anthropomorphism, but it’s not serious and just a mnemonic trick to remember them a long time.

The Big Bud are just herms (S1) that i grow for weed, but also to learn the traps i will potentially encounter with the real F2. If the selected phenotypes for the real F2 are clean, the genotype not yet. On this batch i’ve already culled 16 specimens, 63% of the S1 line. And the remaining plants are just solid female-herms, minus one that is playing with me. Just like fems if you want.

For the Big Bud (2023), they are harmless herms in their expression. They pollinate themselves directly from the core, without fully developed males flowers. Ask Chimera at ICM, it’s his religion and he have a fancy name for every type of herms of the planet ^^ I’m more binary with cannabis and hemp : monoecious or dioecious.

To clear the water, i’ve distributed fems by weight and made them with almost all elite cuts around since 90’s. One-shot jobs for white labels, mushrooms seedbanks and sometimes for well known dutch and spanish labels. I fed my family with it during years and my plan of actual retirement (that after 12 years now, i start to hate, my soul need an economical activity). I was reliable in this game (as a little hand of the industry) only because i was known to “clean” any line without any destructive selection.

So, i consider any form of hermaphroditism as herm-breeding, no matter what. Understanding the different levels of this expression is very important to produce the fucked-watered-down-burgers that customers eat all the year now by handful, but in my personal space it’s a dead sentence and i push very far the hunting to reveal them all. Like before i was forced by the demand to make it a job.

My position on this matter can look radical because there is no marketing involved behind, but fundamentally none serious botanist is able to say without blushing that it’s not all about monoecy VS dioecy ^^

I’ve not checked them since the big cleaning of the space, Tuesday. I hope that this night i will see a radicle, embryo’s extraction is a pain in the ass. Specially with these over-deformed seeds lol They finish their extra week and i play with the scalpel. I expect the big face palm in discovering they are empty :joy:

The California Indica and the COB you see here are 100% extracted, seeds were in very bad shape and immature as fuck.

If you don’t experienced it, you have a real problem of genetic buddy. I’m serious.

Indoor, 1Kw+ HPS / sqm, F23

Outdoor, “Maine Lattitude”, sown and germinated directly, F21, single slow release amendment.

But i think something was lost in translation, at least i shown you about what i’m talking about ^^

It’s very much linked with the type of smoke. FunkyFunky expressed it well. At OGv1 times, i was entirely focused to explore the whole african continent so it restricted my POV on it. I’ve pushed some indians and asians, but not enough to say that i know the terroir really. From the centerline of Africa to its islands, cultivars are known to be rich in THCV.

It don’t work like THC, on its own. To experience this energetic and long lasting high, you have to count on the entourage effect around the THCV. Something that will feel like an heart attack is around 5% THCV only, but at the condition that the right terpenes, the right phenols, the absence of CBD and very low CBN levels are here. It’s a luxury taste and appeal in term of breeding, but worth the ride for me.

I bred the Sweet Tooth #3 fully for THCV strenght by example, it’s why i say it’s possible to breed for it. Now FunkyFunky reminded me to be straight in my boots : without the thaï of the Blueberry inside it was not possible at the level i reached.

Technically, and for further investigation remember these two leads :

  • the more THCv, the more the weed can reach your receptors sharply. Humanly, a well educated stoner can detect difference of levels of an half point. Isolats don’t have much sense, THCv is a catalyst of THC.

  • the less CBD, the more you make puke next gen hipsters in one toke. CBD is an antagonist of the “higher high” and of the “higher stones”, limiting the levels of THC/CBN your receptors can take in their faces. Like the ohms law if you want.

Now, never forget the entourage effect. It’s very important for cannabis. If you have a high THCv plant but that have a high CBN content (even with minimal CBD level), the stone will be very deep and dominating. Not racy at all. It’s a simplified example to make the leads versatile, terps are equally very important for the profile of the smoke experience.

I got my meeting yesterday with the surgeon and the anesthetist, in dodging a bunch of roadblocks. It’s the mess here, social revendications everywhere just at the moment i don’t need it lol It took me the same time to go to spannabis to just do less than a hundred of kilometers ^^

But i really have a dream team (worth the fuck ton of bucks i give them), they were very professionals and i’m less stressed now. And i got 12 injections of botulinum toxines in my facial muscles to prepare the surgery ^^ More deep than for Dubaï’s bimbos, it’s to counteract the “boxing jaw” syndrome and make me unable to press too much.

It’s very weird, even if i got the hardcore version, i don’t understand the womens doing it all the year. It feel like your muscles are replaced by chewed bubblegum.

Wahoo effect yesterday in opening the tent ^^ The magic of LITFA.
I restart notations this night, and the first PK pre-shot.

Very surprised by the quality of the COB for now, they are dirt cheap but very promising. I think i will inbred it, totally in the vein of the Orange Bud that was quite popular for us, in a better grade and far more resistant to my screening for now.

Same club. My definition of a good weed is a morning blunt that last until the sun is tired, and make my day a fairy tale.

Use the N leverage for screening, keep the green pale. It apply both side (not with all strains) and will help you to segregate more strongly the funk you’re hunting. I’ve used it during an half dozen generations on the ST#3, and she was called “the peruvian” at BCN ^^

My favorite for this was the Bubba Kush, it’s just sad that it’s a freaking herm as fuck. Everything you hybridize just look like shit, even in using it as receiver of an ironed female donor that keep an ECSD calm for one generation (fem state).

The stone of this one is just a fucking comedy, passing the blunt around is making as much unwanted “one man show” that there is stoners lol I like the muscular decontraction she do too, without making you a slime.

But same quest buddy, the secret is on plants unceiled. A good modern haze with torque can’t be beaten at this game, you have the full spectrum on demand. Making you a fusion battery, and knocking of your ass with an abuse in saturating the receptors if necessary ^^ Bleaching faces during buds contests is the caviar of it.

I don’t like this binge-smoking and fiber-love era, not my philosophy. But the market have always the last word as you know. Let’s resist. Tu me pardonneras mes écarts plus facilement sur les repros de 2023 quand tu auras la vue d’ensemble plus tard ^^ Tu vas kiffer ce qui vient après ce round, moins de prospection aurifère et une grosse montée en gamme. Du bon gros daily smoke de batard :laughing:

Keep the vibes high bros, with a special dedicace :


There’s no shame to breed fems for some markets, most important is to avoid breeding herms :slight_smile:

Nice healthy outdoor plant. Got your 2 pounds or something there. Kills me it’s so cumbersome to grow outdoor in this country, I’d only do that otherwise (or would I?). I want trees to sleep under! :laughing:

Must be an experience to have this thing injected in your face. I guess you couldn’t ask for a particular enhancement.Might be that you’ll end up looking younger at the end :smiley:

Some of the best moments!

COB was the first non-bagseed stuff I grew. Brought it in Dam, Barney’s COB. I guess you know what happened… Hermland in one night :smiley: But good plants otherwise.

Thanks for the hint. Makes sense. since this is a sativa/NLD feature, I guess it means looking for specimens that don’t need much N. Also that lighter green.

Never tried that one. Or any “elite” honestly. Missing a referential for sure :smiley: Time will come.

I can see what you mean. Trends are shifting, but I believe that’s also because there are different markets. What you call “fiber-love” makes a bit of sense with the whole extract market. Or when you have so much room you don’t care really. Or for some ‘elite first class’ merchandising. But I admit I find some of the phenos beautiful though :smiley: That’s purely plant/flower appeal. And it doesn’t mean the effect is not on par, which is what’s matter in the end. But I’m not sold, don’t worry :smiley:

I’ll post this link here in case you didn’t see it already. I know you like breeder steve too, he’s talking about that and a few other things discussed here.

Host is a bit annoying, everyone’s high, and steve probably a bit drunk, but that’s interesting you’ll like it.

J’attend ton prochain round alors. Tu tease la Jack que tu vas relancer? :smiley: J’ai hate de suivre ça “en direct”


This trimming was epic ^^ It finished around 7 meters height, forced to top in September to keep it under the walls. Nature know how to humiliate us and to breed monsters like a breeze.

I miss outdoor plants as fuck, specially in greenhouses (not polytunnels, the true “all year round” ones) but guerilla grow too. Seeing your sun grown spot make me jealous. Today even lost in rural corners, it’s hot yeah.

What is amusing me is that on the other side of the pond they can’t believe we have morocco hash dealers everywhere, even in our most losted village ^^ And that weed is quite rare, and most of the time too expensive.

So true. Our OGKushCookieDiesel is the Amnezia Haze by example, and with all kind of cuts that are around. Market’s laws, the streets voted ^^

For the market of elites, none won a “daily smoke place” in my blunts with the insane nursery we had. The only one i was pleased to smoke often is the SD; and in the pack it was the only one to don’t have any tag attached to it among 5 others cuts (i include 2 ECSD in it).

And let’s say the things, most of these cuts aren’t coming from breeding but from lucky shots of commercial grow. And most of them are damned triggered herms ^^

Culturally i don’t ignore the value, it permit to speak about a specific plant on a worldwide scale. And to debunk quite easy the posers too lol, but sincerely it shouldn’t be a ride. Nothing beat a handful of inbred seeds in loop during 5 years, no matter with what you’re starting.

I don’t knew this podcast, thanks for the ref. I’ve something to listen now while i’m sorting specimens within an hour.

I don’t really appreciate the man to be clear (without having anything against him), I respect the work done 20 years ago on the ST3. It’s the proof in the cake of his methodism and i share a bunch of insight on the vigor, dominances and lethal pressures.

Now i’m waiting since a while to know if the said methodism was just context + luck or if he’s really able to output the same grade of plants today (or logically, better). A good method is a method that can be adapted to specific cases and industrialized, for me.

Sinon, la Jack arrive à grand pas c’est 100% sûr, et avec un peu de chance il y a de fortes probabilités pour qu’il y ait de la jack à chaque round aussi ^^ On se refait pas.

Avec quelques copines aussi, du paxon à trois chiffres. Ce qui est certain c’est que ça va être un gros boxon comme maintenant, et que ça va être sûr la corde raide de tout garder pur. Psychologiquement je ne suis pas sûr de vouloir racheter du paxon derrière en cas de coup dur façon Big Bud. Même gratos, c’est des rounds qui durent pas mal et j’ai autre chose à foutre que sortir leurs poubelles. Wait and see …

Fais moi exploser cette Jamaico-Hollandaise, tiends bon.

I was a bit too fast, let’s switch in French for this explanation.

La lambs et l’amnezia qui nous intéressent réagissent très fortement aux niveau de N, pour les deux je déséquilibrait simplement mon AB H&G pour mettre moins de “rouge”. C’est valable pour tous les AB (atami, canna, HG, bionova …). Le bidon qui contient le PK c’est toujours le translucide qui cristallise au bouchon et qui fait un mal de chien sur une coupure ^^

C’est un peu tendu à gérer mais très efficace, le but étant d’obtenir un vert néon spécifique qui flirte avec une “jaune-vert éclatant” qui renvoie à mort la lumière.

Flirter avec la carence, sans entamer son processus au delà des trois ou quatre premières nodes.

Cela ne va pas booster leur niveau de THCv mais aplatir leur cannabinoïdes autour, pour que sur le plan génétique ta sélection soit bien plus affutée. Tu peux sampler au bout d’un bon mois pour les deux afin de faire de la place, je te promet que ça va te sauter à la figure façon jour/nuit dans ces conditions. Tu peux aussi en remettre une couche en rinçant au fulvique, mais ça booste les hermas latents soit prévenu. Cela va les “rodéliser” comme dirait ce gros farceur de Soma lol

Gardes ton vert bien néon avec ces deux là, et t’auras du high de bonhomme pour faire tes mariages ^^

Putain je viens de lâcher un truc de sélection j’y crois pas, sûrement le botox et le cidre de la Chandeleur ^^


Oh yeah it does. I can get the trimming madness. And then the room to store it…

Sadly I don’t think I’ll have another occasion to use this spot. Well, let see if other friends move in the countryside.

Very different weed culture indeed. I’d like to have both in one place :smiley:

Yeah, I’m with you on that (+ the herm origins). Not by experience, but by logic though obviously. Elites have their interest, mostly on the commercial side, as a referencial of trends, quality level, smoke and taste, etc in growing and in the consumer market. But with all the beans available nowadays (and internet), anyone can find what’s really an “elite” for their own tastes. Inbreed it is another thing :smiley:

I’m no fan either of steve (of anyone really anyway), still it’s interesting to follow where he’s at. Playing at another level, still coming from the same background and not just a random investor. So at least he has in mind and understand some things, like thinking about people in jail or stuffs like that. Now will we be able to get a hand on what he’s doing, that’s another question.

La jack c’est sûr j’attend de pied ferme, ce sera interessant de voire l’inbreeding pas à pas :smiley: et comme tu la connait ce sera sans tatonnements. Ta dernière ligne c’était à partir de la version moderne de la Jack de sensi? Si en plus va y avoir du name dropping de grosse strain et des tentations de cross alors ce sera encore plus fun.

En plus ça te fera peut-être lacher d’autres perles comme ça. Merci en tout cas, je vois mieux ce que tu veux dire maintenant. Ce vert limite flashy, exactement ce qu’elle exhibait cet été :smiley: Et le coup du fulvic, bon plan si c’est aussi efficace.


The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


Dense like i love it. I’ve make space a bit, i need to make the stats of this round in term of rejected phenos. I think it was more bloody than i think. The last to declare are the AKs, i got one male for now. Everything else have its new notation and declared.

I’ve an unexpected good set with the California Indica and the California Orange Bud. And even the luxury to choose the pairing in the case i make two IBLs. Or not, i can make two parallel F1 lines directly. They are good at this point and to choose the finalists will be a headache.

To be continued, next Sunday … well no ^^ I will be a puzzle next Sunday lol
My poor wife, she hate me as lead breeder. Everybody does anyway (yeah this one is for you, prevention ^^).

The alien pods were opened today, i lost one soldier and i saved one.

Giger#1. This one have a name because it’s transplanted. Complex extraction, triple cuticle, weird calibration of the radicle, the food was starting to be gel. Let’s see if it survive.

Not dead, but so deformed that it was an infamy to let it leave for die so fast. Weird color, like the photosynthesis was already active by patches. Triple cotyledon, no radicle, no food sack.

Poor little thing, so much crinkled.

The embryo was already hardly attacked, the consistency of mashed potatoes.

This one too.

I screwed with this one, the fucking shell was hard like oak.
I ate the embryo, delicious. Strangely sugared, like certain flower’s sap and pistils.

I expected this for all of these seeds, but only one was empty.

This one was beautiful, but mashed potatoes inside.

That’s all folks ^^

Next update, individual shots for the posterity of these phenos. Some will die again during a 5th wave of notations. I will sample the males calindi/cob this week, after i can’t smoke during a long time.

I think i’m at around 30% rate of “not-killed-plants”, better round than expected overall. Even on the fems and the S1.

Just because i like these shots for a ton of reasons ^^, it’s COB.


Tent looking nicely filled now :slight_smile: Looks like the COB will be 100+ again. Two parallel lines on the go that’s quite good.

Not sure I would have eaten this alien pod, watch your belly in case something isn’t starting to grow in there :smiley: That was interesting rescue to watch, let see if the remaining ones make it.

Courage pour la semaine!


Your garden looks awesome, great work! How is the AK47 refinement going?

Pz :v:t2:


I have a little apartment in Colombia (Which is where I’ll be going after I’m done this harvest [I need a vacation hermano]), and it’s high enough where at any time I can open my windows, and I have a flow of natural AC going all around. It’s wonderful.

From the bit I can see in your pictures; you have a beautiful home.

I thankfully have caught all herms/males way before they even have opportunities to develop sacks. That being said, I haven’t encountered any late flowering herms, and I hope to keep it that way… lol.

You look beautiful here. The purple really brings out the color in your eyes.

Dude, I’m not too experienced with what I’m looking at here, but that don’t look cheap. That growing space/room ventilation is a thing of dreams though!

That’s how it is my friend. I’m glad I returned to California and gave it a try, as it may have been something I would have regretted in the future. Maybe one day I’ll have enough saved up to buy a small condo near the border in Mexico, keep a Harley there to ride up north whenever I want to go into Cali. Though, to be honest, I much prefer it down there.

I’m a young guy, so I got to experience heavy prohibition and then rapid legalization, which has been quite the experience. When I was younger, I was allegedly obtaining Moroccan Hash from the Silkroad to make hash candies. Little side note, my dumb ass was using double grade to make the most disgusting edibles you’ve ever tasted. Wish I would’ve smoked it instead, but alas, hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, I was very paranoid back then simply consuming the stuff, and making gifts with it. I could not imagine how it would have felt to grow then. I cannot imagine how it feels to grow in some of the illegal parts outside of North America. I told my friend @iceman that he’s got los huevos de un toro for growing where he’s grown. Even when I started growing in Colombia, they had just legalized home cultivation. I’ll run the risk for a lot of things, but I ain’t going to jail over growing a fuckin’ plant. Just thinking about it is ridiculous, but it’s the times we’re slowly drifting away from.

Hell yeah! Maybe I’ll pop that pack too then.

Here’s what I got so far on my setup.

The 10x10 intake is going to go in the front of the tent:

Right here:

And then the 4x5 and 10x10’s inline fans will exhaust out this window:

Here’s what I got fans wise:

A vornado 120v fan, and two ??v fans, lot less powerful.

And then two otherfans for the 4x5

What do you think? I also apologize if it takes me 8 years and a half to reply. I have the attention span of a carrot, and have been quite busy as of late.



Nice one ^^ I took an insurance in the case they want to stole me a kidney, we have a contract with my guest lol

Thx buddy.

Thx buddy, the whole round was piloted to handle a complicated planning but i will try to keep this density this year. I like it. I will fill holes with some AK47 x Shishka the next round, just for observation in normal conditions (10pack).

And the AK are the one that stress me the most, the new millesime/versions is so fast now. And so Bubblegum too ^^ Everything else is where it’s supposed to be, even the specific serrations and the leaves shape.

The window to inbred them is tight now. Previously i like to think about a bad batch, all males hermed but the two remaining females were über clean after various extra tortures. And very rushy to flower then. I stay very careful this round and i don’t search to trigger them really, they were only softly “forced” at seedling stage (in regard of everything else).

I recognize the plants but the drift is disturbing i must say. I plan it to spice up a 3way-pounder with it, so potency will be the first priority. Not the fancy terps. If i want a Bubblegum, it’s not complicated : an half dozen releases exist among various labels.

My concern is that the two females obtained in the previous batch are one third less potent that they were supposed to be, my cares will be totally turned on this point. I think i’m good to go far with this one to get back the torque. On herms not a big deal in their type to wash them i think, i suspect the use of a S1 at one point to replace a lost pollen donor. I think a couple of generation before the release, by BX. Some traces don’t lie, and Simon is dodging the questions like a eel ^^

Anyway i will post an exhaustive feedback of all commercial releases that pass here, like i’ve done for the Big Bud.

On your theory, it’s actually growing ^^ Shoes tried a NL5 x C91 (synthetized reduction) in two lines, female’s pollen, but still interesting to map considering our discussion. Can’t wait the flowers, the NL totally dominated the hybrid for now.

The real game start gently next round with the direct S1 (VA one) and a skunky line i’ve not chosen yet, to outcross directly. I don’t want to reduce the spanlife of the inbred line in operating a BX, so i will choose another way to stack the C91. To be continued …

I swear it’s not as expensive than it look. An airsock of around 3 meters is around 30 bucks and can last virtually for ever in taking care. Way more cheap that an HEPA, that ask insane torque of RVK and to change often the expensive filters (like with stock cars, but more pricey).

The block you see is just a RVK box like i’ve build it for my 4x4 here, with a register inside to split the flow.

The grand total of what you’re seeing in this photo (totally overkill for your space), is less than 1K$ if you built it yourself. And last forever.

Same with the Spain Gold Rush for me ~16 years ago. Exactly. The conditions were hardcore, i lost my soul a bit in the industrial constraints … but god, it was particle accelerator in term of experience. The access to an insane nursery too. And my early retirement ^^

The feedback still ambivalent today, i feel today the karmic obligation to repair the damages i’ve done on a global scale. Not with my seeds or my genetics, more deeply. The story of the fisherman VS the fishing rod.

But if it was to do again i will not hesitate one second … keep the vibes high and the focus. It always pay at the end in this industry.

I started in a country where they made the laws on demand, just at your face. Your neighbor can smuggle 3 thousands of kilogrammers of imported hash and take nothing. Not even a preventive. And you can go in jail for ten years for seeds, just because the density you need. And this, without selling directly anything. Writing about cannabis is also a felony, just writing about it and there is a 70’s law about it.

Call it a fate, i call it a fucking blessing. It educate you to grow safely everywhere on earth ^^ Breeding is illegal almost everywhere on the planet for now, and it’s stupid. Even in the most laid back US countries. I hope some smart botanists will teach to law makers what is breeding, and how it can be simply regulated and maded legal : simply on the model of Oregon, but adapted to pure breeding units dedicated to produce genetics (not seeds to sell, not clones to sell, not weed to sell, not concentrates to sell).

Big companies (mostly canadians) discovered on the late that the shares on the financial market and pricey scientific profiles are unable to compete our little underground labs. After billions burned (and maded, let’s be honest), they are unable to generate something decent and still pump the “tramp’s weed” to survive.

I’ve personally the finger on the trigger, ready to fly away again from here with my two F1 and my favorite motherplant. She will beat me to death if she was reading this lol

Only remember the most unsafe place you ever grow, make it a golden law and a model to grow everywhere. I saw a dozen of “little hands” fall in don’t respecting this in Spain, supposed to be laid back and full of grey area in the mind of stoners. At a certain number of plants, none place is safe. Whatever you do with it.

Thx for the photos, I’ve the full context now. And i’m jealous ^^
God so much fans, let me draw quickly some things to explain you some principle of airflow and thermodynamic. The fishing rod again lol


First imagine a virtual context of an enclosed tent without any air exchange. Even if it feel like the jungle when you unzip the tent, there is a lot of movement that no matter what, can be structured in three layers. It even work for an hangar. No joke.

Everything revolve around the convection : hot air is lighter and full of co², it go up, fresh air is dense and full of O², it go down. And they constantly exchange by convection.

But there is two big sources of “vapor” with indoor growing : the watering of the medium and the plants themselves. Cannabis increase (a lot) the convection with the enriched production of its transpiration (co2/o2 cycles).

So you have to deal with these three passive layers constantly, no matter the tech, no matter the space and no matter the style of grow.


Now you have to had the inherent convection of the light sources, i took the example of a led panel for you and a couple of friends that will read this when they will got their email ^^ But it’s working with all kind of lights, the heating source matter more than the tech.

It’s why also i suggest the deportation of ballasts and drivers outside the grow space, with any tech when it’s possible. Turbulences, vapor poach and looping back convection are the enemy of cannabis, and the ally of all its predators.

Vapor poachs are vicious. They are hot, so in high layers quickly, but too dense (because of the water) to be the first sucked by the RVK. And they can stay very long turning around in surfing on the turbulences, and get back to the plants supercharged with bad stuff inside, and at least with a saturated air that is poor in everything. It’s like a flying swamp.


And it’s what happens with your fresh/good air while he get temps progressively. Its speed is fastest than the dense saturated air, even more cold. It dodge the dense poachs and never really help to renew them and to break their turbulences (surrounding the heat sources, but not only if you have a fan blowing on it).

Placing a fuck ton of fans make these three layers more homogeneous in term of content, but can also be counter productive if the whole air exchange is biased by a limiting factor (generally negative pressure + the static pressure of the room where the tent is).

And fans … only create turbulences ^^ That’s their purpose. You feel fresher when you have a fan on your face only because it make you sweat a lot more, the extra transpiration cool you. It’s the same with the cannabis, at the different that they are plants. And that they “transpirate directly their blood” and that they have no lungs to oxygenate it. They kind of breath only two time a day, one time at day and one time at night. Just like us, co2/o2 but in a diffuse way. And that they are kind of self-sustainable, the co2 produced the night if it stay around … is “eated” the day in stimulating them. As is the o2, cannabis “eat” it too during the other cycle.

And it’s why i say dense canopies are self regulated microclimate when the air exchange of the space is on the sweet spot. And very much more efficient than an addition of a fan.

People often think that all saturated airs are bad and carry mildew, fungus and others bad stuff. I explained in up what is really their home, in dodging the herm’s problematic and their grains of pollen (the plague of this fucked era).

It’s not an ode for my hate of fans, but to expose the real problematic to add fans. Sometimes they are necessary. There is a simple way to do it right : it’s thinking fully directional. Just like the rare US dispensaries actually advised by people understanding the function of this plant and its constraints in dense setups ^^

The worse, and the most popular behavior i see in grow spaces. And it’s not about money, i saw top notch labs like it too full of problems (pest and disease).


That’s the right use of fans in a grow space : fully directional to the negative pressure bubble generated by the active outake. Now make the effort to remember the 3 layers draw, the problematic of dangerous vapor poach and natural convection … got it ? ^^

CMH/HPS/MH were easier, because their radiance dry the air a lot. But the same constraints apply to these lights, it’s just more permissive that with “no radiant” lights.

I hope it inspired you.

Don’t give a fuck, it’s the nonsense spot here and now i understand the practicality of “the call” in OG lol

Each update i send a dozen of emails to various profiles that want to see how i’m having fun perfsonnally. Ancient partners, flower’s friends and a couple of big names that can surprise some ^^ They don’t have my bunch of free time to even be on any social network. And sometimes i’ve to answer a question on something i shown 6 months ago.

You’re in a safe zone here lol, es la posada española con tapas.


@Fuel Bubblegum AK47, never ever got a Bubblegum pheno in all years I’ve grow AK47, it’s always been “brown” terps, leather, earth, wood, mushrooms etc… I hope you really get something out of it though, AK47 really deserves to be preserved :pray:t2:

Some 91 phenos should pop in the F2s, some 91 traits always get dominated.

Looking forward to it!

Pz :v:t2:

1 Like

It’s alive, pumping food and light. I’m happy to have a specimen from a mutation i never met before.
With all the freaks i met in bonus of the ones i’ve generated with various tools, kind of ultra-rare case to map.

Same here, over 700 direct commercial-release seeds germinated in 20 years. I laughed hard at the “Codex” when i saw the BBgm theory. I laugh less now.

For me this discover is insured to be a 2023 millesime fact, seeds directly sent from the buds and from the mothership. No intermediate can be incriminated in anyway.

(the pheno in question fully expressed and mature)

I’ve grown the Indi cut (and made a shit ton of fems from it), the SS release, the THS release, the Sagar release.

In term of shape and structure, 0% BBgm on this pheno … but the buds : from the scents, to the taste, to the texture and even the resin profile. I don’t believe one second in a variation, it’s too accurately close even on the profile of the euphoric high.

For the terps on the AK i known, i’m calling it “90’s weed” :

  • 70% of the smoke : 50% phenolic / 50% terpenic musk
  • 15% of the smoke : a touch of chlorophyll chewing gum
  • 15% of the smoke : a touch of mint.

Like the Sensi star produced (with its own balance), like the Shiva Skunk produced (more phenolic), like the Shiva Shanti II produce (in culling all sweet phenos).

The profile you’re describing make me think more on how i’m selecting the Jack Herer for max potency ^^
Now look, brits call the Cheese cut … after cheese. And it taste and smell exactly at 100% a rotten tyme (and 0% any lactic scent lol). Put the two herbs dried aside, you’re unable to make the difference blindly.

I’m really lucky on this second batch, but Serious uniformity and stability is gone i’ve to say. At a light year from 90’s - early 2000’s. Preserved, not. Not even maintained in this state.

1st priority : washing the deleterious side effects of the shortcut used to still producing the line today. I’m thankfully as fuck to Simon for this, and to distribute this line over decades is a global constraint i’m able to judge positively on the whole equation, with a ton of respect.

But shortcuts are shortcuts, i don’t grow burgers. I adopt lines for decades. The high pollution of males is a matter of fact and i’m very angry about it. If it was the strategy of Alan i will not mind one second, but Simon … tolerance zero for this philosophical weakness. He perfectly known the price at long term.

2nd priority : one of the deleterious side effect is the potency lowered by a third, and lipid retention decreased as fuck. Binge rolling an AK47 ? “Seriously” ^^ ? Not in my dimension.

3th priority : stabilizing … a Serious release. Just writing it produce pain. Another side effect.

In any angle i take it, i can’t say that this line will be preserved in all honesty. Too much work to do, so it will get printed quite highly by my “signature”, it’s sure. Let’s say i will try my best to make an “accurate nostalgia version” with it, and for sure the flowering time will increase. The 2023 is way too fast to handle the potency maturation she’s supposed to serve.

Not in these two fem releases, i’m literally growing the NL#5 cut from seeds. And it’s not a caricature at all.
I’ve talked a bit with Shoes and i don’t think he realize the real value of the Ether considering these results ^^ It was the pollen donor in both cross (one using directly the VA and the other a hybrid of it).

Not let replace the church in the center of the village, on 30 seeds/specimens less than a third passed my screening and are actually growing. It’s a total dominance that concern only a recessive subgroup.

Can’t wait the buds, even if it’s a risky game with only the chem#4 and the SD as reference. It will be a matter of very light nuances, if the C91 was kicking in these fems (even underground)… they will be already smelling like hell and to cover the whole tent in odors. For now the Big Bud S1 and the COB are doing it, mix of sugar cane and orange peel with a hint of musk (of AKs) when i open the tent.

The C91 S1 start to terrify me, i’ve to plan the round like a fucking engineer. I will start directly to outcross it and i still don’t fucking know if i do it with the Shiva Shanti II or the Skunk #1. The SSII was initially planned to make a “kind of C99” to spice up but considering what i have under the eyes with the NL#5 hybrid, i moved the slot. The advantage of the SSII is its easy recessivity in most outcrosses, but being smart enough with the SK1 selection can lead to some sort of catalyst too. The risk delta is strictly the same with the two, very hard to figure out.


Wooo, exciting! We’ll see if Giger will have his own line.


It’s an usual stoner’s bias and trap to value the irrational exception, but i secretly wish it ^^
A line that produce only alien’s pod as seeds lol Bad for the germination rate and the skills needed to grow some from seeds, but so cool as fuck ^^

Now more down to earth, it’s a pure cyto’s disorder on apical shoots during mitosis. Traces of the dissection don’t lie on this. The real dream will be to have something able to produce triploids naturally, but we are on the dream side of the force more than in rational theory again ^^

J-11, I got the date. They will pump again a bunch of vials of my sap damned hell. I think it’s psychological but i’m very stressed by my pollen box lol I’ve to mod it asap to increase light density, enough calculations let’s build now.


Hehe we’ll see where it goes. Who knows?

I didn’t think about triploid. Now that you explain it this way (cyto) it makes sense.

Alien pod seeds isn’t the best trait for retail shipping though :laughing:

At least you know the D day now. Just have to relax and enjoy the overgrowing tent in the meantime (despite the meetings). In a few month you’ll be so much better!


It takes me a while to really read through this sort of content, I enjoy it greatly but not always snappy on the replies.

Interesting learning about THCV as a potentiator. And the encouraging of it’s equalization with lower N levels, the vibrant green and maybe boost of fulvic.

Gardez ce botox si cela encourage la fuite des secrets :rofl:

It’s off topic (topic being the heritage of AK47) but what release would you choose if you wanted Bubblegum?

This whole discussion and sketches added some clarity that was lost before.

Welcome alien Giger (assume this derived from the artist name).

Sensi already has ideal packaging for this with their cardboard-backed plastic half shell :rofl:
