Live & Reloaded

Hy buddy, i sleep like shit these last times so it’s a “wake & OG” with the coffee ^^

Let me catch the opportunity to show the trick that happens before the methodology. It’s just rationalism and pragmatism.

The bubblegum for me is two things :

  • the singular terps : for one time it’s litteral from my pov, really the bubblegum balls of cheap distributors
  • the euphoric high : feeling like drunk, to the fucked sense of balance

These two points singularize this strain more than anything else, remove it and keep the shape/bud structure, and it’s no longer a BBgm.

Constraint #1 : I inbred or i hybridize then inbred, everything that enter here. And i try to keep it fresh at its maximum potential : genpool management. So it’s a choice at long term that imply rounds that i have to integrate in the cycles of my own genpool. The more i add IBLs, the more it’s long between two rounds (of whatever line).

In my seasonal cycle, i separate what i do in two flows : the evolution of the genetic material (all IBLs) and the prototypes (Big Bud S1 being one, to map what are destroying the herms naturallyin this line, the AK47 x Shishka being one too because i think that smartly piloted it can give me back a plant like the Sweet Tooth #3).

So i have to be pragmatic, my first priority for now is to build two lines to present in cups and the BBgm is not a chunk of it. My choice will be then turned totally in my own comfort zone : the lines i know the most.

I will say : Serious Seeds release + Sagarmatha release, launched and screened at the same time then reunited directly. Then eventually hunting the indiana cut (still around in EU) to re-inject by touch when the inbred hybrid is calm enough.

Constraint #2 : It’s initially a stupid and cool bet, but after soon one year (hehe ^^) without veg space, i’m not sure to come back to a breeding with a nursery. Dream-destroyer-moment : It’s something i advise at 0% to the last profile i’m in charge, it require to only work on your comfort zones and to have quite a large momentum in all classics.

So, if i enter the cut i have to enter it at the right moment because it will be a single use. For the reason 4.

Constraint #3 : I fear no one in potency manipulation and accuracy, i can turn the BBgm in a caricature of what it is initially. But on terps, i’m naturally bad. Beside the entourage effects and pure methodological choices, i lost my shit and sacrify the value of the genetic i’m working. So i don’t and i act like a pirate with some tricks and cheats.

The use of the indiana cut is one if i consider this virtual project, at one point of development i know by advance that the singular taste will take wound. Most of the time in my hands it mutate in something equally strong but totally different that the source. It’s not superstitious, it’s my signature and the mechanical effect of the philosophy of selection that i’m applying.

Constraint #4 : With strains i’m pretty much conservative and evolutionist at a time. Sound ambivalent but it have a strict backbone who made me bankable in another life : there is no reason to work a popular strain if it’s not to break his teeths to make an ultimate version of it.

Let’s take the Cookie’s trend as example. I personally don’t see any point to cross my whole genpool with GSC (exactly the Thin Mint cut) to surf a wave. Retailing is a pain in the ass i always hated, and cost a ton in marketing to be sustainable. And if you don’t make fems by kilogrammers to feed the next gen ogres, the professionnal are onlty interested by genetic they can buy and that they can privatize (for obvious reasons).

Without entering more in details, i don’t see any point to enter the BBgm in my pool if it’s not to create an Ultimate Bubblegum to take the leadership of this line in the market.

It’s when it enter in contradiction with my actual constraints : for this kind of project, the best to do is to just get all Bubblegum stabilized lines existing and to map them all in R&D. Then to plan a reunion with the help of the indiana cut.

So the right answer after this demonstrative digression is : none :smile:
I hope i injected some backward in all kind of minds that will read this ^^

I firmly advise to any fan the visit of the Swiss pub, an obligation for any Giger pilgrim. Spoiler : drinks are bad, choose the French or the white Swiss wines they offer.

Lmao this one was quite good ^^


Giger #1 officially survived, first leaves set active and starting to make sugars with the light. I was expecting more early deformation considering the fucked seeds.

Still a double opportunity after all, in term of planning i can cross it back to an AK batch#2 male to see if the shiska fight back or resist in BX1.

And if these weird apical seeds pass on females.


I guess you’re in a break right now, which would partly explain that. My sleep is always more agitated for a couple weeks when I’m out of consuming.

Interesting answer on the BB, not sure it’s the one @FieldEffect expected though. But there are good advices.

Just to clarify, is it because you’re segregating for effect/potency, which can harm the selection on the flavor?

And expensive i bet!

Yeah this one made my day :smiley:

Yup that’s the big question.

Have a good sunday in the tent!


That’s fantastic info about your process, with bubblegum as the subject. The question was more aimed deriving which breeders to you trust most to preserve this or any line. The answer doesn’t surprise me (Serious for sure, Sagamartha I’m not familiar with).

100%. I grew Bubblegum last summer outside, for those two reasons. I like the effect and the terps are crazy. It’s great party weed, since I don’t particularly like people in general and don’t drink anymore. It makes me feel more comfortable socializing :rofl:

This is Indiana Bubblegum – Fleur du Mal Seeds , a BX2 combination of 1998 Serious Bubblegum and the Indiana cut. Essentially the recipe you would apply, minus the Sagamartha release.

I think this is a good trait in a field of the opposite, flavor-of-the-week types.

I quite appreciate the step-by-step, I’ll apply this methodolgy to my Ortega/MLI project.

I’m eager to see…


Synthesized as fuck, i breed for plants not genetically limited and that don’t limit the spanlife of the inbred lines i make. It include a very important point for me : the long lasting stone/high, as an economical valor. Just to don’t see the harvest evaporated in a blink ^^

This potency leverage that i apply, coupled with more horticultural points that i want that all my plant reach, create an adverse battleground to master what can generate specific organoleptic profiles. It mean in my mouth the real power to tailor the taste of a smoke. So i cheat, in acting more like a barman doing a cocktail. It’s never a true creation i mean.

It have a structured explanation, the whole cascading pressure affect the entourage effect of THC. Now when we start to breed, it’s generally not to generate Toyota Prius in chain. But more to find the Bugattis. At some point of caricatural performances, it generate more compromises than it generate side-beneficial-effects.

It don’t concern efforts of preservation where a typical taste is to maintain (with its linked traits), but really the power to create a profile stone by stone. It’s always kind of random for me ^^

I’m glad you appreciated this dodge of the question. So i can now really answer : i trust in millesimes and not breeders/labels. It’s extended to something hard to understand for the next gen growers : i can love one unique line in a catalog, in hating all others and in hating the breeder ^^ Plants are my first priority, and i don’t pay really attention to everything else. It’s a flaw, multiples times there is discussions on the sociologic layers that ended in better breeding plans. But i prefer to count on people spending time for me on it, with their grid of reading over doing it badly myself (because i really don’t care and that i can’t enforce it).

Another example, if someone sell an IBL of a 1997 source i just don’t give a fuck. If the seeds are fresh, they are a 2024 millesime for me. I’m very not affected by this kind of marketing.

Also some years are better than others for each production unit. It can be a fight against pest/disease, it can be mood, it can be a soul bored … as the reverse is true too. The care applied to the production of the seeds matter also, it impact the output. And even under industrial constraints, it stay a plant. With high and lows in the journey ^^

Beside the respect i have for Beaudelaire and its historic implication in OG, I’m totally neutral with FDM. It’s not a reserve of any sort, i just don’t know his plants so they are not in my comfort zones. In term of breeding he have my respect to resist to fem production and to stay hooked by traditional breeding practices. It’s important to my eyes.

Best definition of the Bubblegum high/stone profile. It make you even socializing with animals, trees and rocks ^^

Beautiful bush, but i’m not able to comment on the genetic with this artificial shape. Your pruning skills look like to be on point by the way. Not greedy sugar canes.

Don’t be lured, most of these flavors are very not new and just old classics recycled. Like the runtz or the skittlez by example, they can tell me any legend they want it just taste like a SPG lol

For me it’s more “the soup of the month” in this era : passing everything popular in the blender. The “GsC x Chem x OGK” style ^^ I’m against this, singularity is important for me.

I’m finally able to make an update tonight, individual shots on most developed/interesting specimens are planned. I will try to make stats on seeds launched too, i’m curious to know the rate of culled specimens at this step.

See you around ;o)


The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


Nice week, I got more time to work on plants. The whole selection of the round is almost closed, i got today early expressions in the AKs i was searching for. And Jah blessed me with an identical brother & sister.

I found the Big Bud a bit greasy, the soil is more supercharged that i expected. So they only get an half dose of PK during this week. Next week they stay on PK partial diet.

The pollen tent is quite packed. Two males of cob, two males of calindi and two males of AK. I keep an alternative of each selected in case of bad surprise.

The change is that i quickly installed in hurry a LED panel lol Let’s see how it turn but 40 bucks, 4 easy rollers and it was done in 15 minutes. Instead building an array of domestic CFL during two days, CFLs that are to find now around in bonus.

For now, they like it.

Some shots for the posterity of the phenos now …

The #20, quite motavated.

The #4, quite promising in yield dpt.

The #1, catching the light like a black hole. Very much NL1ish.

The #5, my little favorite even in bud shape. She smell strictly nothing, she don’t even smell like a plant. Just nothing, quite amazing and not expected from the female she come from the #18 pheno.

The #11, ridiculously NL1ish.

I totally forgot the number of this one and i forgot to take a shot of the plant tag lol But quite cool variation, the cold wave triggered it.

The fems of Shoes.

The only phenos i like, totally NL5ish as fuck. The clone in seeds, just crazy.

COB on right, Calindi on left. Both are cheap releases, but one time you deal with the bad seeds … it’s quite decent.

I will finally inbred the two individually. The COB to reinforce the orange peel scents the most i can, the Calindi to make it more vigorous et dominating.

Some stats of this round just for the pleasure …

Sensi Big Bud F2 S1
30 seeds
6 females specimens not culled : 20%

Headie Garden Ether x C91 fem F1 and Ether x PBC fem F1
25 seeds
7 females specimens not culled : 28%

Sensi Calindi F1
10 seeds (embryos extraction)
2 males not culled + 2 females not culled : 40%
2 specimens selected : 20%

White Label California Orange Bud
10 seeds (embryo extraction)
3 males not culled + 7 females not culled : 100%
2 specimens selected : 20%

Serious AK47
11 seeds
2 males not culled + 7 undeclared not culled + 2 females declared not culled : 100%
2 specimens selected : 18%

Grand total ^^
86 seeds launched / 4x4
Acceptable plants to grow : 44%
Acceptable plants to reproduce : ~7%

Can’t wait to work on my stuff more, to make these numbers more ridiculous ^^ Still, the sweet spot look like between 75 and 100 seeds per 4x4 unit without compromise on accuracy.

Fully dedicated and punchy, i take me between 1.5 minutes and 2.3 minutes per plant : maintenance, feeding, notations, photos included. I’ve not aged this badly, finally ^^

Make seeds, stay focus and don’t give a fuck. Just rush and last.


How dystopic, I’m unsure why the government always attacks the literature. Knowledge truly is power. I’m glad you got to go buck wild in Spain though. I’ve never been, but a woman who stole a piece of my heart moved there. May have to visit one day.

Thank you! I’m glad someone’s beginning to notice!

It did, thank you brotha. The drawings helped everything click, since I wasn’t understanding very well beforehand.

I’ll make modifications to the 10x10, and leave only 1 fan in the 4x4, orienting it so it pushes air to the outake as you’ve demonstrated.

I battled with mold during one of last year’s harvests and have been paranoid since. I plan to get a bigger dehumidifier as well, just to make sure I can control the environment as best as possible. Is there a general rule of thumb for how much air should be getting expelled from the inline fan? I typically leave them on at half strength, and increase them manually if something like too high of humidity occurs. How do you know the air exchange is in the sweet spot?

She looks good, that cotelydon on the right looks a bit fat, but that’s just more starter nutes![quote=“Fuel, post:146, topic:106344”]
Still, the sweet spot look like between 75 and 100 seeds per 4x4 unit without compromise on accuracy.

Jesus mio, that’s quite the amount. I want to attempt 50 plants in 1 gals in the 10x10. We’ll see how that goes.

Everyone seems nice and happy. Also, great internodal length all around.

Cheers dude.


The most ridiculous aspect of this, is the stats of the country (FR). We are EU champions in term of hash transit (way over the Dutchs ^^) and in psychotropes chem prescriptions (big pharma is crazy powerful here). More cynical it’s impossible lol

Spain also isn’t an eldorado, it’s quite laid back for customers but for the grow i saw a bunch (~dozen) of little hands falling during my journey. Most were stupid, it’s a point : big sports cars, selling everything at a time, prostitutes, nasty stuff … but when they hit, they hit hard. It’s not the breeder’s paradise it’s supposed to be, on site.

Anyway, the truth is that nowhere is secure past a certain number of plants. Even licensed, if you have to do some breeding and to have unjustified specimens (because most of them will be culled), there is no real grey area to play with. Even in cheating with “hemp”. I hope something will be take in count somewhere, sometime about it.

I’m glad it helped.

1st and best solution … what a surprise : breeding ^^

The Big Bud you see here is a mildiew whore, and i’m surrounded by agronomic activity attracting it (wineyard all around). All specimens showing suspicious microscopic white stain are directly culled ^^

In hybridism, west africa landraces and asians in general are known to be RH beast that fear nothing, even cold high RH in mountains in high altitude.

2nd solution, and it’s a bit a rule of thumb here since a while : doing your best to have the lowest RH you can.

American growers look like to be particularly afraid of it and swear by VPD and all but on the botanic side it don’t have much sense actually. Cannabis just grow fine between 30% and 50%. That’s the range i try to keep stable (with 68F/69F). There is high and low, but a system than can keep it most of the time stable is helping a lot in term of pest and disease.

Strict hygiena too and weekly big maintenance (washing walls of tents, floor , roof with caustic stuff ^^). None dead materials around, storing dried soil only etc …

Dehumidifier are tricky to manage and not necessary worth the cost. Generally treating the air of the space where is the tent is more effective and cheaper. It’s a matter of flow again. If your tent have a good flow rate, i will rather use all these fans outside the tent to “sanitize” the space and keep it dry. Now in a basement it’s not easy, you have to clean and empty totally the space and check every corners.

A good trick is the epoxy resin for garage floor. It insulate the space in bonus and make the space a nightmare for insects and spores. It’s cheap, quickly made and don’t need much time to dry. A good 2mm-3mm thickness is enough to change your life as indoor farmer in basement, i swear.

Now, i need stats to really give an advice. Total surface (floor) of the space (not the tent) and it’s average RH after one week daily check : middle of the day (12AM) and middle of the night (12PM). Considering the season of course. Also if your walls are in stone, plaster etc … not something to describe publicly if you see what i mean ^^

Better to start progressive anyway. In this new setup of the space, i started by a single 10pack before pushing a bit the density, progressively. Then reforming my airflow totally. I think your starting point is wise.

Specially with cannabis. Blasting air flow on the plants don’t have much sense, both for the comfort of the plants but also for the grade of the weed. You don’t have to wash your plants like in outdoor to remove dust and all kind of shit carried by the winds … why recreating this pain in the ass ? ^^

Needless to say that venting plants just increase the water content in critical spots by excessive transpiration too. But you know my hate for fans and the efforts i’m able to do to get rid of them, a smart middle way can be found.

Don’t forget that the goodness we hunt can be sticky like glue too

Absolutely, but it concern mostly the level of negative pressure then the speed of the airflow. Like you’re in at high speed on a motorbike if you want : you got plenty of air at high speed, but it’s hard to breath without the right helmet or cover on the nose/mouth. Same principle.

You have to calculate the MPAC : the Minute Per Air Change rate.
5 being the sweet spot, whatever the volume you move.

Take care it’s tricky to calculate : temps are important and barometric stats of your location, a good practice is to calculate an average for each of the four season if you’re a bit obsessional ^^

Quick demonstration in the 4th media of this post :

It’s a stupid suggestion, just for the demonstration in term of thermodynamic, but in considering this :

A single fan of this type on the roof of the tent will give you more than this strategy. It’s not better than a fully piloted airflow (like i drawn) but have the same purpose than described.


That’s why I just learned to forget how to count! Yo no se!

I moved to a newly legal state and went to apply for a hemp license, like some members here have done. I got declined before I even submitted the application. Maybe my approach was wrong, but I sent them a lab result of a cultivar that I was working towards reducing the THC content and asked if I could go for a hemp breeding license. Anyway, I can’t believe some places are still that uptight about hemp. They told me I could pay the $5,000 for the recreational license though. How convenient!

Oh no, no, no. None of that for me, thanks! I’m just a simple preservationist. Pheno-hunting here and there. I leave that to the professionals! I’m over here struggling just to figure out how the air works… You know my motto; when in doubt, bring more fans out!

Oh, that must be so miserable! I can only imagine!

That’s awesome to hear. The only other type of information like this I’ve heard is that Thais are notorious for re-introducing the “no high ceiling” into cultivars. I’m not too sure how true that one is, as I’ve never grown a Thai.

Last harvest, I ended up lowering RH down to 50 and everyone finished just great. Zero mold issues whatsoever. The issue with the harvest that molded was that I had to leave for 3 days to attend a Colombian court case (Succession dispute), and the plants were left with no dehumidifier in the middle of the summer in San Diego. Those plants were dense enough too where I should have done the reduction of the RH to 50% on week 4. Anyway, I came back to a super humid tent, full of mold spores.

I was actually into mycelium prior to getting into growing cannabis, and so the sanitation aspect has carried over quite a lot. Now that I have a basement, I plan to fully separate my dog from the plants by not letting her down there. She can bring a lot of pests in from our walks outdoors. No thanks!

I’ve had a good experience so far with a little $300 I got from Home Depot, but we’ll see how it does in the basement now lol. Might need an upgrade. But regardless, I have to control the humidity down there; plants or no plants.

Big brother already knows this, and much more about me, I bet! I fear that the days of privacy are long gone, mi amigo. But I’ll throw in a Govee sensor down there this week and get some readings, and send em’ your way.

We’ll see, I’m back on forth on the idea. I want to perfect the 12 plants in 7 gals before moving on to a different technique. But at the same time, there is so much I want to look through! Haha! 12 plants every 6 or 7 months is so limiting!

Word, I’ll give them a look again, but now with the purpose of improving my setup.

Dude, that thing is SWEET. I don’t think that’s an option, though. I’m not sure where it would bolt into.

What about this hoosker?


I can already hear her barking at the basement door out of jealousy for the plants :smiley:


D-2, i’m like a fucking time bomb ready to explode it’s very annoying. Nerves are under high voltage and i just can’t control it. Frustrating.

I lost a first soldier four days ago on the AKs. The previous batch was inferior than this one, but the occurrence of males showing pistils is too high. I know now the exact shortcut used to keep the line going but i don’t judge it too hard. It was smartly done, the females are quite resistant. Torch is passed, my turn to deal with this now ^^

Same boat, no matter the surface ^^

Even Texas distribute license for hemp ^^ But behind the scene, it’s always more complicated than it look and imply interests not writed black on white in the laws and contracts. The advance of America in so short time is amazing, but if you look closely with the help of a decent lawyer … you discover that it’s just a big grey area and not really a legalization, “production-wise”. Big respect anyway for your tries.

Quantitative breeding is not very hard to handle and is less prone to human errors than a fully selective work. Yeah i preach and recruiting fresh meat constantly lol

The worse is not the mildew, but the ultra resistant and hungry gnats they breeded this way. They can eat 5 liters of roots of a sturdy motherplant within a week. I’m nematodes emissary and lover now ^^

Let’s put another coin in the jukebox then ^^

Thai cultivars have a lot of “momentum” in term of appreciations, but it should be contextualized. It come mostly from a period of time when cannabis breeding wasn’t much advanced. The competitivity is mostly the timeline. You will listen a lot the “hit like LSD” also, from times when LSD was quite popular. Smoking a single and simple cigarette stimulated your receptors during a good week …

Asians are not my comfort zone, just tried some thaï and viet. But let’s share another “rumor breaking stuff” ^^

What is uncapping cannabis in term of torque is simply its dioecy, and its stability. Herms are like a virus for the line, polluting the female’s DNA with a majority of autosomal datas inherited from males. It hit the chemotype with a lot of traits untriggered, reducing the full potential mechanically.

About simple quantitative breeding again (^^), the simple fact to screen out and kill on sight herms is improving the global potency of the line to its full potential. Increasing this potential ask more complex procedures and testing to be totally frank.

Now the most uncapped landraces i’ve ever smoked are all africans.

It was exactly a destination i was hunting before changing my mind ^^ Somewhere between oceanside and sd, coast side. I double-swear then that hermetization of any concrete (it’s rh sponge) is critical in rh management. Epoxy is king at this game, i swear too lol Epoxy paints for the walls and roof, don’t give a fuck about tech paint supposed to be anti-mold. It vanish within a season, like the UV resistant bonus.

A lung room with UV cannons work very well too, but more expensive to set.

Best school ever. I’m able to grow sturdy and nice cakes, but i’m unable to fructify them it’s crazy. I’m a wood-lover, lover. My garden is far more skilled at it than me, i inoculated it quite everywhere ^^

Exactly my first run of 2023, almost 6 months with the first batch of Big Bud that don’t passed the herm screening but one lucky shot. It pushed me quite efficiently to muscle the game fast lol But it was necessary to don’t be blinded by the constraints to regulate. Be strong and collect datas as hell !!! ^^

It can work, and to help to break the saturated vapor bubbles that the drivers of the panels are generating. But it was more a demonstrative manner to show you the hot spots in term of thermodynamics initially.

But in fact, replacing directional fans with this kind of stuff can be very interesting in high RH environment, without the bad sides. Not only on roof, and less prone to create loops when close to the walls. Well engineered, i’m sure there is something to do in gluing big crystals of the stuff used in passive dehumidifiers on the blades. At the price of an increased noise ^^ Foolish concept again, but …

Just take care to choose this kind of fan with well twisted blades if you give it a try.

Barking at the moon to complain about the lack of dankness in her life ^^ Like me atm lol Can’t wait to get the shit done, the Big Bud herms are quite motivated to give me epic blunts.


Fsck! Well that’s the game I guess.

Ah that’s interesting! Never read it plainly written like that. So the presence of Y chromosome in herms is what cap the potency. Food for thoughts :thinking:

ahah yeah. Can’t imagine the week-end you’re having waiting for monday. And on a diet when that’s the kind of moment I’m sure you want that blunt so much. Still a few days amigo, and you’ll be all set!


Just can’t wait to be knocked and cutted in pieces lol Waiting was the harder part psychologically.

Vulgarized yes, and it’s how just in farming we have increased the potency at the level we know today from feral or industrial stuff.

In depth, it’s not the presence of the Y that is the responsible. But the sensibility of the locis (a chunk of the DNA related to a trait) used to build the entire chemotype hormonally, when sexual maturity is kicking.

Useful locis are those that are “automatically” triggered with the sex expression : dense and resistant grains of pollen, females flowers highly protected with high levels of THC and its entourage etc … to the efficiency of the roots feeding the whole dank engine.

Most of locis of herms are just very sensibles to everything, the majority of them (in herms) are autosomal. Not linked with sex expression even if it’s related to the reproductive traits. For the plant and its utilization of its own DNA, it blur the game in term of priorities. It balance mechanically the potential between the female and the male attributes of the plants. And males are not made to be potent on floral parts, but very fertiles.

Another important point to take in count is that in cannabis only the male contain the full sequence of the genotype, both for females and males of the progeny. The females only contain the female side, and it’s how feminized seeds are possible. So even if the female is an XY, it don’t necessary mean that it will express in an herm. That’s the role and purpose of mapping locis empirically by epigenetics leverage.

The best herms, most of luckiest elite cuts, are plants with the majority of loci actives for the sexual expression. A bug in the matrix if you want, when the chaos work for you. But only directly, making these phenotype quite difficult to stabilize and near impossible to improve from the reference. Just because mapping them is almost useless, until you fixed/forced the locis to be again mostly not autosomal and related with a specific production of flowers.

More on this subject during the spring 2024, i will work the ass of the Chem91 VA S1. And to deal with the nightmare it will generate in term of breeding and destructive herms ^^


Yeah, that makes sense, specially when thinking about it with the hormones at play. I think that was something that was just at the edge of my mind, like had some intuition, just at the other side of the horizon. Now that I’ve read it in plain words it’s soooo obvious :slight_smile:

Ah so that expensive pack you teased about is chem91. Nice! Where did you get it? CSI?

Funny, I went the chem D road myself this week and I’m getting a pack of “contra D” from verdant green. Wanted to try this chems. Different beast, but more decent prices :smiley:


This C91S1 is from Shoes/Headie Garden. It took me a year to find the right person for this. And it was not even Skunk VA himself, how silly it is afterward. Breeding is also a matter of persons and right pairing too ^^

Both are close and work in a smart philosophy, something we forgot too much to maintain in EU. I’ve the insurance they have been made with the right cut, that’s what matter for me and my quest.

I got fems to test exhaustively and to map on the fly aside, fair trade and smartly choosed to help me to figure out what is the C91 capital. Can’t tell much about the whole equation, but yeah there is some pressure around these seeds ^^ Each one count.

On Chem my experience is limited to chem#4 (shoes have a passion for this one), with a couple of outcrosses behind (all fems). Not my poison.

But the SD is ^^ I want to just try to reverse engineer this one, at least to understand from where come this amazing organoleptic profile, and how it’s generated. It’s totally on the credit of LonelyOC, who pushed me to think outside the box with this cut.

It will happens just after the grand return of my favorite tall divas, the dutched hazes triumvirat ^^


aha had the impression from your previous posts that was your goal. :slight_smile: Looks like you made a good deal.

Wanted to try some chem too, but 91 is hard to source, let alone at a decent price. Chem D was my second from what I read and it’s actually reading @LonelyOC thread that I made the cut for VG’s contraD.


He’s a true weednerd, the quantity of podcast and readings he can gulp when he’s at something just amaze me. I’m glad to have used his grid of reading on the SD, i’ve not the patience and the profile to do his crazy work of documentation.

Can’t promise to fix the C91 in dedicated line with males, I need the cut for this and it’s too much a pain in the ass to hunt a decent one. And as far as i can see with fems and with a NL#5 known to be quite recessive globally, it’s quite a dance to keep it afloat. Not a work for this little hobbyist lab i mean ^^ Can’t wait to be educated on the 91, i hope my feedback on this will help you.


You guys are too kind :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Well, that’s truly deserved. Learned good things reading your threads and your “hot” (or not so in fact) discussions together with fuel ahah. I hope I’ll taste your swazi dragon one day, that’s quite some work.


The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


The update before the tempest, plants were prepared today to LITFA-ing during 3 days. I hope only two ^^
Big Bud is rushing on floral side, just building for now. Promising stuff.

The screening still active to this day, i’ve culled 5 more specimens over all lines. COB will be ready soon to be pollinated, selection closed. The female aimed on Calindi is not enough developed to make seeds, i’ve to wait a dozen of days. The AKs do their AK-thing, it’s quite musky for now.

I like this calindi female.

A NL#5 pheno of the ether x C91 that is quite an attention whore suddenly.

But two COB are fighting for the light domination aside.

The BB with its palm leaves stay reliable in bud department. The sugar cane scents are kicking in a quite homogeneous manner, surprising. I culled the NL1 pheno, nonsense to flower it more due to its lack of vigor and very short height. Under one feet.

The guest star start to dig and get more photosynthesis surface, can’t wait to see how it look. First leaves are unusual for an AK, quite oblong.

Normally the grow log will not much have a lag, so i can keep a track decently ^^
See you soon enough !