Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I’ve been told roughly 8 weeks. I think @Habitt just took his 10 weeks or so. My little trooper will probably get 9 weeks pretty much on the dot unless it screams to keep going. It very much grows like it would do really well outdoor. Deep color, fills out quickly, pest resistant, skunky smell for me so far. Do you have some seeds of it? I’d love to give it longer than 3 weeks veg time. Curious how it washes too! Either way, they’re tough, they’re easy to grow and seem to be putting dense flowers out :metal:t2: oh and trichomes all over. Not necessarily the frostiest thing ever but it’s putting sandy trichomes out on the almost all the fans no matter how large.


Sounds like a great little plant. I dont have any seeds of that plant but I have seen the name on several threads. Thanks for the information. :grin:


I’ve got 5 if you want to do a little trade, but I think I’ve heard there will be more seeds being made here shortly. It’s solid! Highly recommend. Maybe you could even nag @THCeed for some :purple_heart:


They’re chopped and loaded into the dry tent! Let’s hope all goes well from here :pray:t2:


Looks great brother happy harvest


@blowdout2269 @Going2fast scarlet grapes update as they’ve all finally found their way back to each other. It’s been weeks of being moved this way and that and the reunion is here. They seemed happy to see each other.
Everything pictured is a grape. P.s. the burns on the leaves are from water splashes and nothing more nefarious :face_with_monocle: added a neat shot of both phenos of the grapes in the same pot side by side. Fun to see.

Plus the crashers frame as she goes for round two :metal:t2:

Oh and check these roots! Kinda blew my mind… the watermelon zkittlez.


Lookin damn good there brotha! :smiley:

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Thank you to both of you! I’m blown away by the work you’ve done. Thanks again for allowing pretty much the whole world to grow these.


Very nice plants. Those roots are amazing. :grin:

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Whyyyy you gotta herm like that, Ginger grant? One down. Put another in flower. Going least to most liked and taking clones as they show.


Lotta drama these past few days. Almost forgot what it’s like to be in an online community. I don’t do social media so it’s been both annoying and juicy to watch what’s been going on. That aside… happy Thursday, OG.

Excuse the tag fest, but I’m starting some shtuff for the next round so the gang gets credit.
@syzygy @JAWS @ix3u @DEFSeeds @Budderton

2 ts x ssdd down
2 Koh gold down
2 jack the ripper down
2 legion og x sour og down
7 Kasper’s Koffee (that got rollerized but only one sank right away.)

While I’m here and tagging, jaws here’s your chem x cheese that just got moved around a bit. The green one in the one gallon was having weird issues in its original home so it’s been in that 1 gallon for 2-3 days now and seems to be just fine.

And @JohnnyPotseed here be the boggy blue pineapple skunk. They’ll get more light and love now that the veg tent is more open.

And here’s the next Ginger Grant going into flower. @OhNo555 gets the tag here because I got them from you, sir. Didn’t clean it up yet and hoping they don’t all share those nasty herm traits because I’d love to find a nice display of this cross.

And a nice wmbk shot. Thick growing plant.

Oh and @DEFSeeds @DannyTerpintine here are who popped up from the MMog x chocolate diesel(3 white tags) and the two Kasper’s Koffee(blue tags) that made it thus far.

Honorable mention to @Cartwright because I argued with myself about starting rpf4 today but am starting extra to run outside of the solo cup comp on 3/1 so I’ll make myself wait to pop those.

Thanks to you all who’ve made this such a fun time so far. Hoping to do you all justice. Seeds shall be returning to you all here in due time.


I remain blissfully ignorant. Unless you’re talking about that B thread thing. I still am not concerned with it either way haha.

Hopefully you find something worth the time and space in those TS x SSDD beans. Appreciate you testing some out!


Right on @DirtySlowToes ! Great variety in what you’ve got going on. I’m looking forward to seeing the Koh Gold tested out. I had great germination rates with a couple of the other Malawi Gold crosses and i hope that continues with th KD. Best of luck with all your starts!


Keep us posted growmie, all are looking :eyes: good. Wishing you nothing but success on all those runs and projects! HELL YEAH! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


awesome selections you got going, love the variety!

Will be following along! :pray: :chair:


Early smalls that were dry enough to test or that fell when I was chopping.

Fritter in the first, Bubba D in the second two and Wedding Crasher in the third.

The fritter nugs fell off during harvest so they were dry a few days before but they provided a really nice high. I’ve had a better feel for the crasher and bubba d. I prefer the bubba diagonal high. It’s super happy and relaxing without being heavy for me. Doesn’t really make me tired but helps with alertness and makes me enjoy the little things more. The crasher is slightly less up at first and has more of an immediate behind the eyes feel. It’s definitely sleepy time herb from what I’ve tried…nice body feel and doesn’t make me lazy but turns into a pretty heavy body high 30-45 minutes after smoking. Bubba lasted me 2.5-3 hours on the high and the crasher was probably slightly less at 2hours or so off 1-2 bongos. I’d say that’s solid for both considering my tolerance is up there. The flavor on the bubba is delicious. Gassy sharp smells with a fair bit of pine with nice ‘kushy’ exhales. Sort of hashy, earthy, slightly sweet taste. Crasher is a much more perfumey nose. Like fig and grape with a sour end to it. it’s flavor doesn’t come through the bong as strongly as the bubba and ive yet to try it in a joint. They’ve been sitting at 55-56% humidity 67-69f temps for 7 days now and will go another full day or two before getting put in jars. The late term spray didn’t seem to damage quality but my yield probably suffered and a lot of the lower nugs didn’t fill out as expected but they seemed to produce plenty still. More pics to come as I trim them up this weekend.


Great thread all the way through! @DirtySlowToes
I’m setting this one to watching for sure. :fist:t3: My toes were a little slow getting here and that makes them feel dirty! :joy:
BBPS looking good so far. I hope you find something you enjoy. :slightly_smiling_face: I look forward to seeing you flower them out. You really know how to work a plant! :fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::v:t3:🪶🪶


Welcome aboard! We will all meet around the watering hole eventually, man. Some go 2fast :eyes: some go slow. Either way, thanks for checking in. Love the sizing and structure and how you flower things out, the pollen collection, the cuts you run and everything else! Been taking notes. You’re most definitely a plant person. Can’t wait to see how the cannagars turn out. :metal:t2:


Update on tails and who got planted today.

2/2 on TS x SSDD
2/2 on JTR
1/2 on Koh Gold
2/2 on legion sour og
3/7 on the damaged Kasper’s Koffee.

All got planted and will throw pics up when they’re above soil.