Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I’ll rearrange these a bit tomorrow but figured I’d drop a couple down from flower town and updates on the clones from a while back. Looking like dry weight of the harvest is somewhere around 8oz but will have better numbers when I’m finished trimming the fritter and crasher. Bubba D seemed to be lowest yielding with lots of smaller, still fairly dense nugs. Got 62 grams of it so far with just a little bit of the smaller stuff left still. Not much done on the other two. Wmbk comes down probably 2/28-3/1ish.

First two are the apple fritter mom that has just sort of exploded. Her and the crasher are very very vigorous. Going to clone her way back soon the throw her to flower in a few weeks. Expecting large things from her.

Next are the watermelon zkittlez and hot mints. Always some transplant shock when I get clones from this source but they’re doing just fine.

This is a female Ginger grant! Of the two I tossed in flower to replace the herm, one is showing me male and this one female. Giving them both another day or two in the flower room to be positive before tossing the boy and hoping she doesn’t herm. Super tight nodes, really even canopy on her after one topping. Really pretty long leaves. Nice smell to her so far but we will see what happens with it. I don’t have much forest queen or strawberry starburst experience so not really sure where she leans here but I’ll give it a little searching now that I have something to maybe look forward to.

Last up is just a shot of a fritter in a little over a gallon of soil. Round two of flowering with this one. Will update this later with what day she’s on. Really nice looking and smelling plant when I don’t mess it up :sweat_smile:

Wmbk lowers just looking nice. Curious how she smokes and to get a longer veg on the next back of these. Super interesting flower structure I’m not really used to. Chunky and dense but still unique looking. More floral smells now along with a skunky back.

And just a nice little scarlet grapes. It’s really hard to capture the colors on her in photo. Really gorgeous calyxs. For two plants in .75 gallons of soil(if that) they’re really putting in work.


She’s a quite a leafy gal! It’ll be interesting to see how she stretches out.

Your plants all look happy. And your cat looks content to range among the foliage. :smiley_cat:


I’m curious too. Her herm sibling took almost 20 days to show any sex and it did almost zero stretching during that time. It’s been a strange plant to flower so far. Not much stretch on these two yet either.

Thank you :purple_heart: she does like to get outside and run through the leaves while I do stuff. I imagine she thinks we are both just goofing off.

Got a second tail on the Koh gold! So 2/2 on those too


All of the seeds from friends are above soil :tada::metal:t2:

…aside from a few of the Kasper’s Koffee but that’s expected.

Will put pictures up tomorrow or a few days from now probably. Babies aren’t the most exciting thing in the world.


Whoops, weird order but few shots just to stay updated.
Top and bottom are both scarlet grapes that are doing their thing, showing me autos are no joke. Middle shots are how the wedding crasher is stretching out. She’s at 19-20F. Then a shot of some dried Bubba Diagonal. Them a shot of the fritter. Just sampling these as they spend some time in jars.


Plants are looking good. :grin: I am outta :heart:

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I sowed about three Scarlet Grapes auto fem F2 last night, the rest of the pack didn’t survive the squish test and one came in already crushed, very exciting!

They’re in a 3,5G / 9 L pot with one Big Auto Tao regular, so I’m curious how they’ll turn out packed together. I know from experience auto’s usually don’t play well together if they have to share limited soil volume, but since they seem so vigorous I have to give them a shot.
I’m up for experiments!

If the Big Auto Tao is a male I’ll let them make seeds for sure!


Every single one of my scarlet grapes is doubled up! The two chunky colas are together in maybe 0.75 gal soil. I think they’ll do great for you.


Thanks for keeping this journal going!
Very valuable when it comes to deciding what to sow next. :grin:


Thanks for the kind words! If what I throw down over here helps anyone in the future then it’s more than I anticipated.


Just a whole veg and whole flower shot because I’ve been singling things out for a while. I’m back on ventana in both the veg and flower tents, though I’m feeling my way around to what I want to settle in on. I’ve got to grab some bricks to throw under trays to level out some of the stuff in the back of the flower tent, but this vipar does well with the penetration and it’s not packed so everything, even the the lowers, are pretty much above 650 with some tops being around 1150. Watered in and checked em out for a bit. Feeling alright.
I’ll go through and take individual shots during my weekend(Monday/Tuesday). Happy Saturday, OG

What can I say about ventana after 1 run…

If you don’t overcomplicate things, it’s a straightforward mix.

Bottle recs usually come out to 1.6-1.8 ec and 6.4-6.5 ph - not bad.

Their Expand(0-4-4, monopotassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, barley malt extract) is a really nice product in my opinion. Good for the soil and the plants respond well when I bump it up.

Flav-uh, their proprietary amino acid blend(4-0-4, soy protein hydrolysate, KOH) also works really really well. It’s been a few years since I’ve grown my own but the flavor and terpenes of the dried flower are notably improved…I got it on sale but it’s something I’ll probably keep in my rotation for a long while.

Their grow/flower are the same ingredients in almost the exact same proportions. (0-3-4, 0-1.5-4). I have been using the grow for both the flower and veg tents as I ran out of the flower after starting off on the recommendation. It’s a good base and let’s you add whatever nitrogen you want. The bottle recs are really high for these and I use them at 50-70% recommended and have seen success there.

I used their silica twice and never touched it again because I have mixed feelings about adding silica.

The support which is cal-mag-nit is something I find useful. I have other calcium to add if I want to add without nitrogen but I’ve found that using it through week 6-7 of flower on a 9 week variety seems to work really well but I’ll tinker with this a bit more. Nothing bad to say about it. Fairly concentrated and you don’t need tons from that bottle.


Now theres some happy plants! Good work bro!


Pictured is the Ginger grant female. She’s still fairly short and hard to see in the group shot but she’s right in the middle getting good light and hopefully gives me some more stretch. She has begun to stretch up and spread out a little. Didn’t keep any cuttings off of this one because she was so branchy and stout and didn’t have crazy stem rubs during veg, but damn if I haven’t loved her leaves the whole time. I like the thin fingers and it is beginning to smell nice. My one keeper(as of now) Ginger grant will go into flower somewhere around 3/1. Will be taking cuts off her, fritter, zkittlez, hot mints, bubba d and crasher tomorrow. Maybe a couple from JP and jaws gang but am hesitant to do so before they show and may just let them go for a bit. Am planning to hit the fritter with sweet and sour Cindy pollen and the crasher with BMR pollen late march/early may. Anyway… also pictured is the fritter in her .75 gallon pot. She’s put a lot of weight on and started to color up this last week. This is further than when I splooged last run up with a harsh spray so I feel obligated to show her healthier than last run. Day 40 on fritter.

Plus a wedding crasher joint. Enjoy the evening. :metal:t2::purple_heart:

Editing this post instead of making a new one because I don’t care to move to the front page again lol didn’t work.
Rearranged the flower tent a bit so it’s more even. Leafier than my norm, but I don’t want to mess with the autos too much.


That Fritter is a pretty girl for sure! The shape of the colas reminds me of lilac blossoms. :heart_eyes:


Baby/youngin update since it’s been a while since I tagged everyone.

@JAWS here’s 1 of three of the cheese x chem crosses. They’re all pretty similar but this one is the nicest so far, will get around to throwing the other two up as they get moved around. After that are the legion og x sour og seedlings.

@syzygy here are the little babes from your tent

@Budderton the Koh gold are looking feral and sexy.

@ix3u the JTR have nice thin fingers to start. Really excited about these…found notes from 2015 about crosses I wanted to do with JTR lol

@DannyTerpintine the mmog x choc d are feeling good, looking good :metal:t2::purple_heart:

@DEFSeeds here are the Kasper’s Koffee that are alive and grooving. Obviously different ages.

What a task it is to be moving around with three different feeds hitting everything at once. Well worth it though. Thanks for coming by :metal:t2:


Everything is coming along fantastically!! Nice work :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


Appreciate the kind words :facepunch:t2:

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Your starts are all coming along nicely @DirtySlowToes ! Best of luck with this run!


Great work, looking forward to seeing how these turn out! Those MMOG X Choc Diesel are looking real nice too! :smiley: :100:


Hey gang happy Sunday :fire::purple_heart: I’ll be watering this evening so a few plants will get some better shots for posting in other threads later, but chopped wmbk today at day 61. She could’ve gone another 5ish days I’m sure but I neeed to move a plant to make space just to fit the clone tray in the veg tent so I had to move.someone today which meant she had to come down! Rock hard nugs. Small plant, but excited to try it once it’s done. Anyway, little late on the clones but I took those. Moved mom fritter into a 15 gallon and spread her out. What a beast. Moved another 3 gallon fritter into flower with it.

It’ll be a trip training her. Though thankfully by the time she’s done stretching, the other fritters and the grapes should all be done. Grapes I’m planning to pull around 3/4. Fritters around 3/13-3/20. May take them to 10 weeks this time. Ginger grant has to wait to move due to me not having space :sparkles:

Here’s a patch of autos where the most scarlet of grapes stand out well.
Edited to throw in a shot of another grapes that looks nice. And the clones.