Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

It’s a buffet!!!:fire::fire::fire::fire:


Truly! Honestly best thing about dropping the whole pack is seeing all these phenos come out. Some nuggy poles, some chunky greens, some dark red fat ones! Just, cool. They’ve got unique and interesting smells. Still have to water so I’ll rub on them each here in 30-45 minutes but they range from citrus to berries to a little spicy. Excellent work :fire: the less ripe ones in the pic with the dark ones are from reiko. A group shot is coming as they should be coming down 3/4


Happy Wednesday friends and family :purple_heart::v:t2:

First a shout-out to @ReikoX
Huge thank you for the chance to test these. Ended up with the three girls and the smells on them are really unique. They’re all a bit different but all really nice. There are spicy notes throughout all three, but the least bulky of the three has a clove smell that is really nice. It’s otherwise really hard to describe. It’s such a blend of spice, light sweetness and earthiness. I like it.

Next are the Ginger Grant in veg and the hot mints. The ginger grant is a slow vegger. It is not overly branchy and seems to have decent spacing. If it stretches more than the one I currently have in flower, then I’ll probably run in a few times. If no stretch, I may run it once more and be done because I like some stretch to work with. The hot mints on the other hand is almost too spaced. Looking very much like TK and it’s family. Not my favorite plant to veg and I’m not particularly interested in dealing with a vine in flower, but I expect the smoke to be nice so it’ll probably be a toss up between this and jaws legion sour og as my og keeper. I’d like to get a Tahoe cut eventually.

Now we have the ginger grant in flower…it barely stretched but it’s still nice to look at and would be great for those with height restrictions. Looking like it’ll fill out well at least. Then is the wedding crasher in early flower putting some nice frost followed by a few current shots of the veg tent and baby row. Then, of course, is a shot of the fritter. Noticing the one in the .75 gallon pot(1/2 the root space as it’s counterpart) has faded much faster than it’s sister and also seems to be filling out a bit more on the nugs. Who’s to say on final weights and density but fritter may like becoming slightly rootbound or more intense dry backs at it finishes flowering and I may be able to get away with running smaller pot sizes for that one.

Thanks for coming by :metal:t2: don’t wipe your feet on the way out


…Looks like everything is coming along nicely. :+1:


Thank you senor greenjeans. Would be awesome to have more space but gotta do what I gotta do! I’m pretty split between running out more elites that I haven’t had access to until now and digging through crosses I know I’ll enjoy. The never ending struggle.


Space and TIME. …Never enough of either!


You’re too damn right on that. Here I am officially with 3 plants just existing in the void for 6 hours until I can turn the lights on in the flower tent to pack stuff in. One of the things I do love about good soil and organics is that they don’t really care about being thrown outside to chill for a few hours assuming weather is nice. Love me my beneficials. I think I’d probably fail miserably if I was forced into soilless 100% of the time… but! Did pick up some Athena ipm for cheap. They’ll all get a spray down this afternoon before heading into the flower area. Debating on taking the scarlet grapes today ish which is day 80 from seed for them or giving them 10 more days. 10 days doesn’t feel like much but when I think about what I’m going to do with the veg tent until then, it gives me a headache lol. I’ll see what I can shove in there today but may end up taking 3 or 4 of the grapes down now and another 3-4 in 7-10 days…that feels like a compromise. They’ve only had a few feedings of straight water so a longer flush will probably benefit them, but I’m also thinking about running most of them for hash/rosin. The drama of organized chaos.

Got my solo cup seeds down this morning. Day later than anticipated but that’s just fine. 2/3 tails on MMH, 3/4 tails on goji ghash x unicorn poopf2 and 6/6 tails on rpf4. Three rpf4 went into a 3 gallon pot to live life and the rest into solos.

Repotted the bubba x tk into a 15 gallon pot. Still needs pruned up and tied down before it hits the flower tent this afternoon. Ideally, I like to run any and everything I like in a 15 gallon pot because I have found, at least for me, that it gives me the best chance to let the plant be exactly what it wants to be. If I wasn’t going for numbers and hunting a bit, I’d run everything I flower in 15 gallons but there must be compromises made.

Time for more coffee and to roll a joint and go check out this grove bag distributor


Today would be a good day for that for sure!


Locally? I just noticed the other day they are a Cleveland company haha. Keep us updated if you find better a option than what’s avail online…


fun times :v:


These plants like to get BIG if we give 'em a chance. That’s where the space and time constraints come into play.

You’ve got a lot more complicated grow operation going on than I do. …Spinning lots of plates simutaneously, and keeping them balanced as you reach for more. More power to you, brother! :+1:


Yeah so I emailed them asking if they’d do direct sales because someone that runs a grow shop up there told me to ask about it rather than buying from their shop. They invited me in to chat with their sales rep? Manager? Person? but didn’t really answer me in the first email. Talked with Jess, their salesperson today and she told me that they no longer do direct sales. She was friendly and they gave me a handful of free bags. 9 in total of different styles, but she didn’t even give me a discount code lol. But it was a fun trip anyway.

@MrGreenJeans don’t discredit yourself! I think it’s pretty much just as difficult to manage large plants as small, seeded as unseeded, and everything in between. That strawberry cough you wrote about sounded sublime, my friend. I like your willingness to do experiments, too.

Side note and maybe bad new, ginger grant female #2 may be a herm, but giving her a few days to tell me. If so, I’ll just toss her and finish this one in flower and let that cross go with the wind. Too unstable, but maybe different in someone else’s environment. Also seems like the bubba x tk really never stopped throwing pistils while vegging. Not sure if that’s necessarily a sign of anything unsettling, but even today when I was cleaning her up a bit she has pistils even though she’s been 18/6 for probably 5-6 weeks now since clone. Either way… threw bubba x tk, crasher, and a chem cheese into flower today. Unsure of sex on chem cheese, if male will replace with BBPS. Moving rest of the chem cheese and bbps between 3/13-3/20. Fun times. Later everybody :metal:t2:


Evening check-in :metal:t2: looking like the most vigorous of the chem cheese is throwing what looks like boy stuff. Have two on backup, but also noticed two bbps throwing pistils in veg… so thinking I’ll flip those out tomorrow if chem cheese is indeed a boy.

Wmbk turned out really solid :purple_heart: both the smoke and density. Will do a full breakdown after it’s cured a bit.

There sure is work to do in the flower tent for me this week. Has me considering trellising for the first time in a long while. Will end up with long poles and tie things every which way.


Two plants, one pot. I sort of understand the hate against it but also think it just works for some things. Maybe a hot take. The two bbps ladies :metal:t2: goodnight y’all.


Bubble bubble, y’all. Jms is about ready.

Really trying to lean into the anaerobic and salt loving microbes… in my simple little brain, introducing salt loving microbes will go further/survive longer when feeding salts. I’ll let you all know in a few years what I find out. Pretty split between making more inputs or using dry/bottles… I love knowing exactly what’s in what I’m using but do believe there’s room for improvement on current practices. I do enjoy precision feeding to a degree. Who knows. Onward

And guess who moved into the outdoor compost piles!
Loads of them. So that’s always good to see.


Good news! 2 out of 3 of the MMog x chocolate diesel are female. All three of the boggy blue pineapple skunk are female. Looking like one of three of cheese x chem bc1 is female.

Will be chopping the rest of the grapes tomorrow and the fritter sometime in the next 5-6 days. Gotta get in there and clean up a bit as the next few go in.

Few various shots… the MMog x choc diesel ladies that were desperately in need of new homes got them today. Shot of the fritter, shot of the wedding crasher, and the green and young side of the flower tent


Chopped some fritter today :tada: round two. Finished out better than the last round. Will be trimming up scarlet grapes this evening and throwing up pics of that too. Did roll up a joint of some grapes lowers earlier. Sour candy, almost lemon smells from what I ground earlier. Turned out with that platinum silver/purple/green color. Nugs on the grapes I chopped at 85 days feel dense, but we will see how they compare to the ones pulled at 91. Life’s been moving fast lately! Happy Thursday, friends.


More of a whole shot of the wedding crasher. She was an okay sized plant when I put her in. she’s in 1.5 gallons currently at day… 48. She doesn’t really stack, but the buds are very very dense and really retain their bulky feel after drying. Smell is unreal. Will be hitting a different one with BMR pollen in a few weeks but am not totally sure if this crasher is reg or fem so it’s a bit of a toss up on the results of that mix.

And a quick shot of some of the grapes that I pulled at say 84ish. Hopefully the lowers of the next few are more solid but the high, smell, taste are all really enjoyable for me. Super upbeat high, almost appetite suppressing for me. Gas, lemon, and some tart sweetness on the smells. Fairly long lasting and gentle let down. Super solid high. Really excited to try the rest of what I have drying and glad I’ve got 400g or so wet frozen to make some rosin out of.

And a shot of the first round of bubba x tk. Really excited to try this the second round. Really enjoy the smells and like the high a lot and know I can do a lot better on this one.

I’ll come back here and throw more updates down this evening but there’s a raccoon in my basement at the moment and I’m sorta waiting on him to find the trap before I go spend more time watering :sweat_smile: turns out he’s been down there for probably 24-48 hours so he’s watched me water once for sure… wild creatures, these things. Haha see you in a bit og. Have a great few hours


Raccoon still on the loose but there’s a trap out and I was able to water in peace… for now.

Veg tent update. Overgrown, per usual.

@JAWS here is the cheese x chem bc1 female. Super nice smell so far in veg, very tight growth but nice structure. Excited for her.

Tucked in the back hard to get shots of are the Boggy blue pineapple skunk(2 plants 1 pot) from @JohnnyPotseed

Round 2 for bubba diagonal :pray:t2: thinking I’ll be done with her after this one and just run through seeds I’d really like to try…

Fritter throwing down in the 15 gallon.

And the (cm x gab) x div from @ReikoX coming down the stretch and finishing end of month.


Excuse the poor lighting, but it’s on! Let’s see if the fritter takes the sweet/sour Cindy pollen. Goal here is to lean into the c99 lineage of both. Would be cool to find a grapefruit heavy pheno for a friend and work it a little, but really just want to get one step away from some of the cookies in the fritter. I’ve seen a lot of things with fire og in the lineage so think it’ll probably mix well with an extra dose of Cindy. Or it’ll be a bust and life goes on. I’ll probably end up starting a different thread for pollen and seed adventures, but for now I’ll leave this here. I’ll grow out what comes of it and if it’s cool, pass it around. If I like it but it’s a little wild I’ll probably f2 it and then pass around those. Hoping for good things :purple_heart:
Did two branches, the plants are at day 22. Not expecting anything wild and if the whole plant gets seeded, I’ll live.

Oh and thanks @DougDawson for the pollen, repro, effort, time, dedication and everything else he brings around


Nice man, hope the cross works out great for you. :v: