Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I like the way you think! Good luck, have fun and enjoy the adventure.


Haha careful with that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: really though thanks! Got a few ideas for down the road if it turns out well. I think I’m looking forward to giving back here just as much as I am digging through some genetics and making selections


Rpf4 together enjoying early life. @Cartwright

Bbps blowing up probably 7 inches overnight… bent a couple tops. Impressed with these plants so far.

Structure on the bubba x tk as it stretches. Upped everyone’s feeds a bit.

Little defoliation on the fritter in the 15 gal. Stinkier this round than I remember in early flower the last. Score.

Plan to pull the autos around 3/22-3/28, the little crasher 4/7 and will throw zkittlez, hot mints, and chem cheese into flower next. Getting some sort of funky cheddar smell on the chem cheese stem so that’s promising.


Got him. He couldn’t resist the sweet and spicy trail mix.


Off to the city limits for this guy?


Dinner for a week. Not really. My old landlords place.


^ is this your old landlord? :raccoon: :sweat_smile:


Who the heck can? :joy: I’d of been in that cage keeping him company! Little suckers have thumbs. Maybe I could teach him to shuffle so we could pass the time with a game of cards! :man_shrugging:t3:


It would be a cool world if we domesticated them instead of cats… not saying I don’t love my cats, but if my little pet buddy had thumbs I’m sure they’d be a good time. Little dude napped in the car while I took him to a better spot. Could’ve been a worse experience :cowboy_hat_face: now I don’t have to share trail mix.


Feels like something might be happening :purple_heart:


Dry ice hash, baby. First shake looking really really nice and clean. Second shake looks really nice but slightly darker, third is pretty similar to second and then fourth and final shake is the darkest. I used 6lbs dry ice to probably 60-80g dried bud and sugar leaf. Edited to add that I layer the herb/dry ice when there’s enough to do so. Starting with dry ice on bottom. Then let that sit for 3 and a half minutes. First shake is not really a shake but rather me just sort of turning the bag to move everything. It’s here you can fuck it up or make it golden lol if you go too forceful or wait too long, the dry ice will pulverize the material a bit and make it harder to get clean stuff… that 3-3.5 minute wait followed by 30-45 seconds of light shaking/rotation is first pull. 2nd and 3rd pulls are both increaaingly more vigorous shakes for 30-40 seconds. Last shake is 1 minute of vigorous to essentially grind what’s left for edibles. I totally forgot to weigh my herb before starting, but it was dry so this is not fresh frozen. Smells great. Time to put the first shake under the scope.


Dang it took you a few days to catch him?

My dad had a pet racoon in the 60’s.
I guess it was real territorial and loved to flex on people.
Would get in the kitchen trash and chase my grandma off when she tried to scold it.
It also loved terrorizing the school kids walking in front of the house, up on his hind legs, and hissing at them.


My all time favorite raccoon story - its technically a book for young people, but it was so funny and plenty of complexity. It’s older, so older usage and larger vocab words in a lot of it. If you want to read to kids under 9 years its going to take some helping them. There’s a version rewritten for younger kids, wasn’t quite as good.


Hehe I love that. They have real personality. F them kids, man. Yeah I thought I locked it out but it turned out I locked it in for probably an extra 3 days before trapping it. Little friend was quiet and respectful though.


Thanks @RainToday I will have to give it a look through. My partner is a librarian so I’m sure she will have a laugh at it with me.


Alright so first pull is tons and tons of heads, some pistils, some stalks, a few tiny pieces of leaf. Am thinking of running a 120 bag next batch and comparing it to sifting the 160 through a 73 or 90 screen. Thinking a lotta stuff lol anyway, have a good day, everyone! I’m going to go enjoy some of this and trim fritter. I fat fingered my dehu settings the other day and turned it to ‘dryer’ instead of ‘auto’ so on day 5 the dry tent went from 57% to 34% for a solid 18 hours :sweat_smile: so now instead of 10 days, I’ll trim the fritter at 7…oh well.


damn i should have done this with the p and a half i just gave away last week. forgot all about this from years ago.


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Lol I’m sure whoever it went to will probably enjoy it thoroughly though. That’s a lucky dog. I love to dry ice stuff then press it…simple and fast.

Really impressed with how this turned out and kicking myself a bit about my dehu mistake on the dry tent so I went ahead and bagged up all the fritter after trimming it some and feeling that it was just a touch dry and I’m going to hash it then press it. Have enough weed for now and haven’t tried fritter rosin yet…will post back.

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yup shatter and water hash is kind of not liked much around here any longer, so just starting giving the working stuff away. humm so now from this next harvest im going to do some dry ice work and mabe buy one of those pollen press tubes to make some marked pucks with.

not sure though just thinking about it now …

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Quick update for my own notes. Will throw some pics up later when I water.

Some males are starting to show in the veg tent.
1 Koh gold male it seems
1 legion sour og male - very robust and vigorous plant.
1 ts x ssdd probable male
Not really thinking about keeping these males at the moment.

JTR aren’t showing and the rest of the gang aren’t showing.

Moved the last of the three BBPS last night. Didn’t keep any cuts because I’ve got 15+ seeds left of it, but am excited about the smoke from it. Really funky pineappley/tropical scent on this one.

On 4/1 I’ll be starting a new thread that will follow my chucking and creating… my personal loves are long flowering sativas more on the landrace side of things. Will be moving my veg to a 4x4 and using the 4x2 for the projects. Goal is to go through the remaining 6 eternal sunshine seeds, ideally find a similar smelling male to the one I chopped in January. Take that male to an eternal sunshine female, a Peshawar female, a Koh gold female, a mango Maui haze female, a JTR female, and maybe a couple others. Will have to check notes when I get home.

Microscope camera is here :tada: this gives me a lot of ability. To save photos, compare, measure and everything else so I’ll be jumping into that with two feet here on this thread. I’d like to get better at identifying microbes and comparing diversity between composts, soils, runoff, etc.

Anddddd this little annoying ginger grant. Lol what a strange genetic this one is. One female from the 5 seeds, 2 herms and 2 males. She’s smelling nice but she’s already at like…6.5 weeks… probably going 11-12 but if I really need the space I may cut her early and just freeze her for rosin. Just started to fade yellow a bit even though she’s getting lots of feed.

Oh and here’s a flower tent shot. 3gal wedding crasher taking over the front of the shot. New BBPS with the scary tops