Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Very cool, hope to see some of the pictures posted here!


Have fun with the new toy!

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Those old grapefruit seeds seem to have been a bust…but I’ve got you in mind for a different grapefruit project, my friend. Will reach out in a few months :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks a lot✌️ have a great Sunday…it’s already Sunday over here. 6am🤣

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Make sure you set up the measuring system right, I was hilariously off by a factor of 10 when I first set mine up.

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You mean you won’t believe me when I claim three inch trichomes?! Lol noted, sir! Getting into it tonight/tomorrow.


Shots of the crasher budding up at day 18,
Then is bubba x tk at day day 18 as well.
Also looks maybe like the pollen took on the fritter but we will see.


You have a good day too @stiffy :metal:t2::purple_heart: you a southern hemisphere cat?

And happy Sunday to you all


Getting there…


Yeah…I’m in Oz. Always a few hours ahead of everyone. I just woke up and it’s Monday morning 🫣 yuk


@Budderton here’s a little dump of the Koh gold. They’ve been hardy and tolerant even though they’re rootbound and getting moderate light. If you have any suggestions on standout traits, pass them on! Am keeping my eyes on these closely. Seems like one may be male but they’re not wanting to show anything definitive.

@JAWS here’s a top shot of the cheese x chem (I call it chem cheese like cream cheese for fun) she’s a little buried in there so I’ll pull her out for full shots tomorrow. Unfortunately seems like both the legion sour ogs I started may be males but it’s too early to tell on one.

And for the rest of you hooligans…

Left plant BBPS day 20:

Right plants BBPS:

Bubba Diagonal day 20:

Wedding Crasher day 56:

BBPS day 2:

Apple fritter day 28:


Right on, thanks for the update @DirtySlowToes ! I just made that cross last fall and haven’t had a chance to grow any out, so I’ve got no suggestions on what to look for. The consensus seems to be that the KDKT has a touch of Dutch hybrid in it but the Malawi Gold is pure sativa, a one off repro from seed collected in Africa. I would expect the flowering time to be a bit shorter then the (MM x NH) x MG but that’s about it for insight. You’re blazing a trail of discovery for us all! Best of luck with them!!


I always fuck with the colors so it looks a little less yellow. If things get out of control, you can always revert to default and start over.

Yeah I’ve got a bit more messing around to do with the color and matching the focus. I like the green you use and will probably end up there. Also still trying to figure out how to get the camera to accurately measure as I blow things up

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You have to do the measurement slide for each magnification you want to measure at. Make sure you select the right magnification and then you can measure. IF you snap a photo at the wrong size, say selecting 4x instead of 10x, then you can go back and change the resolution so it’s correct and the measurements are right again.

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Right on. I would’ve ended up there I’m sure but thank you very much for not allowing me to overthink it :sweat_smile:

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lol! I can probably save you the mistakes I made initially when I was setting it up. Took about a month to iron out the kinks because I had no clue what I was doing. Never used lab software before.

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Cool I won’t hesitate to ask you questions then. Hah without help I’m sure it would either take me 6 months to get everything around to working or I’d just use things the way I knew how rather than how they were meant to. Haha stubbornness is real. Thanks again

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Aw, shucks! BBPS on the right, the bulkier one, turned out to be a horrible herm…so now just lefty has been defoliated and left to do her thing. Sad, but that’s okay. It’s whatever…haha Hopefully her bigger sister that just hit flower stays cool :sunglasses:


lets see… did it work? lol been working on resizing stuff and getting it to move over quickly. heres an okayish macro shot of scarlet grapes. @blowdout2269 @Going2fast not sure if you want them or care to see but here they are. microscope learning in action. And the sample they came from…