Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Looks like a few purple trichs in there.:open_mouth:
Great job with the photography!:slightly_smiling_face:
Can you get it under some brighter light?


Yes yes there are lots of red and purple trichomes and stalks. It’s really fun. And yeah I need to use a brighter overhead light when doing more 3d stuff. The light from below can cast annoying shadows but you need it to see properly. Will try to get more lighting and a wider focus tomorrow :sunglasses:


Use ctrl-f to enter EDF mode and then you can get a better depth of field by letting it image stack as you turn the focus knob.

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Looks super sticky to me. Those are much better shots than I could get. Really long stalks on her.


Morning :sun_with_face: throwing up some fairly sloppy shots from yesterday and the previous day. Took the autos down, put the hot mints and Kasper’s Koffee over to flower. Hot mints NEEDS a shorter veg time and maybe to be run with a trellis. Truly, spindly, spaced, viney growth that I personally hate. It’s probably going to be a really nice smoke, but I’m almost inclined to give it to someone else to hang on to… I don’t know anything, man. No clue the sex on the Koffees yet. Wedding Crasher that I let get too big in the 3 gallon before moving is finally showing something of a structure…that’s the third pic. It’s weird to see a plant with such red stems all the way through. Fourth pic is the veg tent rocking and rolling. Battling the itch to increase space to run more stuff… there’s just so many things I want to see grown. Anyway… have a good day :purple_heart:


Looking like both of these Kasper’s Koffee may be female. One for sure and the other really looks like it but isn’t confirmed yet. They’re together in a 3 gallon. They were probably 10-12 inches high when they went into flower. Topped once. We will see what the stretch does to them! Just got moved over a few days ago.

And the bubba x tk looking pretty nice this time around.

About a week left on the wedding crasher. Two weeks on the ginger grant. 4 weeks on 15 gallon fritter. 5.5-6 weeks on bubba x tk. Perpetual is fun. Have a great night everyone

Not a great shot but the crasher going very dark. So that’s a thing. Hoping the smoke turns out more flavorful this time, but only time will tell.


I’d say that is a pretty great shot! Nice update @DirtySlowToes plants are looking awesome :frog:


Great pics dirty. Garden looks so good!


Thanks, you guys! The mylar tells my phone to f off when trying to focus in the back part of the tent so without pulling out that little crasher it’s hard to get a good shot of it. Am thinking of making individual trellises for some of the more viney or tall plants. I’m not really a fan of taking trellising off at the end as I hang whole plants to dry and don’t do any sort of bucking prior, but I think it would help a lot for stability and space. We will find a happy place! Lol happy easter to those who give a damn. Have most of the fritter in the freezer and will be running for rosin probably Tuesdayish. Excited about the yield on this. The fritter seems to want to dump it’s trichomes but you never know til it’s there. Pulled a bit out to try last night before pressing. The cut of fritter I have leans slightly sour diesel smelling but that sweetness is there though it is not very specific.


@Upstate @syzygy @JAWS @Budderton @Scarlyle

It’s on, my friends! Syzygy and scarlyle, I’ll be looking for females from these and running them while continuing to pop the rest of the beans from your packs. Jaws upstate and buddertons will be used in some chucking activities that will probably be going on for a solid two years…I’ll also be popping the lambsbread from you, upstate, and some Thai from drsunsunshinestrains when they get here. Live slow :purple_heart: much love. They’re all in water.


Nice selections @DirtySlowToes ! I’ve got some of those mmxnh x mg at 3½ weeks under 11/13. They’ve got plenty of stretch to them and are just starting to make flowers. I’ll post some pics up on the landrace and heirloom thread tonight and you can get an idea of what you’re in for. You’re the first member to grow out the Koh Gold (I think) so I’m stoked to see how they turn out for you as well, best of luck with all your starts!!


Hell yeah. I’ve been watching yours and it’s been getting me excited. I’ll be getting more into the Koh gold in a few weeks but have to stagger things a bit. And messing with the 15-25 weekers I’m really not all the concerned about time…hah but thanks for the offerings. I wouldn’t be able to plant these without you! I’ll let you know the moment the Koh gold hit flower, too. I’m happy to share whatever pics are necessary, I didn’t realize I was the only one to grow them so far.


I better get my ass in gear!
Nice lineup you have there. Nice to see some Peshawar in there. A true treasure! Make sure you top at the fourth node and again shortly afterward, for a nice canopy.


Thanks. Will do captain sir! I’m thrilled to have the chance to grow the Peshawar, so thank you. They’ll get some good love and be around a while, most definitely.


Chop day for the crasher in the 1.5 gallon. She went a few days past 9 weeks. Would’ve let her go til Thursday or so but checked her out up close and decided she’s ready whenever I am…and that was today. The chem x cheese took her place. I’ll throw pics of the chem cheese up later, but for now here’s the crasher at the end and hitting the tent.


Bubba x tk starting week 4. Day 30

Another shot of the Kasper’s Koffee. I do like how they’re growing so far. Fun leaves and interesting spacing. Stockier than an og but still tall. Sort of reminds me of how fritter grows, which makes some sense.

Shot of the ts x ssdd in veg from the top.

Ginger grant at…7.5-8 weeks? :open_mouth:‍:dash:


Dude this latest round of photos look incredible. Especially the crasher, love that dark color it’s getting. Soon you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labor :man_farmer: :deciduous_tree: :fire:

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That bubba x tk is looking real frosty! That crasher has some nice colors and frost on it as well.

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Thanks! Hah yeah that’s the nice? Annoying? Thing about a lot of the genetics today. Crasher and the fritter both went very dark this time around. Let’s hope the crasher has some more substance to her high this time.

This one I am really excited about giving a better showing and comparing it to your crosses. It is easy to grow, though a little slow. Didn’t get the trichomes running out so far on the fan leaves during the first run of it, so that’s nice.

Looking at these reminds me how dusty things get in the basement when they aren’t touched for a few weeks. Gnarly, dude. Plus one for tents and filters and the old bud wash.


That Ginger Grant turned into a little powerhouse, it looks like. Nice growing, all the way around! :+1: