Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Thanks! It’s one of the stranger plants I’ve grown. The pacing has been so odd. Showed early, felt like it stalled after that for weeks, and now almost at week 8 she’s bulking. I’m not familiar with forest queen or strawberry starburst so I can’t say who she takes after but it’s an odd mix. She went from smelling orangey to a little spicy recently


Just a quick one because it’s been over a week since showing the fritter and the BBPS. It’s almost impossible to get a good shot of the hot mints, but it’s growing well and should yield well. Solo cup babies will be going to flower in a week. Zkittlez will find its way into the flower room soon. It’s also massive in a 1 gallon.

Fritter mom being a monster in a .75 gallon pot. This cut can take stress very well.

BBPS day 30. Seems to be a little more touchy on the nutrients but coming through well and smelling strong.

Fritter stacking in a ridiculous way in the bigger pot. Day 39

And pretty much the best I could get on the hot mints. Just to show how it’s stacking really


They all look great. I love watching those big colas filling in.

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Thanks. I am usually trying not to grow big running colas but the fritter just decided to go for it regardless of it’s training lol. I’ve been messing with my feed a bit and things seem to be frostier but we will see how the end product is. Oh yeah. Bought a rosin press since I sold the ones I made forever ago so that’ll be here soon. I was going to run up and borrow the one I made from the dude I sold it to, but a two hour drive total can really kill a weekday vibe. There was also a 4/20 sale happening so I saved $50. Party. Am waiting to hash and press what’s in the freezer til it’s here…for any lurking waiting for more hash and rosin.


That’s awesome. I bought bubble bags but I’ve not done anything with them yet. What does pressing do just convert it and decarb it?


Pressing hash into rosin! To dab! Oh buddy you’ll see if you don’t know yet. Though I do use dry ice over ice water. If I was confusing in my wording that’s my bad. @ReikoX puts up lots of gorgeous shots of pressing hash. Of course @JoeCrowe does too if you can convince him there’s a reason not to just smoke the hash :joy:


Yeah I’m a novice at smoking. I smoked in high-school but stopped so I could get a decent job. I only started again when va went legal. Hell I didn’t even know about hash making at all till I joined here.


Dude I totally get that. I really do understand that though. I never would’ve smoked(likely) had I not had some nasty injuries. Started growing within a year of my first puff. Once I learned how different quality can be I leaped into it. I’m pumped to be around as you notch more experiences, man. I’ll tag you when I do my dry ice and pressing. Bubble hash rocks but if you have a convenient dry ice source nearby I think I prefer it. Shh.


Please do tag me! I can get dry ice at Kroger so I’ll do that if it’s the better way!


10/10 on TS x ssdd and ssdd f2 - most vigorous seeds
4/4 on jaws Hawaiian lime ogee - 2nd most vigorous
4/4 on Spencers legacy seeds Jordon - 3/4 had good tails, one was short.
5/5 on mmxnh x mg - small but mighty
2/6 so far on the eternal sunshine
Didn’t check the Peshawar this morning but will plant them this afternoon


That looks great! Reminds me of VISC Fucking Incredible strain

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Garden is looking awesome mate. Really impressed with what you’re putting out, especially that fritter :star_struck:


Thank you thank you. I had to go googling visc and man I had zero clue they existed! Thanks for sending me down the rabbit hole. Lotta cool folks in Canada, I hear.

My sir, that means a lot coming from you. It probably wouldn’t be impossible to throw a cut into the wind if you so desire. We have similar grow styles but seem to be growing really different stuff! That jetfuel hellbilly cross is looking excellent. As is the famous aimless, of course. Thanks for the kind words. Stepping my photography game up is on the list of things to do


Thanks mate, I appreciate the offer but my location makes cuts almost impossible for me to receive in a timely manner. I’ve had to give up the dream of getting cuts after many disappointments.

It’s working well!


Your updates always make my day. Keep 'em coming!

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I really appreciate that, my friend.

@ReikoX here is the (Critical Mass x Ginger Alex Blueberry) x Divyder dried. I just trimmed up one branch last night to get a feel and am taking the rest today to trim. 10-11 days dry time. Still need to throw it under the scope. I really really enjoy this here weed. So far it has this really gorgeous fermented fruit sort of smell. Like room temp jam with a sourness. There’s funky pine in the back. High is really quick and hits the head hard and fast. Nice body feeling but nothing heavy or sluggish. Does give me red, stoney eyes pretty easily. It’s a super smiley, feel good high that I want to just keep smoking. Thank you again. I’m excited to trim the rest up and also have a little frozen that I’ll run within the week.

And the other BBPS that went into flower a little while back.

And 5/5 on the Peshawar. So 100% outside of the eternal sunshine. 2/6 still on those. Unfortunate, but I got them from attitude a while back…so. I’ll roll with these and see what happens! Thrilled about the rest and it’ll likely more than make up for it.


Quick update. Haven’t checked the plants yet this morning but as of last night, we had ts x ssdd and ssdd f2(bubbashine pheno) popping first. Took them less than 24 hours. I’ll check on the rest and see what’s the what here soon. It’s nice to see 100% germination on every seed I’ve received from here. I’ll be back in a bit for more throrough updates. Gotta go take care of new pup. Joined the dog gang and got a burnese mountain dog mix. Have a good morning. Be back soon


Congrats on the new pup! Limited experience interacting with Burmese Mountain Dogs but all that I have been near have been really friendly, smart and calm dogs.


Thanks, man! He’s a bit smaller than a pure burnese but it shines through. He’s very gentle and timid, but I wouldn’t dare call him smart yet.


Jlf with cannabis only, kitchen scrap jlf, and jms doing their thing! Strangely the kitchen scrap jlf really hasn’t molded over or shown much activity. I may throw a little more compost in there to see but it may just be how it is. Haven’t used either jlf yet but everyone gets jms as food and as foliar about a once a week. Also topdressed everything in the flower tent with compost yesterday.