Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Watermelon zkittlez

TS x ssdd

MMog x Chocolate Diesel. I moved the branchier, more even and shorter one into flower today. The other will be transplanted and moved later.

Jack the ripper

Still need to grab shots of the chem cheese that has started to stretch in flower. Super excited about it. Moved everything around today. Flower tent is packed for the moment. Felt like my pH pen was misbehaving so I recalibrated it today and it was definitely off by .2-.3… so that explains why my solo cup gals didn’t love their most recent feed, but they’ll be just fine. The flower tent wasn’t really a worry because the feed I mix up comes out to 6.4, which is what I use but the veg tent definitely needs some pH love. Either way, everything is doing great. Best news, got two more tails on the eternal sunshine! So the total is at 4. Two have been planted and I’ll plant the other two tomorrow probably. The peshawar have 4/5 above soil, the Jordon gxb have 3/4 above soil and the last was just put down. The (mmxnh)x mg have just started to pop. 3/5 so far. Pretty sure I’m 8/10 so far on the tsxssdd and ssddf2 but unfortunately, a slug ate the first ssdd f2 to pop. The slugs and I had an agreement, but this young man broke that agreement and ate a baby. Tossed him outside with any other slug I could find. The rest of the seedlings should be fine. RIP.


Flower tent shots and veg updates!

Ginger grant at 8 weeks and a few days. I’ll take her ten. Second shot is ginger grant next to bubba x tk because the contrast was nice.

@JAWS chem x cheese. Where it’s at, it’s just not getting pulled out until day 21 where I’ll clean it all the way up and put it back. So it’s sort of cropped and mostly just the canopy, but you get it. Will tag you again with structure shots but I really like the way this is growing… think leaves. Has a funk. Great structure on this one.

This is the back corner of the tent that has BBPS flowering in the top right, chem cheese directly to its left, MMog x choc diesel below the chem cheese only a few days in, fritter on the far right in flower, and Kasper’s Koffee at the bottom about a week in.

Fritter because you guys like it.

Next, and likely final round of wedding crasher coming along.

Also a quick shot of the most recent wedding crasher harvest that is on day 8 in the dry tent and may be ready tomorrow or Wednesday.

And the veg tent as I get everything ready for my little 4x2. Soon they’ll be split up a bit. Vegetable starts on top of the light :love_you_gesture:t2:

Have a good night everyone :purple_heart:


That Fritter looks awesome!
I haven’t had it in the pure yet, but it is nice in crosses.

I ordered a 707 OGK from Dookie and he’s throwing in the Fritter for free :+1:
That’s a far cry from the $1000 a cut back a few years ago.

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Thanks man I’m super curious it’s effect in crosses. I hit one a while back with sweet and sour Cindy pollen but it didn’t take that well and I see 3-4 seeds but haven’t really gone digging around. So we will see on that. Id like to pass them out if it’s a solid cross. The fritter is such a solid plant. Really pretty, really hardy. This one has a really nice sour smell with the sweetness in the back. The high, for me, is really solid but probably only a 6.5-7/10 for me. For some it is the shit, but for me it’s just really good. Hoping to find a sativa leaning cross to take the effect where I want and give more structure to the sativa something. We will see. How often do things go according to plan? 1/1000 lol thanks though. I’ll be hashing up the most recent batch of fritter and pressing it this evening. Stay tuned. If you need a cut, I’m not wildly experienced with sending them but I can afford to send 500 with how robust Mom is. Let me know

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Thanks man!
I made a cross of a cross and it turned out fire!
I’m sure crossed with Cindy would be epic!

I grew out Seed Junky Secret Cookies for over a year.
It used Apple Fritter x Kush Mints 11.
I believe he made the cross without permission to use the cut and therefore didn’t disclose the Apple Fritter part.
Real nice Apple gas and creamy hash.
Not real loud but pretty potent.


Oh it’s happening. Press just showed up. Fritter hash is done and in the freezer. Trim hash is pictured and in the freezer. Haven’t run the fresh frozen yet. Because I’m pressing all of the fritter, I did a more aggressive 2ish minute shake. Separated that, called it fritter. Haven’t weighed it yet but it looks really nice. Then left the material in the bag, added 150-200g of dry “nice” trim. Shook that for another 2ish 2.5 minutes. That’s what is pictured. I shake a little more aggressively and allow a little more green in there because I’m going to be pressing it through a 20 micron bag. Unboxing the press now and letting the hash chill in the freezer. It was from dried material though so it won’t need much of any time in the freezer to be ready to press. Fresh frozen needs 48ish hours to dry in the freezer when it’s done. I’ll throw up shots of the fritter hash and the fresh frozen when I get there. Going to press some of this trim hash first and see where our color is


Such an adorable name for your new pet dude.

I don’t know how I had missed you were growing this. Where is the clone from? I’m growing a Bubba Diagonal (Bubba Kush x Triangle Kush) from Purple City Genetics right now. Snagged a cutting on my way out of San Diego. I have a breeding project planned with it, with one of the potential parents being reproduced after I’m done with the Banana OG. I’ll snag a quick phone picture of the Bubba Diagonal though.

Day 25:

and the momma

What a cutie, dude!

I bought some cheap pH powders off amazon to check my pH pen monthly, and then I have higher rated solutions to calibrate it when need be. My probe probably needs to be replaced because it also goes off calibration by .1-.2.

I finally caught up, and my feet have never been dirtier.

Anyway, there’s some absolute fire that goes through your tents hermano. I could see why you want to expand your grow space.

Keep on keepin’ on brotha. I gotta go clean these piggies now.



Welcome and thank you for dropping by my friend. Heh second time I’ve partied with the raccoons now. They’re good people.

My Bubba Diagonal is from Pro Grow/Pure Options in Michigan. It may say now or at some point, but it didn’t mention where they got it on their site or anything when I went to get it. I’ve got a few other tk and bubba crosses I think might hit home more for me, but this has been really enjoyable even though I messed it up a bit last round. Really uplifting high, nice sort of limey kushy nose that comes out when it’s 3-4 weeks dry. It’s really good to know you’ve got a cut. I’ve been toying with the idea of revegging this one, but we will see how she finishes out. I just posted more recent pics in the bubba kush cuts thread. It’s got a few weeks to go still but it looks pretty much exactly like yours.

Still pumped for that banana og.

Yeah I was just lazy on calibration, honestly. It even has a thing to let you know and it’s been off for about a month but I said “I know what I’m doing. Duh” always a mistake.

Thanks for coming by, Captain. :purple_heart:


Been a busy week! Haven’t had time to really sit down and do a proper update, but plan to tomorrow. New 4x4 is here so I’ll be doing some shtuff. For now, here is @Budderton s Koh gold doing really well in a solo still… she gets a new home tomorrow. Last pic is her next to a jack the ripper because it’s pretty interesting how similarly they grow. Still pretty positive this Koh gold is female. I guess I haven’t put pics of the other one up yet. Less branchy and more upright growth like I’m used to with extra sativas. Fairly positive that one’s a male but I’m getting to know it before anything happens.

This one is the other JTR by itself.

This little mango Maui haze is a girl. Part of the solo challenge. She will be cleaned up to make one cola :love_you_gesture:t2: because space is tight and that’s how I’m doing it.

Half of the reason for the extra tent… shits crazy. 12ish plants lovingly shoved together.

Bubba x tk(bubba Diagonal)

Forgot to take a picture but one Kasper Koffee and the hot mints have the exact same spacing. Interesting. One has stretched more than the other but they’re both pretty similar in growth otherwise. The Kasper’s Koffee, that is. Chem x cheese is really catching my eye as it stretches. Nice plant. Onward! Bigger update over the next two days.


BBPS got a haircut!

Flower tent being packed. Miss curly leaf at the bottom is the hot mints. Got a bit close to the light and sits around 1150ppfd and 90f. Is also heavily og leaning…aka finicky. But! Nice size Good frame.

Second jack the ripper also showed she’s a female! Thinner leaves on this one, more branchy structure like she leans Thai. Other one has fatter leaves and stems, sort of c99esque if I had to throw opinions out there. This one has a more extra sour smell to the stem. Other one is more pronounced lemon smells.


Baby gang checking in! Long leaf pic on the bottom is a peshawar that wasn’t included in the group shot. 5 technical weirdos…two of them being slightly mutated, one being born very odd, one sprouting late, and one slow to do much. The two mutants are eternal sunshine and ssdd f2. Eternal sunshine seems to be throwing it’s first true leaves at weird angles. It’s in the small container on the 1 gallon. In that same 1 gallon are presumably three ts x ssdd plants. One sprouted normally, one very late and one without cotyledons. It’s one true leaf but it seems to be praying and making efforts to grow so I’m leaving it as it is. Also got the 4x4 up and together but have to shift everything probably tomorrow. A new pup takes up so much attention! Anyway. Thanks for being around, everyone. Peace

Balls balls balls, man! One Kasper’s Koffee out of the race.


You sure do keep busy!

Congrats on adding another member to your family. :dog:


Thank you! Now just have to get him trained and through his puppy phase. He’s good, but a puppy…haha I don’t love puppies but I know he will be great in a few months.

And it pays to have an overgrown veg tent, man! Turned out both of the Kasper’s Koffee I had in flower were going nanners. I’m just testing them for def so it’s not a crazy surprise, but still. Went to strip them down at day 21-22 and found 15 on one and more like 8-9 on the other… worst at the lowers and less at the top. I had the thought of leaving the one with less in there but couldn’t bring myself to do it. There’s one more Kasper’s Koffee in the veg tent showing female preflowers but I’m a little hesitant to transplant it and flower it out with both it’s siblings being less than peaceful.

I’ve got so many things I can get in there and clearing it out really just gives my solo cup entries more light and uncramps the MMog x choc diesel. Life of testing beans. That’s okay. Onward and upward. Realized I double posted that JTR picture so that’s my bad lol.

Have a good day everyone :purple_heart:


TS x ssdd @syzygy gets it’s new home this weekend(feel like I say that every week) and flowered out in 10-14 days

Also here are just a couple of the ssdd f2 seedlings but my phone died during photos so I didn’t get to take everything I wanted because I didn’t want to wait for it to charge and delay watering :sweat_smile: but I did get the little odd one. Should grow out of it but still fun. Oh and there’s the one born seemingly with one bad cotyledon, 1.15 true leaves lol and a will to leave. Second set of leaves are slowly forming…

From this batch of 12 eternal sunshine, I’ve had 100% mutants on the ones that have sprouted. They’ve all had some funky leaves, coloration, the whole thing. They’re weird but I’m hopeful. Have 4 up. Here they are

@Upstate the three Peshawar that are up and well. One seemed to damp off or fail and maybe one didn’t come up? Will have to check but I may have only put four down initially. The look of them have me excited. One has noticeable fatter leaves and one a bit thinner. Leaving one in the middle.

And the bigger JTR that will hit the flower tent with the ts x ssdd in 10-15 days @ix3u

And flush starts on the fritter. 11 days to finish. Didn’t seem to get many seeds in my 3 gallon fritter but some may be hiding. Can see probably 4-5 but haven’t really inspected that hard either. Have more fritter and pollen to try again :love_you_gesture:t2:

Have a good night. More pics coming at you another time, per usual


Looking good! Don’t forget…top the Pesh at the 4th node and again asap afterwards for a good canopy. Hope you get some good ones!


I’m glad to see you are taking your responsibility serious when it comes to our right (duty?) to garden! I use those same 4.5" green round pots for seedlings also.


They’re handy! I just try not to throw away small containers I get… probably should toss a few though. Have a few small squares that are almost entirely tape at this point…

And yeah man! Not thaat much has changed, but I’m very happy to be in less trouble with what I’ve got. Plant counts are funny.

And will do upstate! 🫡

Also thanks Mr greenjeans. Idle time is the devil’s hands, man


Happy 420 everyone :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart: was a pretty nice day despite being a little chilly.

Did a little defoliation action in the veg tent today and got some really nice smells. The ts x ssdd is extra skunky at the moment. The JTR is a very clean, very clear lemon scent. Pretty much straight lemon concentrate type deal. Rotten pineapple has this really nice tropical, sweet grass sort of smell at the moment… tossed the boy mango Maui haze and boy Koh gold today. Neither stood out and I’ve got more seeds of both.

Be back soon :love_you_gesture:t2:


:eyes: looking good in there :+1:

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Thanks, man. I’m starting to get back on top of the waves of chaos :sunglasses::love_you_gesture:t2:

Couple little random shots while I watered some and set up the new veg area.

Bubba x tk coming along well.

And this boggy blue pineapple skunk coming along decently too. Really solid nugs on this one. Looks like it’ll go 10 weeks unless it does something crazy in these next 2-3 weeks. Pretty sure it’s around 5.5-6 weeks. From a distance it has a skunky smell and up close it’s super fruity. Exactly like fruit loops fruity. It’s really nice. It’s structured very differently from her sister that’s less far along. Seems there’s some cool stuff to look for in that cross. Will definitely be popping more in time. She obviously likes to be fed slightly less than what I’ve been dosing her up with. The combo of compost, jms, and 1.5 EC feed is just a smidge much