Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Good golly Miss Molly! :star_struck: @DirtySlowToes Absolutely a fantastic job on that BBPS! That’s the one I was looking for! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Great description of her fragrance. Almost exactly what I was hoping to hear and see. Just beautiful! Sorry to hear you had one herm on ya. There’s definitely going to be some genetic variation in those beans. I had 2 similar but not the same and one pretty different when I ran a few. :+1:t3: Thanks for giving the strain a shot and showing her off. I hope she smokes well enough for you to make the grade!

P.S. I’m swiping some of your pics for my collection! :crazy_face: If you’d like to try any of my other chucks shoot me a DM. I’d love to see you grow them out if you find a slot in your rotation one day. I know you have a ton goin’ on. :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Thank you so much! She’s really killing it. I didn’t take cuts but I’ve got enough space now to cut her back and attempt a re-veg. If it’s successful and you want a cut, let me know. She didn’t get a crazy long veg. Probably 5-6 weeks from seed but I can go double check to be sure. Seems to be nugging up well and would probably really throw down with more dedicated training. I’m not a froot loop person and haven’t had it in probably 15-20 years but the smell was unmistakable. Really fantastic thoughts and work when making this. Huge thanks. Yeah the one pheno is much bushier with longer colas, later onset of trichomes. This one is more spaced and frosted up early. This pheno seems to be a lighter feeder than the other. Presumably pineapple skunk leaner. I can get some more glamour shots over the next couple weeks for you. What’s mine is yours, my friend :purple_heart: :love_you_gesture:t2: I think it’ll smoke really well. Glad I grabbed 20 of these beans. Thanks for the compliments too. You know how to make a guy feel good haha I’ll look around at your other crosses but I remember liking quite a few with your name beside them. I like the way you think. I’d love to grow out more of your stuff. Time moves fast and I just love growing.


I like that shot!

Plants look good, haha!


Those looking fucking fantastic great job.


Thanks man. Huge thanks. I was just showing my partner your current batch like 30 minutes ago. Beautiful, full net you have over there. :love_you_gesture:t2: Really excited to see the lemon G this round.

And thank you, syzy. Big words coming from you.


Oh man me too I was hoping to be downtown for the 4th of July smoking some lemon g but im going to be about a week late. It been a few years since I’ve had her pretty excited


I’ve never grown her personally. Just commercially and it didn’t come out great that round but I can’t guarantee it was the real deal, etc. I’ve never had it dried and well done, so if yours is the truth, let me know! July 11ish…ill keep it in mind :sunglasses: I’ve heard great things. Closest thing I’ll have smell-wise is some jack the ripper right now


Man you grow some beautiful weed! That bubba x tk is looking stellar is that from csi? @DirtySlowToes the pineapple skunk looking nice and chunky too


Thank you a ton!

Honestly I can’t tell you. It’s Bubba Diagonal from Pro Grow/Pure Options in Michigan and they didn’t say on their site or know when I picked it up. And despite the employees not knowing where it came from, everything I’ve picked up from them has been worth running at least once. @Mr.Christmas has one from purple city genetics and they look quite similar. I’m expecting to find similar effects in the ts x ssdd or ssdd f2 from syzygy and so this will likely be the last time I run the bubba Diagonal. But it’s a gorgeous plant and is a little slow but pretty easy growing otherwise. One of the better cured smells I can recount though. The bubba eases the gas from the tk and ends up with this limey, lightly gassy sort of goodness. I wouldn’t say there is coffee in the dried product but it’s there during the grow and it’s close enough that if you go make coffee after grinding some of the weed up you’re like “oh yeah. That’s there.” If you come by it, I’d run it once or twice.


Another day in the life! Have things 70% done down here. We will get there.

New shot of baby row. Close ups of a few coming later :love_you_gesture:t2:

Koh gold got moved to a 1.5gallon to spread her legs. Will take cuts sometime this week and she will be moved in a week or two to flower. Let’s see how I can manage that stretch.

Last of the MMog x choc diesel got moved to a 1.5 gallon as well. Spent far, far too long in a tiny tiny container.

And the TS x ssdd. Moved up to 15 gallons this morning :tada: don’t mind the mess in the back. Stuff got piled together during the setting up of this tent.

Be back soon :purple_heart:


Good morning og. Have a good day :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart:

The other boggy blue pineapple skunk pheno! Quite different than her sister.

Shot of the hot mints. I’m changing my mind a little on this one. Maybe I do like her.

And here are the four Jordon G x B. They give me good vibes. This whole round of seedlings feels promising. I haven’t put any individual shots of the Hawaiian lime ogee or the (mm x nh) x mg yet but they’re grooving.

Most everything is cool over here. I’ve settled into a pretty solid feed for everyone. Ventana, compost, jms… top dress at week 2 in flower with compost, oats, some Dr earth maybe. Spray weekly with Athena ipm and jms. Fritter comes down in 4-6 days. Another batch of shtuff 10-12 days after that. Then we are on to the excitement of the next batch. Need to spend some time with the scope over the next couple of weeks. Also may look into something to just end this whole slug thing. They don’t cause many issues but it’d be cool if they caused zero issues. Okay bye :wave:t2:


What’s up!

The babies are growing quickly. Work to do this weekend and then chaos beginning soon. Until then, we enjoy them.

Group shot

(Mm x nh) X mg - on all of these the branching is extremely horizontal. Pretty cool.

SSDD F2. Not a ton of comment on growth so far. They’re fairly similar with two seeming to be growing taller than anything else.

In the flower room…

BBPS decided to black out on my essentially overnight :cat2:‍:black_large_square:

And just a couple crasher shots.

Plus a bubba Diagonal for fun too. It’s also fading. 8 days or so I think on this and the crasher.


Fritter came down :love_you_gesture:t2: now let’s hope we avoid mold. Should be okay, but she’s very dense. Will get better nug shots as she dries


That’s one chunky monkey! Beautiful job! :star_struck:


Holy crap those are some beautiful thick buds!


Looking good!
Nice color and they look rock hard.


Thanks bruddas! It’s tougher for me to get whole plant shots on big plants like this. It’s also a task to think about pictures and lighting while also moving fairly quickly… hah I’m a lazy cat sometimes and like to work when in working, ya know? Should’ve busted out the yard stick for some size idea. I’ll be back with dry weight but I feel good on this one. Here’s another random one

Sorry to let y’all down on the rosin front lately! Loaded up fresh frozen last weekend and then blew the bag out and ended up just mixing the hash and pressed stuff and smoking it all… shucks. But I have 400g wet in the freezer and will be doing it all again this week in hopes of more to show. I’ve pressed some hash I made from dry material but that’s never too sexy to look at.

Here’s a shot of two of the eternal sunshine. They’re all so odd. One seems to be almost out of that phase though.


@unomas here be those other JTR. This is overgrow, right? Because we are overgrown, my friends. It’s going to kick my ass managing these as they flower but I’m also just being dramatic because I’m yet to clone them all down…that’ll happen here tomorrow or later tonight. For now, they are monsters with new homes.

JTR #1 - the taller, more lemon, more vigorous, slightly broader leafed one.
Will get better shots. Thought I took more but it was in the very beginning and this is the only one I took? Weird, but believable.

JTR #2 - narrower leaves, more spicy/sour stem, more ‘even’ branching, more lateral branching. :arrow_down:

prepping a bunch of stuff for flower within a week. It’s an 80% reset of the flower tent and I’m happy about getting into new stuff. Will be back to throw more pics down

Oh and the ferments being fermenty. Had the jms/jlf under the scope the other day and they were wildly active. Was really cool to see and hard to video. Still messing with the scope.

And some hot mints


@DirtySlowToes thanks for the tag! JTRs are looking lovely! Can’t wait to see how yours turn out. I’m really digging the structure on them.


Hey gang! Checking in. Chopped the boggy blue pineapple skunk and the bubba diagonal today at day 64. Will do the wedding crasher in a short bit. Unfortunately, that BBPS pheno that looked great at week 6ish of flower seemed to suffer from really uneven finishing. It started to foxtail a bit and throw more pistils and that could be from heat. It did get pretty hot in there the last few weeks but it was the only one to react that way. It probably could’ve gone two more weeks and I’ll likely let the next one go another week to see what’s going on there, but I definitely want to continue to dig through that cross because it seems amazing and I’m really pumped for this bbps smoke. Today is day 9 for fritter in the dry tent and it sort of kicked me in the face when I tried it earlier. Just smoked one joint so I’ll have a better feel for it as it finishes its dry and get sealed up. Finishing smells on the BBPS were still froot loopy but got muted a bit by some sort of rotting funk and a little ‘kushy’ smell, so I’m curious how it’ll end up tasting. Bubba Diagonal has an extremely deep, forest-y, lime, gas combo going on. There’s a strong hash smell that lingers after touching on it. Both seem to be medium to slightly above average yields. Here are a few close up shots. Will take a few more as I move around.

BBPS first, bubba diagonal second

Bubba Diagonal

Wedding Crasher