Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

@DirtySlowToes The buds from all of these plants look really nice! Great job! :fist:t3:
Sorry to hear the BBPS got a little wonky on ya with the heat. :man_shrugging:t3: She went 9 weeks so should still be decent smoke if the flavor is right for ya. 🪶🪶

1 Like

Oh no worries at all man. If I had the space I’d let her go another few weeks but I went ahead and got her down to make room for more. The next one up looks really nice too.

I’m going to be popping more within a few weeks to see what else is in there and will be taking cuts from these moving forward! Really happy with this cross and will tag you and throw up plenty of dried nug shots.


And a hot mints nug!

Plus jaws cheese x chem d bc1


Still alive :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart: been a weird week.

Veg area is hectic but doing well. Singled out the most attractive Peshawar to me right now. Really loving the growth and the smell on it is really nice right now. Hard to describe but definitely citrus, definitely some powerful funk.
PXL_20240511_004647509 PXL_20240511_003214147.MP PXL_20240511_003155552.MP

And here’s the first of the three MMog x choc diesel that went into flower a few weeks back. This one had quite literally probably only 6 inches of stretch, so that’s weird. Seemed to take it’s time filling in to this point, but has another really interesting smell. Perfumey and skunky but not floral. I’ll have to stick my nose in it more. I’ve got cuts of her sister and that one will hit the tent really soon.
PXL_20240511_005639766 PXL_20240511_005631023 PXL_20240511_005627395

And some hot mints.

Goodnight all.


Good news! One of the leftover goji ghash x unicorn poop f2 finally showed to be female. So she will get new shoes soon and we will get a better idea of what that’s all about. The solo cup one is really nice so far so I’m pumped to have a better look at this cross. Think it’ll be really good smoke and may breed well to some medium length shtuff.

Roots have shown on all the clones. Took more than I need so I’m not sure what all will happen with them. Koh gold, ts x ssdd(1), JTR(1), watermelon zkittlez, MMog x choc diesel. Koh gold also hit flower last night. I was enjoying the extra space to clean around and let everything in there breathe so it’s all I’ve moved over at this point. Zkittlez, tsxssdd and JTR will move over the next two days. I think I’ll be able to manage the canopy on everything going in and it’ll turn out alright.

Maui Mango Haze is really chunking up in the solo cup. Will take shots when I’m there next. It’s a single cola, small plant but has the most intense overripe moldy mango/sweet plantain smell. I’m into it. Have to dig through these too.

Eternal sunshine are the slowest growing of the babies and the last thing I’m waiting on before I clone a few from the baby gang and throw them in the other tent to flower and make some seedos. Peshawar is a real standout so far. The ssdd f2 are also looking really nice. One Hawaiian lime ogee and two Jordon GB catch my eye. One ts x ssdd is extremely vigorous and sturdy branched. I’m keeping my eye on it. The rotten pineapple have a beautiful smell so far. Both the solo cups and the veg plants. Life’s good gang! May have to try some outdoor since I have so many more females than expected. Or if anyone’s close enough and they want a cut, let me know!

Here are a few fritter shots I took today before I smoked this nugget


They grow up fast :baby_symbol:

This is the goji ghash x unicorn poop f2 that has been in a solo since 3/1 just acting all cool. Confirmed female.

Watermelon zkittlez being a nuisance

TS x SSDD #1

More fritter shots

BBPS #2 filling in well. Thinking 14-19 more days…will be starting plain water soon

Doggo and fly agaric


It’s a busy time of the year, all around, so I haven’t been very active here lately, but I’m glad to see that you’re able to give some more space to a few of the plants you’ve got in Solo cups.

I hope you’ll be able to grow the Maui Mango Haze in a bigger vessle too. That’s next on my “to grow” list. The first seeds ever sent to me from a fellow OGer were Maui Mango Haze.


It’s nice to see you every time you come around! Hope it’s a good busy and not too overwhelming!

Hah man, those first seeds are memorable aren’t they?

I will definitely be popping more MMH. Probably within7-8 weeks to see what’s going on. I’ll tag ya when they get going !


Definitely! The MMH seeds were awarded to me during the 7-year anniversary celebration, as the most recent member to join up. :slight_smile: That was quite a welcoming initiation to the community. Thanks again @Heliosphear!


Oh right on! Hah I didn’t realize a fem version was out there. I picked up regs from Johnny. I did grab 20 so if you have germ issues or anything like that just let me know and I can get you a few more! Though they are regs.

Got pretty nice rootage!

Singled the ts x ssdd out in the one shot and the other is just a general view :love_you_gesture:t2: amazing how long it can take to put clones in pots, transplant a few other things and prune a little.

Now time to trim up the Crasher


Boggy blue pineapple skunk nug shot! 11 days in the dry tent and the time is now. I could’ve let it go 12 but it’s just about perfect. Created by @NDNCHILD
Smoke report coming in the future.


Very nice looking nugs! @DirtySlowToes :fist:t3:
Hope they pass the smoke test for y’all! I look forward to hearing what ya think… good or bad the people must know. :+1:t3:


i like you. so glad i found this, man. love your soil geek tendencies. :slight_smile:


This Peshawar, maaan. It’s just really pretty to me. I haven’t done any training to it aside from topping it when and where @Upstate said. It’s like you knew what you were doing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: really though, what a gorgeous structure. Thanks for keeping it alive. Sticky stems rubs but I forgot to smell it before rubbing on what was next to it so smell will have to wait til tomorrow. The other couple aren’t in as big of pots as this one yet, but they have similar structures. One seems to be a little divergent but it’s hard to tell until they’re either transplanted or flowered. Anyway, here it is.

And the TS x SSDD from syzy is getting me all excited. Overwhelmingly skunky smells at the moment. Some sweetness but skunk first and second and third. Then sweetness.

And this lil Bubba Diagonal nug

Unfortunately, the Koh gold I had in flower turned out to show some intersex shtuff. So got rid of it, replaced it with the ‘more desirable’ MMog x choc diesel (#2). Saw two of the mm x nh x mg are female tonight while spritzing, so that’s exciting. And the eternal sunshine are finally taking off to the point where I sort of have a plan. Thanks for sticking around and being here. What a ride this damn eternal sunshine has been(what this whole thread started on).


That peshawar looks stunning! It’s always a joy to see a plant flourish with such a natural, beautiful structure.


Thanks! Fate has it it’s a male. With a great smell and structure I’m seriously digging. I wasn’t planning on using any Peshawar males but he’s a real standout…and one other Peshawar showed male as well. No confirmed Peshawar females yet but that’s okay!

Of the three eternal sunshine, it looks like one is male, one is leaning male and the other undetermined. Would be funny to see nothing but males from those 6 seeds… but they’ll get used too! Not sure when I’ll flip things and collect pollen/chuck a little but the day is approaching quickly. I kept a mm x nh x mg male that looked like the lady in liking most. May get tossed. Tossed two Jordon g x b males. Male heavy day today! Identified 8-9 and tossed 6. Is how it goes.

Did find a nice sour smelling ssdd f2 female. Party. Also two mm x nh x mg ladies like I said the other day. One, likely two, more TS x SSDD females are showing. No Hawaiian lime ogee females showing yet. Forgot to check three plants…just remembered as I’m writing this. Oh well. Starting more seeds this evening :love_you_gesture:t2: be back soon.

Up close on the ts x ssdd in flower.

Edited to add thoughts:

After culling some males, seeing what I’ve got and doing a little looking… it looks like my first set of projects will be Peshawar x (goji ghash x unicorn poop), Peshawar x rpf4, Peshawar x ((mmxnh) x mg). They’ll start this weekend. After that’s done I’ll f2 the mmxnh x mg and then cripple myself at the thought of what’s next. It’s really tough not knowing what the smoke is like on the Peshawar but it’s so attractive that it’s just gotta happen. Eternal sunshine will stay around but is so damn slow with the veg that I’m rethinking everything. Okay bye :wave:t2:


Well that’s not cool… giving it a couple days but this is the ts x ssdd.


Onward we march! Sucks to get herms, but that’s the risk of f1s. Nothing to it but to do it. So…

TS x SSDD is a herm
MMog x choc diesel - the desirable one - is a herm.

Watermelon zkittlez and Jack the Ripper take their place. Rotton pineapple f4 soon to scootch in when BBPS comes down in 6 days.

Will be beginning a seed run tomorrow :eyes::purple_heart:

Plopped these little bad boys in water…

@JAWS chem soda f2 x4
@santero trufflez #1 f2 x5
@Budderton Koh gold x4
@Puffalo JTR x moonbow 112 x4

Be back soon. Have a good day now


yup just keep moving forward, what else can one do.

very nice …


Best of luck with your starts @DirtySlowToes ! I hope you find a few nice ones that fly straight and true for you!