Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Make sure the light isn’t too bright. It took me forever to figure out that too strong of light causes herms. Almost every time. Friends had the same problem. Just thought I’d throw it out there.


Eh, they’re anywhere from 800-1000 ppfd in the canopy. Jaws chem cheese is fine, all the ‘elite’ clones have been fine. The BBPS were both mostly good. It’s just been a really unlucky Koh gold then MMog now tsxssdd. They’ve all been f1s and the Koh is very understandable. I haven’t tossed the ts x ssdd yet but it’ll probably get the axe today and it’s been at or under 800 during flower. I’ll definitely keep a lookout though… it definitely does make me stop and double check everything. Thanks for the suggestion. May still just raise it to see. Would be sweet if that’s all it is


Let’s drop some photos off.

Hot mints and BBPS are both coming around the corner. Hot mints comes down in 8-10 days, bbps in 5ish.

Hot mints. Has a really enjoyable, earthy/composty, gassy thing going on with it. Some rubber smells in there. Not punch you in the face potent when it comes to fragrance but it stays on me for a long while after messing with it. Will see how it smokes! Chopped two branches and froze them at week 8 and they’ll be tossed into a hash batch. :arrow_heading_down:

Boggy blue pineapple skunk pheno #2. Almost a “cat-piss” smell when bumped on. Has an acetone and sharp fruit smell that can be easily taken as rancid, I’d say. It’s much sweeter once you get your nose in there but it’s probably going to be one of those that smacks people when the jar or bag is opened. :arrow_heading_down:

BBPS pheno #1 nug I got out today. Super enjoyable high. I’m letting it sit in the jar for a while longer before it’s my main smoke, but it’s got a really uplifting happy high. Music is better, walks are more enjoyable. You almost don’t feel the come down at all and that may trick you into thinking it’s mild but a full joint or couple bong fulls and I’m happily settling in to get lost in whatever I’m doing. :arrow_heading_down:

Uk cheese x chem d bc1 - getting some more funky, moldy type smells on it(that isn’t mold, I checked haha) that are lingering into the more classic ‘dank’ smell chem has. Seems to almost be switching dominant smells as it comes down the stretch. Thinking 2.5-3 more weeks. :arrow_heading_down:

On the seedlings, I had oodles of tails this evening and put them all in paper towels. They’ll go in soil tomorrow. :love_you_gesture:t2: Pumped for what’s upcoming. Don’t forget to stay up with your sprays and ipm as summer comes in! Or as the winter rolls through if you’re one of those southern cats. :sunglasses:


It looks like things are heating up in your grow room!


Thanks man! Hah and I take it literally. Have a few things planned to lower temps but they’ve been low 90s. I really understand those that do summer shut downs… thanks for stopping by! And welcome to og if I haven’t bumped into you yet :slightly_smiling_face:

Hmm…checking the ts x SSDD, I’m just not sure it’s really a herm. Will update. Perhaps I judged it too soon.

Opinions. Herm right? I’ve just been staring at it too long?


That’s when you make seeds!


If you get herms very often make sure your light isn’t too bright. Most of them are. We learned that this is the main cause of herms. Took many years to figure it out. We had many grows of 10 different strains that would all herms and were puzzled. Finally I got a PPFD meter and as long as my lazy ass uses it I have no problems.


What ppfd do you never go over then? @Ottafish


I have a meter too that’s why I’m asking… curious as to what the danger zone is in your experience


Where are the balls you’re seeing mate? I might be struggling to see them the photos.

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Hey thanks for coming by and saying it twice in case I didn’t get it :wink:

I have a meter. I use it. Not even close to everything herms as I said in my response to you the last time lol I’d love for you to use numbers over anecdotes. They’re helpful but only if you read what is going on :slightly_smiling_face: thanks again though. I moved the light a few inches… trust me. Ppfd is anywhere from. 650-850 for the canopy. And would you believe it…the hot mints has been at 1350 it’s whole life and didn’t herm. I’m thankful you figured out your issue but I don’t think it’s mine in this situation. Also…who is we? And what is too bright in your experience? Do you measure CO2 or leaf temp? @Ottafish

That’s a good sign. I sprayed it before moving it to flower and so there are a few brown hairs from the spray and pinched leaves. Sometimes with ogs in my experience, they have these really meaty looking start to buds. They aren’t full of pistils but have this suspicious sort of look. The second picture I posted shows it best. Appreciate you looking! I’ll be letting it go a few days. Chances are I was hasty when I saw real life balls on the MMog.

That being said, I kept a cut of the MMog x choc diesel and will run it again to see if it was any sort of environmental issue before tossing it. Gorgeous structure. More indica in stature than I usually like but it’s a fun one.


Understandable mate. I see a brown hair and I’m right on the edge.

Currently running a Mandarina x Afghan that is meant to be a bit iffy, in a room full of other stuff. Got me the same way.


That sounds nice. I hope you keep us updated with how it goes over there for ya. I don’t know much about mandarina.

Litfa is usually the answer for me! Lol I’ll go back to not looking too hard until day 21 on the flowering ladies. Going by my gut and eyes has burned me a few times.


Hardest thing to do most the time hey.

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Cannabis - jlf
Jms that sat and turned to jlf that turned to labs I think. Will take a picture but most of the bacteria are now labs and it smells like nice whey. Fun ferment.
Then a tank of a worm hiding under a branch. Happy hump day

And some more veg tent updates!

Stress testing the fritter. I don’t even know how many months in the .75 Gallon pot. I want to say 5 but maybe I’m crazy. Healthy all things considered

Sloppy left side of veg tent shot

Why the eternal sunshine project is taking so long…
All same age.

JTR x Moonbow 112 first to pop. Koh gold also popped but didn’t take the photo


Oops sorry brother… It’s hard to keep track of everyone I just try and share my experiences. I try and keep it under 600 veg and not over 800 flower. Although I’d think you could boost it the last few weeks a bit because they wouldn’t have time to make seeds at that point if they hermed. When I said “we” I was talking about me and some friends. I have one buddy that always gets herms. He was running the fluence spider that’s designed to be used with co2. It was way too bright. Everything hermed twice. He needed to hook up a controller to dim. He’s always getting herms every grow. He actually gave up growing. I had several runs where everything I had hermed running 7-10 strains. Freaking drove me nuts. I just try and run lower now cause I think it produces better quality going easier on them.
I don’t run co2 but I do or did have a unit that measures co2, oxygen, and something else I can’t remember. I have a 300 gallon smart pot in my tent full of organic soil and the soil itself has put out some high co2 levels. I want to say it got up around 1000.


600 veg, 800 flower if running no co2


Wow that sounds awesome!!! Moonbow is freaking awesome! My buddy ran it in his commercial grow and it just pumped out golf balls. JTR is awesome too. I’m super interested to see how that turns out. Did you pick that up from archive or create it?

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And with co2?

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You’d be better checking out an episode from KIS Organics on the subject. I’ve heard of people running up to 1500. But everything has to be dialed at that point. You’re growing a race car. Strains will vary in what they like too. But when you use it, you use less during veg, and high during swell and bulk, then taper off. I remember that from my buddies commercial grow.