Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Oh interesting, man. That definitely sounds like a headache! I appreciate you jumping in to share your experience. We have fairly opposite experiences. I’ve pushed as much as 3000w in a 8x8 space where canopy was 13-1350 and at the pot itself was 450. There was supplemental CO2 at the time though. I’ve personally not had an issue with light intensity causing herms(that I know of). For me it’s been nutrient timing and consistency that can cause herms when running that hard.

@Puffalo is actually the one who got me a few of these JTR x moonbow 112 seeds. There are a few shots of what he grew over in his thred. I’ll be running it next to JTR so it’ll be fun to compare and contrast. I appreciate you sharing your skills and knowledge with me :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart:


Are you growing with proven clones? I know that it’s known by some… that you need to grow a strain up to 3-4 times in your environment to see its full potential. It will also adapt each time it’s grown.
I’m thinking your correlation to nutrients and that could have been the issue for me, is when running co2 everything is adjusted up, plants eating more, taking in more light, photosynthesyzing faster and so on. Maybe it’s something with the lack of nutrients. Where you getting them when they weren’t getting enough food? Thing is my plants looked perfect they just hermed. I know there’s many variable. My buddy watered his plants with ice cold hose water and I swear that was the straw that broke the camels back. But he was also running way too much PPFD with no CO2 and the environment had crazy fluctuations. The only other suspicion I had that could contribute was using too much kelp or nitrozyme (condensed kelp). But I swear, I’ve seen it on some many different strains when the light is too high and the CO2 is not there. So maybe that’s the correlation? I was running Athena at the time and had my nutrients dialed and have also seen it in my homemade living soil which is dialed. I’d think in the soil it would be kinda like hydro where the plant always has nutrients available. It could totally be that the temp needed to be higher for the high PPFD. I’m interested to hear others thoughts. I’ve seen the lights cause herms at least 8 grows I’d say. That’s all I can point to because that’s all I changed and I get zero now if I measure it. I enjoy talking about there thoughts.
BTW man… you’re putting out some great flowers! They look awesome. What media, lights, nutrients are you running? Have you found any tricks you think increase quality?


I can prove them to be clones, yes. Haha jokes aside, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘proven’ clones. I’ve currently got clones from a Michigan facility. ‘elites’ one may say, if you believe in that.

This is sort of my belief. I think it’s a collection of stressors that induce intersex traits. Obviously genetics play the biggest factors but after that I think it’s the 1000 other variables that cause it. Hard to say, for me at least, what has greater impact. For me, herms have come when I’m pushing calcium and phosphorus too hard. Like… 3.5ec and up in flower, 6-9ec in the media. If things get out of whack, they go real out of whack.

More power to you for dialing in your space and getting your area figured out. I’m not so quick to say that I’ve ever had anything dialed in perfectly because I simply don’t know what I don’t know haha but it’s been fun to try to measure all I can.

Thanks for the kind words. Most of that info is on page 1… but I’m running viparspectra ka5000 in a 4x4. My soil is a coco(or promix) based soil amended with goodies. I’m using ventana plant science right now for nutrients. I’m switching over to their commercial products slowly but surely. As far as tips on quality and quantity, I generally just try not to act like I’ve got it all figured out. Slow, predictable changes go a long way. Consistency. Watering is probably what folks slack on the most. Automated or hand watering, you’ve just got to make sure your emitters are placed well and that you’re taking your time hand watering. For me, the more time I spend in the garden, the more aware I am of whatever my limiting factor is. I’m big into scheduled dry backs(even in soil.). Being vigilant about your microbe life, whole plant drying, little stuff like that seems to make the most impact for me. No secrets really, just have to do all the shit you know you have to do! Haha which is a task in itself at times.


The two biggest factors were running VPD and the light. It’s kinda cool too, ever since I started growing organic I have no gnats. The spider mites in my mulch eat them all. The VPD stopped any PM which seemed to always be a factor and increased growth.


Which mites eat fungus gnats? As far as I know, spider mites definitely do not eat gnats. Spiders, maybe. Haha just curious… I’m definitely into beneficial predators. I’ll probably end up getting to those crazee mites I mentioned a while back but the knf sprays have made my life very, very easy. That and the weekly bronners/iso spray. I’m a proponent of bugs though. I definitely can get bugs, but it helps knowing how to manage them worst case and also having as many beneficials in there as possible to help where I slack. Helps keep a balance. I’m glad you’ve got your stuff locked down! I’ve definitely seen your thread and read folks raving about your work. Would love to try some someday!


stratiolaelaps scimitus are peditory mites that eat fungus gnats larve.


Chop chop time for hot mints and boggy blue pineapple skunk #2. 10 weeks on the BBPS, 9 weeks and 5 days on the hot mints. BBPS got a full 14 day flush. Hot mints had 11. I pushed the BBPS a bit this time to see what’s going on. The first batch of it has an amazing high but it looked like it could’ve gone another week so I let this one. It definitely has the ‘cut me’ look, but I’m okay with that. Should be incredibly smooth. I think the extra week was helpful as it swelled hard this last week. Very dense nugs on top. They’re looser at the bottom but I don’t think there will be tons of larf on this one.

BBPS still has that herbal/cat piss sort of smell with a heavy dose of tropical smells from a distance.

Hot mints has an almost chocolate smell? Or something along those lines. Way sweeter than I was expecting but it still has a nice rubbery sort of smell. Not super gassy, but pungent. Pungent in a subdued way? I don’t know. It’s interesting.

BBPS :arrow_heading_down:

Hot mints

Right on. Thank you @ReikoX :purple_heart: written down and spoken 7 times so I don’t forget

And some other shots.
Solo gang :arrow_heading_down:

TS x SSDD - going to be big. Excuse my floor mess.


I’m similar to this. I’ve had a variety of reasons for herms over the years I think.

Light leaks, temp stress, unstable genetics, not enough air flow, nute burn, etc.

I think maybe 1 time due to lights, when I just upgraded to CMH and went a bit hard.

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Very excited to follow along with your SSDD cross. Working on some SSDD stuff at the moment myself so will be intently following.

Is she Tangerine Sunshine x SSDD sorry?

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Triple Sunshine x Sunshine Daydream. Both bodhi’s works combined by a fellow og-er.
It’s the year of the sunshine…haha triple Sunshine f2s, ssdd f2s, this sunshine mashup, and eternal sunshine. Bodhi loves his sunshine. They will all get logged here. I have a slight feel that this may be one of the best representations I could find, but I’ve also got more TS x ssdd started to dig through while I run this one to death


Whoa! That BBPS really did pack on some weight!:facepunch:t3: Nice job! @DirtySlowToes I really dig the looks of that Hot Mints too! Beautiful garden as always. Love stopping by to see what you have going on! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


From the man himself! Huge thank you for the kind words. Again and again I’m thankful for this plant. I found a couple late nanners on the first one as I trimmed it up. I was sure they were sterile, but alas, I’ve managed one seed so far from that first plant. I’ll be dropping it down tonight for shits and gigs. Perhaps we get a fem version of that frooty loopy funk if all works out well! :tada:

More BBPS must be dropped.


100%. And I’m so here for it. Haha. Loving your work mate.


Hopefully she’ll stabilize for ya and it’s not something stuck in there! :scream: I am happy to hear she didn’t go full intersex on you though and you’re able to give her a smoke. I think the Fruit Loop thing may definitely be floating around in the genetics. I have a jar that never really had it but with a long cure that flavor is starting to pop out a bit. I’m going to send ya a few more packs of chucks I’ve done. Absolutely no obligation to run them but if ya ever decide to I’ll be proud to see ya grow em!:+1:t3: I know you have several BBPS beans but I’ll send ya another 12 pack in a skunk puck for your collection.:sunglasses: Thanks again for running these. You did a fantastic job showing off my first ever OG chuck! Much appreciated and I hope y’all enjoy the smoke!


It was very slight. Now that I do think on it, it was one of two in a 3 gallon. The other one hermed and got culled early. Perhaps they’re very sensitive to nutrient competition and all need their own pots. Or who knows! As far as I can tell, this second one had absolutely no issues. Obviously I’ll be running more and checking em out. Man. I’d really love to run your work. This was your first?! Hell yeah. I’ll run anything you send me haha and absolutely if you see anything I’m running that you want to grow, let me know. Would love to give you whatever I can! I’ve got a little chucking going myself… I’ll most definitely return the favor when the time comes. Thank you. Really.


No problem, my friend! Definitely my pleasure!
Again, no obligation as I know you have plenty of other OGer’s gear to showcase and I know they appreciate it too! Thanks for being you! @DirtySlowToes

I’ll get these to the Post office on Monday so I can stick them in a padded envelope and get ya tracking. The mail has been wonky lately and that seems to be the fix to make sure they land. :crazy_face:

I do have a slight seed collecting problem so anytime you’d like to feed it… well, I’m receptive! :rofl: Thanks again, bud! :fist:t3::feather::feather:


Oh man that is one gorgeous card. I’ve been eyeballing all of your crosses johnny has had for sale and have spent a fair amount of time in your threads. Can’t wait to let you know it’s landed! And amen on the mail being wonky. I’m waiting on a couple things I hope don’t sprout on their way lol thank you.


Always love it when folks support JP! That’s why I always send him a couple big packs when I make something. Good dude right there!
This one is a personal thank you from me. Maybe it’ll allow ya to pick up some of his other offerings. :sunglasses: They’re all great stuff! Grow on, brother! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Hah so full transparency friends and family. I made a mistake! Two technically. So if it’s not obvious by now the ts x ssdd #1 is all female. Great that I didn’t touch it, right? Right.

Heh the MMog x choc diesel is also female. I just don’t grow things that lean so indica heavy and I don’t normally chex for intersex until later in flower and I just got in my own head. Excuses aside, sucks to toss a good female. I didn’t really ‘toss’ it, but put it outside in a fairly shady spot where I could see how intersex it was. I continued to check on it until I realized that it’s not a herm and what I thought were male flowers were just clusters I wasn’t used to seeing. It was put outside at 14 days flower and it’s been out there 5-6 days now and I don’t want to put it back in the veg or flower tent. So. Haha! Mistakes happen. It’s not herming yet and seems to be continuing to flower so I may just try to get a little greenhouse I can darken and see what’s what. I took cuts though and it was only in a 1.5 gallon pot so it’s really not the end of the world and I’ll see it flowered out soon but funny how that happens. Her sister seems to be leaning very heavy towards the ubc chemo side of things. Very indica. Almost no stretch, tight, dense, green nugs. It’s seemed to want to shed leaves it’s whole life so I don’t think it enjoys warmer temps but as my less preferred of the two, I’m really impressed. At week 7 it had an intense maraschino cherry smell. Haven’t been deep into it since then but it’s at the end of week 7 start of week 8 and I’ll flush it for a week and pull it in 7-10 days - around 9 weeks. I’ll throw pictures up later! Overall I’m happy with what these MMog x choc diesel have produced. Though I was anticipating that chocolate diesel to show up more but it seems like the MMog dominates this cross. Thanks for reading if you made it here. I’m excited to run this through. @DannyTerpintine this all relates to you since it’s your cross! Sorry for the mistake my friend but things are only delayed and not lost. Here’s the outside one though :arrow_heading_down:

And I’ve started to smoke through the BBPS! Didn’t weigh every bit but got somewhere around 2ish-2.5oz from it, which is really surprising. It was more solid than it looked during growth and as I’ve said, I like it. It’s been all I’ve smoked so far today and it’ll be all I smoke tomorrow and then I’ll put up a report :sunglasses: talk to you all soon. Here’s what got me through til now though. :arrow_heading_down:

Edit: not my zip code so not worried about that


I was tired… haha yeah predator mites. They seem to be in alfalfa when I use it as a mulch.