Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Evening, friends.

Here’s a shot of the group that hit flower last night. Seed run has started! I have to clean them up still. After a few days I’ll decide whether to keep the Peshawar male in there or the goji ghash x unicorn poop. I’ll have clones of both and use whichever I end up not using in the future! Will have clones off everything in here just in case there are surprises.

Day 21-22 on the ts x ssdd. Cleaned up a bit but will take a little more from the bottom and middle over the next few days


Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunk Smoke report:
(Bog blue kush x pineapple skunk)

Veg time - approximately 30-35 days from seed
Flower time - 64 days
Pot size - 3 gallon(shared for 6 weeks)
Yield - 70grams

Aroma: canned pineapple, tropical fruit, sour fruit, basil

Flavor: sour lemon/pineapple, nutty like pecans or almonds. Not an incredibly strong flavor, but very long lasting. More pronounced sweet flavors in a bong. Nutty, sour flavors in the joint.

Density: Firm and not airy by any means, but not rock solid. Tops were perfect spears while the lowers were nice tight nugs. No complaints about it on grinding or rolling.

Effect: Immediate happy and easy going feelings from the first hit. It’s one of those highs that makes music better every time the high hits. I’ve found myself just wanting to be sure I smoke this before putting headphones on or going on a drive. Really upbeat and smiley sort of weed. The lime green it grinds to is pleasing to look at and it seems to make colors and sounds more vibrant and sharp. Length is probably 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes depending on the way it hits and method. I’d like it to last an extra 30-45 minutes and that’s part of why I let this next one go 10 weeks. It has almost no come down and puts you in a pretty clear head after, so that’s super nice for mornings or afternoons. It has enough energy boosting and pain killing effects that it is good for those with arthritis or aches before they have to go get into something.

Growth Patterns: topped once and didn’t do a whole lot to it otherwise. It didn’t need much cleared out or stripped down during flower and didn’t want to branch much laterally. More like 8-9 upright branches that were structured well, not massive colas. Didn’t need any support during flower at all. I would absolutely grow it again or give it a place alongside anything in any garden. I recommend everyone drop a few and see what you find.

Overall: I love it. I am reaching for it and the bubba x triangle pretty equally right now and I’m thankful to have access to these seeds and I’m really happy I got this pheno out of them. I could’ve grown this one out a touch better but I’m really impressed. If I had to grade it, A+ being best stuff I can think of for me, I would call it an A- or a B+. Probably A-.

Glad to have a touch more to go through, but not much! Haha more to be dry in a few days. Thanks for reading. Thanks for existing. have a great night!


Dude! @DirtySlowToes Awesome write up and review of what you found in the BBPS. Thanks so much for doing that! :fist:t3: I’m really happy to hear you enjoy it. Holy cow! A B+ maybe A- ? I’ll take that all day long, my friend! :smiley: I’m always flunking at stuff so those are pretty high marks in my book! :joy:
Thanks again for the grow n show. I look forward to watching your thread and hearing more awesome and detailed reviews of other’s strains. Grow on , buddy! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Nice write up! I think I’m going to move this one up the list after seeing how it turned out for you. Those are some nice looking nugs


Ahoy gang! Been a little quiet because I’ve been a touch busy. Got some potential job changes coming around. Also my buddy’s basement flooded a week back or so and he has helped me out tons over the last few years so I’ve been over there clearing stuff out and cleaning up and so I’ve really just been taking care of the garden and not been going crazy.

Hah a whole month later than I anticipated, jtr and zkittlez hit flower tomorrow. I really enjoyed the space The other plants had to finish and was figuring out what was going to go where while sexing some other stuff. The solo cups come down 6/19 or so, chem cheese down 6/18, MMog x choc diesel down 6/10 and that just leaves ts x ssdd #1 in there. The chem cheese is really bulking up right now. Really digging the cross so far. I broke down and picked up an ac infinity trellis because I think it’ll just be the best move for how big everything is going into flower. A good problem. From the solo gang, I’m so impressed with the goji ghash and the Maui Mango haze. Followed by rpf4. Goji ghash looks like it’ll have a really excellent frame.

Sampled a hot mints nug on day 6-7 of dry. Super piney, og flavor. Pretty ‘up’ high right away but we will see where it takes me.

Cloned up lots of stuff and rpf4 will get moved on 6/19 when the other stuff comes out. Getting lots of really nice stem rub smells on the next round of stuff I’ve yet to flower. Was finally able to take two small cuts from one of the eternal sunshine.

Pics coming later
Have a good night everyone!

Shot of Triple Sunshine x Sunshine Daydream at day 24-25.

Maui Mango chunking

Cheese x chem d at 9weeks and 2 days. Just a nice close up. Reminds me almost of a haze. Foxtail-y, but not overly so. Still liking it. But did find just a couple late nanners @JAWS. Didn’t see any pollen with them, but there were a couple in there. I’ll grab a whole plant shot tomorrow. Big nugs on small branches :love_you_gesture:t2:


Safe and sound @NDNCHILD

Thank you, my friend. Weeds must be grown!!



Nice! @DirtySlowToes Happy to see they landed well for ya! Enjoy at your leisure, bud.:fist:t3:🪶🪶


Hah! So almost everything I tossed into my seed run has turned out female. The badass Peshawar turned out female(I was wrong once more haha early calling may not be my thing) There’s another female Peshawar with a more spaced out structure. Female goji ghash x unicorn poop that seems to be hasplant leaning. A second ts x ssdd female. Hawaiian lime ogee and eternal sunshine yet to show. As I said, I’ve got clones but now I’ve got lotsa ladies to run through. Will probably try to shift to 1.5-2 gallons and flower more. Love these big plants but they can definitely slow things down. Anyway, all good problems. Unfortunately someone broke into my car last night and messed it all up but nothing other than a pipe was stolen 🫠 stay safe all

Here are some ts x ssdd #1 shots. Mild smells so far. Light fruit, light creamy gassy sort of feel. Nothing defining. Growing very well though.


Notes for myself because it can be confusing down there…

So far
3 ts x ssdd females
1 JTR female
2 Peshawar females
2 (nh x mm) x mg females
1 goji ghash x unicorn poop female
2 rotten pineapple f4 females
1 wz female
1 MMog choc diesel female
1(maybe 2? Have to check.) ssdd f2 (bubbashine) females

1 goji gash x unicorn poop male
1 ssdd f2 male

3 Jordon g x b not showing
3 Hawaiian lime ogee not showing
1 ts x ssdd not showing
1 ssdd f2 not showing
3 eternal sunshine not showing

Anyway. TS x ssdd #1 stacking quickly. This is the time its changing the most so it’s the time I take the most pictures. :man_shrugging:t2: Rock out, folks.


damn very sorry to hear that those hlog are not showing, do not recall having any issues popping those when i ran them.

hope you get a couple to pop …


Oh they’re up and growing really well. Didn’t mean to sound confusing they just aren’t showing sex yet. They’re tall, vigorous, upright things. Definitely healthy.


@DirtySlowToes Care package arrived today! :partying_face:
Thanks for the awesome selection! I’ve been meaning to pick up some @JAWS gear but things have been snug lately. This cross definitely sounds like it’ll hit the spot!:grinning: Thanks again, bud! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


That pink one is/was from shag. Tony Greens bubblehead x pine tar gush. Totally forgot to write more in your card before sealing it up

I tossed those MMog x choc diesel in there because the two females I’ve found have been leaning heavily towards the moonwalker/ubc chemo side of things and have both been very very indica in stature. I’m going to run this one out but was expecting the sativa side of things to come through more. And of course, the goodies from jaws and santero are both absolute gems that I’d like to grow, but what’s with all these amazing seeds! I appreciate you adding to my collection.

Sidenote: will be picking up Paris breath at the end of the month? Cuts. Paris OG x grateful breath. If you need a snip, chirp at me :pray:t2:


Very cool, bud, thank you! They all sound fantastic.
I’m starting to get my spaces wrangled back in and hope to pop a bean or two in the near future and could possibly be talked into taking in another cut in a couple months or so. :wink: When the weather cools off for cut shipping maybe we can swap a few. :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Breaking down some boggy blue pineapple skunk pheno #2 today :metal:t2::purple_heart:


That’s a nice lookin nug! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Thanks there friend. This second pheno is really ‘oldschool’ feeling. Hairy buds, super sour smell, easy and uplifting high that quickly builds. Reminds me a LOT of sour diesel I used to get. Funny.

In other news, I’ve been feeding everything with strictly ferments the last 3-4 days and it would be sweet to cut my nutrient use in half with jadam/knf stuff. I’m trying to work out how these ferments interact with salts and the soil. I’ll throw down microscope shots tonight or tomorrow. I’ve been digging around.


The way it was explained to me was the salts could cause a buildup in a regenerative system, where there is no salt buildup in pure organics.

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Ah, but joe. What salts. Sodium or potassium chloride are fairly easy to remediate. Sulfates tend to react readily in the presence of a couple salt tolerant microbes. Obviously we can’t control every reaction happening, but by regularly introducing amino acids and the bacteria present in ferments, I’d think we can reduce unwanted reactions as much as possible. If you’re aware of potential build up risks, I think you can tackle it a bit more head on. I’m not necessarily a fan of much biochar in soil mixes, but I think it has some real promise for salt remediation. My boy Cho of JADAM talks about dilution and microbes being his answer to using so much sea water. Idk. Here’s the biochar observations from this group :arrow_heading_down:


Crossing the 5 week mark on the ts x ssdd. Day 37 ±1

Have been slacking a bit on pictures but we are grooving. Hot weather though. Makes it hard to take things from the dry tent and have them anywhere for any amount of time without them getting all warm, but anyway.

@NDNCHILD I didn’t find anymore seeds in the first pheno of the BBPS. I planted the one lonely soldier that made it’s way to maturity and it’s healthy and up. We shall see if I can mom out this cat or if she’s a bust. Adventure untold.

@santero I’ve got four healthy trufflez bebez. One decided to dip out. I’ll grab their first photos here soon.

Jtr has a really nice look a week into flower. :eyes::purple_heart:

Solos get cut later today. Stay cool out there!

What in the shit, guys. So far I’m 5/6 female in the seed run tent. Eternal sunshine isn’t showing. If s/he doesn’t show in time they may just get dusted with sweet and sour Cindy pollen and these will be whatever they are. We will see though. Maybe they’ll get scrapped and I’ll find a male then do it all again in a month or two. I’ve got cuts of everythig in there so it’s good news to have extra females to run, but annoying to delay seeds. Oh well! Have a really nice Hawaiian lime ogee lady from @JAWS She won’t see flower for a while but I’m excited for when she does


And just a quick shot of that JTR that hit flower not too long ago. I’ll go in and strip her down soon. I’m sort of trying to see if not pruning helps limit stretch a bit. Semi intense light at the tops too. Trying to keep it manageable but it’s every bit as big shoots wise as the plant in the 15 gallon pot next to it. Currently drinking her pot dry daily. Hah I’ll get set up to water her twice daily at the end probably. Should’ve repotted or moved sooner but I think it’ll end up just fine. 3 gallons is a lot to work with and once she’s stripped it’ll look…better.
Size comparison to the TSX ssdd and a not so special shot. Sorry @ix3u she hit flower later than anticipated but I’m hoping for a good showing! :metal:t2::purple_heart: