Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Looking great to me!


@NDNCHILD I was just escorted out of a bar because of your weed, dude. Apparently the BBPS pheno #2 is skunky. Folks complained of skunk smells haha I’m not upset one bit. Consider it some honest feedback.


Thats an achievement


I consider it the highest compliment! :grin:
Thanks for letting me know, bro. That made my day and put a big ole smile on my face! :joy: I mean it sucks if you weren’t ready to leave yet. :man_shrugging:t3: If ya gotta leave, leave with good weed! :rofl: :fist:t3::feather::feather:


She’s going to be huge!

1 Like

Hah I’m glad. It is taking on more skunk smells as it cures a bit but I was nose blind to just how skunky it’s become, I guess. I was there giving some to my bartender friend so I really just took the fall and left thinking I was taking the skunk but in reality, I left it with them to fester. Hehe.

I’ll prepare my lungs and body :pray:t2::purple_heart: we will see what she does over the next two weeks. I’ll keep ya updated. There are a few folks growing out these same beans so keep your eyes peeled! I think some are further ahead in flower perhaps but we are all close. Very excited for this cut!

Smoking some bubba x triangle tonight that’s cured well. Flash and no flash. Later gators.


Looking frosty! Any smells developing yet? That Bubba x TK looks great too!


There are still some strong vegetal smells, but there’s a really creamy sort of aspect? As well as some strong pine/woodsy smells. There’s also this bit of like dark fruit to it like black grape or blueberry. Pretty complex and definitely sticks around but isn’t like this over the top weedy smell to me at the moment. I’d say it’s pretty ‘loud’ though. It is the dominant smell in the tent and fills the room after messing around with it. I will add that after messing it with, maybe 5-10 minutes after, the dominant lingering smell is skunky woodsy funk but I don’t get that much skunk up front right now. It started off skunky though so we will see

…when asking my partner, she said “chicken skin, pine, citrus or kiwi” interestingly. She doesn’t smoke lol so she can only be trusted so much :eyes:

Thanks! It’s a really nice evening smoke even though it’s not the sleepiest. Very chill.


What’s up gang. You like your ferment dark or light?

Naturally, my computer died in the midst of taking pictures with the scope so I’ll charge it up here and upload those in a bit.

Checked out a ts x ssdd calyx and some cheese x chem nuggage. TS x SSDD has chunky heads right now. They’re obviously still growing as it’s only week 5.5 or so but they seem to be squat, chunky stalks and caps. The chem cheese has tons and tons of skinnier stalks. Not thick at all but lots and upright. Fairly short stalks but picture perfect caps. I did notice there was a mixed bag of ripeness on the chem cheese. Lots of deflated caps and bent necks but also a lot standing upright with fairly clear/cloudy caps. I think with the amount of leaking caps there are, I’m going to to ahead and chop it this afternoon. Which means it’s…83-84 days for her. I’ll grab shots when lights come on! :metal:t2::purple_heart: Take care friends.


Have you got two different receipes going? The light one looks pretty foamy.

…Or maybe the same receipe at different ages/stages of fermentation? The one with more oxigenated microbes would be healthier, wouldn’t it? (I don’t know much about this topic – just what I’ve read on OG, basically.)


I do have two recipes! The white one was originally a rif on jms. Took 1-2 cups of cooked, mixed rice and oats. I put an amount of sea salt in(some % I can’t recall right now but can look up. Like 1% or something.) and then a good couple handfuls of compost. I’ve since added two small handfuls of compost. Add all that then fill the bucket with water, throw a loose fitting but secure lid on it. After a month or two it’ll be this stinky goodness.

The dark one is the canna jlf. So I filled a 5 gallon bucket 2/3 full with cannabis plants and leaves I trimmed up. Added water, a handful of compost and let it sit. I’ve since added one small handful of compost. I’ve been using them both for my veggie garden and am working out how to use them best for cannabis. Trying to nail an EC around 1.0-1.2 but I’m cautious to overdo it.

And to your point about oxygenation, they’re both anaerobic ferments. So without oxygen. You can create communities of microbes and bacteria that stay alive in solution quite a while and takes fairly minimal maintenance. Oxygenated teas and things absolutely have their place for some, but I think I’m seeing more immediate reaction from these, myself. I have nothing bad to say about going with teas or ferments, theyre just slightly different and both directions have a lot of cool studies behind them.

They’ve both been sitting with lids on for maybe 2.5 months now? Maybe even longer. I’ve got a kitchen scrap one that looks just now like it’s ready to be used to me. Lots of bacteria in there that have been helping my plants. I foliar everything with 2-3oz/gallon of the canna jlf pretty much weekly. I’ve been flushing with the jms one and also adding it to most feeds. It seems to impart very little ec to feeds and that’s my reason for using it during flush. Trying to give the microbes whatever they need to help the plant finish. Takes like 5oz to raise it up .2ec and it’s possible to overdo it though I haven’t seen that yet myself, I’m afraid to find out. Still learning. :pray:t2:

It’s so hard to get a good shot of the cheese x chem hah because it’s so floppy and I didn’t have anything to lay it down on. She’s a floppy lady. Foxtail-y nugs. Super funk smells. I smell floral but when I had my girlfriend smell it she said “you’ve been talking about some cheese stuff… is this that?” I said yeah and she said it’s like a gross cheese smell to her. Super funky but I get some floral notes in there. Funny how noses work. Here are a couple shots but I’ll get a bunch when it’s dry. Really excited to try it out.

And a few ts x ssdd close ups because it’s pretty. Seems ts dominant in bud structure for sure. With just a little from the ssdd, maybe? I’ll have to go back through and dig around in the threads but there seems to be one other ts x ssdd girl that leans ts and then the third seems to look a lot like the ssdd f2 I have next to it. Curious to see how they flower! Enough rambling.


Whats veggin?

Here is ts x ssdd female #2. Similarly vigorous but more lateral branching. Much wider leaves. A bit tighter nodes. All of this compared to the #1 female. Here she is. Don’t mind the small thing next her. That’s eternal sunshine that was planted on the same day :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

(Mm x nh) X mg. Two females. Ones been in a solo cup her whole existence and doing just fine. She will get a new home this upcoming weekend and the one in the 3 gallon will find a spot in the flower tent in a week. They both need shaped up and given love before/as they go to flower @Budderton

Jordon g x b. I think this is a female? Could be wrong. She’s pleasing to be around.

A bad ass goji ghash x unicorn poop f2 that’s been in a solo cup for 3.5 months. Hasn’t shown sex or that many signs of major stress. Serious candidate for shtuff.

That’s it for today’s show. There are some other things in the veg tent but these got the light today. Jtr in the flower tent is looking really thai-ish. I’ll grab more shots soon. Goodnight y’all

Oh and @Cartwright a nice, full, 3 gallon rp f4 woman hit flower last night :purple_heart: slow and steady we keep it movin’


Thanks for the recipes on the ferments! Now I just need to figure out how to explain the stinky bucket in the back yard to my parents :confused:


Haha right? They stink at first but after a 6-8 weeks they seem to smell quite a bit less until you go disturbing the cap on top. They definitely do smell though haha I almost like it.


I always explain that stink is love!!!


Syzygy here is the male ssdd f2 from you. I’m not really planning much with it but will keep it outside and probably try to collect from it down the line if I can keep it alive. It was sort of back in the corner so it got a little neglected this past week

Edited to add: it’s stinky! Which is why I’m thinking of collecting. It’s also showing a bit of double serration action and it’s in the same spot on every leaf. Pretty neat. Be back later with more :metal:t2:


Cool! Wish I could provide some comments or ability to judge plants but I’m clueless as it was just a chuck. I know the male of the F2s had fairly wide leaves in veg and the mother had thinner leaves with a bit of internodal spacing. The mother was super frosty from the start of early flower. That’s interesting that it’s stinky though! My Triple Sunshine E male plant smells really strong too which is kind of cool. Agreed, if you have a tolerance level for seeded bud it may be fun to play around with.


Quick one tonight! Grooving and moving. Moved a Maze ((mm x nh) x mg) to flower today. So that’ll be ready in 4 months :sweat_smile: getting things shaped up in the flower tent so I can pack it in a bit. May get one more fan for below/mid canopy if I plan to stuff it.

Here’s the endless closet of plants… I’m working on getting this tent shaped up over the next few days too.

And a decidedly Triple Sunshine nug on the TS cross. All calyx. Zero leaf. This is a bit of an outlier for structure and seems to happen mid level where the par is anywhere from 500-700. There are a few buds with this structure throughout but I wouldn’t say it’s common. Maybe 5-15% of them. Interesting trait. Maybe the rest of the plant will swell the same way in the coming weeks.


Looks like it’s resembling the mom. She has a good calyx to leaf ratio as well with that same “foxtail” or elongated look.



Looking very much like her! Those are the shots I had in mind when I was checking around tonight. I think quite a few of the middle level nugs will come out similarly but it seems like the tops are just slightly leafier though I am noticing them bulk daily now. Seems like there’s a lot of TS influence but I’ll have to run back through the ssdd dad because I don’t recall it off the top of my head.