Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I think the first time I ran the TSa it looked fairly leafy (lowers looked better than the tops). After that all runs from the clones had great calyx-to-leaf ratios across the whole plant. The TSxSSDD bud shots you posted in my thread don’t look too dissimilar, though I’m sure some ssdd is coming through as well. Definitely the most TS looking plant I’ve seen anyone post yet. Smells on the TS are very similar to the Farmer Joe cut of TK. Are the buds dense? TS for me is much denser than any of the SSDDs I went through.

Hope it doesn’t bother you I’m posting the pictures here, just wanted to save you the trouble of sorting through my ramblings in my SSDD thread. -

TS-a first run - partially seeded

Gives me hope that a cut similar enough to the mom can be found again in the seeds!


Oh wow yeah that first and second picture both look very very close to some tops I’ve got. I’ll have to check around for the more spaced structure. I think this one is tighter but I’ve got another female of this cross in the veg tent that looks near identical to the hot mints when I ran it, so I’d be willing to guess it’s even more TS dominant. It’ll hit flower probably once this one comes down. By all means, post whatever you need to here. It’s helpful to have shots of some parents in the midst of a cross. For the future! :metal:t2: Yes they’re super dense. Already solid pretty much all the way down. The ‘larf’ is mostly just a couple swollen calyxs rather than a whole nug. It’s pretty funny. It’s also already starting to lean. I’ll go in tomorrow and stake some of the outside branches up a bit so I can put stuff next to it


We finally have an eternal sunshine showing. 1 of three. And it’s a female with a lanky structure. Very interesting. The #2 plant is super squat and #3 is a mix but more closely resembles #2, I think. Exciting times.

SSDD f2 female. She will get put into a 3 gallon, trimmed up and flowered shortly. I’ll probably replace the 15 gallon pot with 3-4, 3 gallons.

TS x SSDD female. #3 I think according to my notes but I haven’t shown you guys much of #2. It’s up there but not labeled well. Just got some new shoes, hence the droop. She was very very rootbound so I’m sure she will like her bigger space.



Let’s keep it moooving. Another eternal sunshine has shown to be female. So two ladies. Sweet awesome great. They have different structures so that’s cool. One yet to show. It is the squattest of the three. I’m hoping it stays alive and marijuana. All else we can deal with. Also had another Hawaiian lime ogee show female but I may toss it in favor of the more vigorous one. So many females right now. Good problems.

Let’s see how long we can keep this lady even. Maze a few days in. @Budderton

Jack the Ripper looking all wild too. It didn’t have the most attention during veg so I’m surprised with how it’s pulling it together. Excited to give it more attenrion before flower next time. Smelling haze-y. Herbal, spicy, some fermented citrus in there.

TS x SSDD just because it’s a really pretty plant.

That’s all :elephant::purple_heart:


:joy: This made me bust up! Probably cause I’m high and thought wouldn’t it be some shit if instead of herming out they just completely changed species on ya! Damn! This one went banana pepper on me!:laughing:
@DirtySlowToes everything is looking great as usual, bud. Nice work! :fist:t3::feather::feather:


Cool Ill be psyched to see how those eternal sunshines turn out.


Haha I’m glad it got ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: at first I was like… I hope it’s x. No I hope it’s y. Either way, the universe will be listening and I don’t want to try to know all so I just landed on hoping it stays this same plant. So take that, universe! :purple_heart:

It seems the watch list is long for these! I’m glad the gang is as excited about these as I am. I’d like to make more available to get some help! Haha or find another pack to dig through. It’ll be a bummer if this third is a female, but maybe eternal sunshine x (TS x ssdd) or ssdd f2 or ts2 then back to eternal sunshine may help it’s growth patterns. Or to another omg cross. Not sure yet. It’ll be awesome to see three phenos of it though. My plan is to keep it around and mess with it for a long while. This whole 16 week veg thing just to be maybe 11 inches tall untopped is a little ridiculous though haha we are really living slow over here.


TS x ssdd next to ssdd f2

Be back later with more words and pictures. They’ll get healthier


Good morning og :sun_with_face:

Boggy blue pineapple skunk #2 is tasting really amazing after like 6 weeks in the jar or so. Reminds me of og but in concentrate form. Like the carts we used to make at work. Extremely smooth. I’m always pretty shocked by folks who don’t notice a difference between a flush/no flush. There have been a few plants I intentionally gave less flush or no flush to just to see how they compare and without fail, the longer flush stuff is smoother every time. I think the taste is better but that’s probably arguable. Effects are probably similar… so I guess it really only makes a difference if you smoke a lot like I do or have otherwise sensitive lungs. I like vapes but it takes a lot for me to get the effects perfect from a vape. Anyway. I’m rambling. I came here for a purpose!

Looking like we are 2 eternal sunshine females of different structure and one squat male. I could still be wrong but I do believe I’ve got this one right. I’ll throw pics up this afternoon! Excellent.

The medium news… I think there must be some ruderalis in the genetics of the MMog x choc diesel. I took cuts from a veg plant and the cuts won’t stop flowering on me. They’ve been in the veg tent their whole lives but it was like the act of cloning sent them to flower. Pretty weird. That being said, if they don’t re-veg within like 48 hours they’re probably going to be toast. Really sad on that one because it smells great, effects of the first plant are fantastic and it has nice structure.

See you soon


How do you run the flush when you do it? I mean, do you have a target runoff EC or just run a set amount of volume through based on pot size?


I try to shoot for 12-14 days of water and jms. If I’m unsure how long something will go, I’ll go with a weak feed for an extra few days. At that 12-14 days pre harvest point I run 3 gallons of water+jms through regardless of pot size. The next day I do the same. 2-3 more gallons through the pot. Then no water for three days and I try to move them closer to the light(add intensity). Now we are 8 days from harvest. I saturate the pot and see how long it takes to dry back. Most things aren’t using as much water as this point. 5-6 days from harvest I saturate again and test runoff. This water usually does not contain jms. I don’t have any hard and fast goals here but runoff is usually 0.2-0.4 EC at this time. It’s just more practical for me to test runoff once during a flush but I’m interested in how it would test throughout. Normally I give no more water for the last 4-5 days. At the very end take everything outside and hit it with a water/iso spray, shake off, and into the dry tent for 10-11 days. If I didn’t answer anything just let me know :metal:t2:

disclaimer: this is just what I do. There’s always room for improvement but I like this process and how it makes my end product. I’m always up for discussion. It’s sort of a combination of practices that a friendly farm lady taught me mixed with what a really talented asshole commercial grower told me


Gotcha - I just like seeing all the ways people do things to see if it sparks new ideas. JMS is a JADAM microbe solution I assume to keep the microbiology up while running high volumes of water or is it something else? Thanks for making the detailed write up, gives me some good food for thought :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing your journey, great use of a smaller tent. Lifted my spirits seeing this


Yup yup that is it exactly. Also because I’m in soil and my microbial solution measures roughly .4 EC, I sort of assume that anything below that point is pretty good. The lady farmer friend swears by massive dumps of water having something to do with eliciting finishing responses from the plant so I try to give them noticeably more than they’ve had prior in their lives. Followed by a more intense dry back and slightly upped ppfd, I think the plant sort of panics to finish up. Ideally in this phase the plant won’t want to take up any nutrients anyway so I see the argument for no flush, but since I reuse my soil I try to rinse it out the best I can anyway.


:pray:t2: thank you! Gimme a few years and I’ll have more than a 4x4 to play in :wink:


That’s a neat idea, another way of stressing them into finishing up. I’ve had some runs go what feels like longer than they should, but the smoke has always been good and smooth so I didn’t mind. Always looking for a little more though… you know how it is lol.


Just out of curiosity is this farm person the same person I’m thinking of?


I think quite probably :metal:t2:


Double serrations on the ssdd f2 male.

Thinking probably another 12ish days on the ts x ssdd #1. I think today is the 8 week mark and I’m thinking they’ll be ready sometime between 65-70. I’ll throw a couple shots up when I water this evening.
The pictures:

And ferments keeping the squash leaves clean! Plus my little potted flowers. :sun_with_face: Don’t forget to get high today!


Hash day :purple_heart: had somewhere between 4-500g fresh frozen in the freezer. It had been in there for a few months now. 60/40 blend of apple fritter and reikos auto - the cm x div x gab. Really wonderful smells during the run so I’m pretty excited press some of this in a few days. Macro shots coming later