Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Here’s the eternal sunshine male :purple_heart::fire:

Here are some flower shots :metal:t2:
Tent :tent:

I’ll pull it out soon for better shots. Day 16-17

Not the craziest looker but we shall see on the smoke. Wants to make running colas. Still a really nice smell. Let’s see if she chunks! This is somewhere in week 4, I do believe. Most nutrient sensitive but she’s getting what the others like and that’s that on that. I’ll plan for a more tailored approach with this one next time.

Being crazy mazy. Beautiful smells. Beautiful structure. Good times.

Coming around the finish line here soon! Really strong, really good ‘weed’ smell. A hint of sweetness but earthy and floral and a little all over the place for my nose. I’ll keep trying.

What I smoked this evening? Hot mints!

See you again soon guys and gals.


Looks great! My best read on the mom was a generic good Cannabis smell. Iamyou described the smell as a ‘good weed’ smell (* pre harvest) as well in his thread where he grew out the mom. Nothing novel or exotic about the smell to me but it does smell like good bud and if you’ve been growing and smoking for a long time you’ve likely smelled a similar smell before.


Also the narrow leaves on the maze look really cool.


Pretty much this. It reminds me of a lot of other really enjoyable stuff I’ve had. Just the classic, deep sort of funk. I’ll do my best to remove some lowers and try to do a small hash run to see what those flavors are like. Overall I’m really happy with how the first female came out and I’m willing to bet there are quite a few interesting things in those beans. I think my #3 plant has a more stem rub funk in veg and is also a bit lankier that this #1. I’m optimistic about that one. The #2 and #4 both seem to lean ssdd. #2 has a bit of the lanky, upright structure the others have but has more nodes and more branching up the middle. And #4 seems pretty close to the ssdd f2 female I have with maybe an extra inch or two in height and slightly wider node spacing. Multiple #1 cuts, a #2 and the #4 are likely hitting the tent around 7/21-7/24.

Thanks for the link to the report. I’ll read it and forget it and then do mine and go back to it haha
This plant looks like it’ll yield quite a bit so I’ll have plenty to get a feel from.

And I agree on the maze! The stretch is noticable. Hah and probably honestly shot up 2.5-3 inches in 24-36 hours. I’ve been super cropping every top as it comes up and it barely slows them down. Hard for me to tell any which way she may be leaning as I don’t have that much MM or NH experience, but it has some similarities in smell to Malawi I used to grow.


Little present to myself for something that hasn’t happened yet :upside_down_face:

Thanks Tako glass :metal:t2: much love.


Nice piece! Love a good bong! :star_struck:


Outta likes but thank you, my friend! BBPS is the first thing that will be in it :purple_heart: feels good to knock stuff off the life to-do list(almost). Canada here I come :sunglasses:


Man! She really shines in the light!
I’m very pleased you’re enjoying the BBPS! What an honor to break in a new glass piece! :partying_face:


Hey gang :pray:t2: more updates coming through the day and tomorrow, but here are a few shots.

JTR closer ups. Doesn’t look bad but I’m mostly just looking forward to my next round with this one.

Hornworm looking cool and causing terror.

Rpf4 clone from the one that I haven’t yet flowered

TS x SSDD #2 clone(pretty sure it’s #2. If it’s #3 I’ll come change this in a few minutes)

The stretch is ON with Maze. Glad I’ll be taking her from the hot season to cooler temps this fall. I think it’ll be good for her as she develops. Trying to figure when to put #2 to flower :thinking: she’s got slightly wider leaves and what I’d consider better branching than this one but I love the bush sort of structure this has taken on and it’s got a bunch of tops. Excuse my mediocre photos.

Didn’t have my phone when I was messing around last night but I found 1 late nanner on the TS x SSDD #1. Didn’t seem to have any pollen with it when I plucked it. It was towards the bottom of the plant and I haven’t turned it around looking for more yet but I’ll probably do that later. Not a huge worry since it probably popped up somewhere around week 7-8, but still a nanneroo. I’ll probably grab a little calyx later and throw it under the microscope to see where she’s at. I’ll take her down by Saturday 7/20 I think but that may change based on what I see.

Have a good afternoon boys and girls.


Looks a lot better than mine! So I’m thinking it’s naturally a leafy strain. You’ll enjoy the smoke, it gives me a rush of energy straight to the head on exhale and just makes me motivated to do stuff.


That’s super exciting. I’ve been wanting to grow this for a long time and just didn’t get any when it was popular. Thanks og! Hopefully the smoke is similar to yours. That, with some nice lemon smell, is what I’m hoping for from this cut. I’ll end up going through the rest of these seeds but that may be a winter event.


That Maze is looking phenomenal! It looks like a plant that’s going to want to flower for many moons.


Thanks @MrGreenJeans !! Only maybe 16-18 more weeks :wink:

I can’t wait to get the chance to try her out. Saw your post earlier but my phone is off n the way out and the new phone doesn’t show up til tomorrow! I’ll be back then with updates :metal:t2:


And we’re back! Taking a quick break from repotting some of these to throw some shots up.

All four ladies of the ts x ssdd I’ve got. Lined up. They’ll get a few days of good food and proper attention before flowering. Also in order #1-4 left to right. #1 in flower gets cut down tomorrow. It looks ready and with this heat, I don’t think the extra few days will make it any better than it is. I’ll double check to be sure but it looks like 65-66 days for this one. I’ll probably let it go 68-70 next round in cooler weather. Be right back with more individual shots of everything.

Alllllrighty let’s break some of this down. 3/4 of these have become rootbound, so excuse the red stems and less than perfect leaves but they’ll bounce back just fine. I moved the #2 into a 3 gallon pot so it’s out of it’s one gallon.

TS x SSDD #2 and it’s node spacing. It’s tight but on the branches that were topped, the spacing has widened. Neat. This is most definitely the stinkiest of the bunch. It just beats #1 in the stink though #1 is skunkier and #2 has some sweet musty funk in there.

TS x SSDD #4. I thought about putting these in numerical order but completely abandoned that idea. If I offend you, I offer my sincerest apology. Obviously the branchiest of the bunch. Weird that’s not a word. Not rank smelling but it’s a nice, quiet plant. Seems to be most ssdd leaning and I’m okay with that. With how different these four are, it seems there are a lot of phenos to be found in these beans.

This is a #1 clone. Lol. Itty bitty root ball, tall plant. I sort of abused the clones of this plant because I already knew what the flower is like and wasn’t as concerned about making every day of their lives grand. Stress test, of course. That’s always the excuse when I leave stuff in pots too long. Anyway, it got a 2gallon(I think) pot and it’s grooving now. #1 is actually the most like it’s mom of the group @syzygy …I thought #3 was going to beat it out but it seems to be the tallest. The rootbound aspect could have something to do with this so we will see how #3 flowers. Either way, it seems #1 and #3 are a bit more TS leaning.

That must mean this is #3! Closest to #1 but a squeak more daydream-y. The bottom shot is #3 next to a #1 clone.


Damn, good call. I’d been keeping an eye open for a new bong & couldn’t find anything in the shops that didn’t look like a real pain in the ass to clean with all the pipes, chambers, curly-cues, & other bullshit.
Just picked me one out from tako & its on the way.
You solved the mystery and found my wife’s birthday present. I owe ya one…


Those shots up there really don’t do it justice. I think you’ll be super happy! I’d recommend a different slide/bowl head than the one most of them come with but I love how sturdy it is and also how light it is. Also it looks different and really amazing in different lighting.


Heck yeah, looking forward to it. We have a few spare slides rolling around & I’ll see it any of ‘em look like they belong. If not, it’ll be a little mini-present for some other day. Ya gotta leave somethin’ in your back pocket for a “thinkin’ about ya” gift.


What height is it? Looks like a really nice bong. I miss my old acrylic 3 footers but my lungs sure don’t.


16 inches this one is. And thanks for the compliment . I debate not combusting but I think it’s almost impossible to replicate a flower high with a vape. But! Really nothing but good things to say about this piece :pray:t2:


I picked out a smaller one, same type of design on the bottom though. Just a little 10 incher, no reason other than they fit in a nice cubby in side of the coffee table. But yours has that fancy design in the middle of the tube, you win!


A few ts x ssdd #1 shots. It’s too big to get a whole shot of but I’ll do what I can tomorrow pre chop!

Veg tent less packed. Doing alright. Needs defoliated always

Til next time!