Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I don’t know if that was directed at me or not but you’ve never offended me haha… Amazing work documenting all this - I really appreciate you trying out these pollen chucks and posting pictures as well!

Some of that veg growth looks very TK / TS-ish. Wonder if @HolyAngel agrees.

You also probably already know but if you encounter a tomato hornworm and it’s moving really slow or not at all then it’s likely already parasitized and won’t eat much more at that point. Can poke it with a stick even to be sure. Worth leaving them around if they are full of wasps!


Hah! Definitely not directed at you. Mostly a sarcastic apology to all those with organizational distress.

Thanks! Thanks for doing the work. I’m really happy to be growing them. I realize I haven’t really given the best shots of this group but I’ll grab better ones over the coming days. This is an excellent cross! I can’t wait to get into the ts f2s and see how the ssdd f2 flowers.

It feels like a lot of the nug structure of the ts/tk will come through. Definitely seems that way with the #1 and I’m curious to see what it adds to the others. As always, if anyone wants a cut, I can send off for testing and whatnot and then get it to ya.

That hornworm, man. He was sluggish for a moment so I left it alone for that exact reason, but when I came back to it 30 minutes later he had munched up almost a whole tomato. So I took him and his full belly and tossed him into the neighbors trees. Goodluck, buddy.

Bonus wet dog shot since it’s been a while since you all have seen him


:face_with_monocle: I’m going to say left(#1) to right(#4) for this:
1 has the TK structure 100%
2 looks like ssdd 100%
3 and 4 look like hybrids, 3 more TK leaning, 4 more ssdd leaning

I think that’s the same as your assessment?
What are the stem rubs like? That’d be what I’d be going off of if hunting for things like the parents. Idk what either of @syzygy’s cuts stem rubs smell like tho :sweat_smile: I know for the TK I have running jacks or maxibloom, it comes out ‘woody and sweet’.


Yup spot on the same as what I thought. Honestly the #2(ssdd leaner) smells the most of sweet woodsy ‘kush’. #1 has more skunk to it and has more of a hashy aspect. I’ll give #3 and #4 a rub down when I get home later. If memory serves me, #4 has a unique sort of floral smell and #3 was closer to #2 but I definitely need to smell them again.


I bet minitiger would love to see those pictures! Wish there were more areas around here to take the dogs in the water. That spot looks fun. I don’t trust the lake w/ algae blooms and all that.

I’m horrible at smells, especially veg smells so I won’t even attempt. These pictures to me look very similar to the FarmerJoe TK cut


Finally got a couple TS F2’s in wet paper towels :pray:

The TK…it’s normal for the stems to purple up like that right? Mine seem to turn purple after vegging for a while…had me worried it was some sort of deficiency.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that on some of the TKs I have as well. The Triple Sunshine mom does it too. I’m assuming it’s a combo of being rootbound coupled with intense light in my case causing deficiencies. All the actively growing clones are mostly green with a small amount of purple being shown on the stem.

Here’s one of the moms I have that doesn’t look great. It’s under intense light and has been in the same GAL pot for a while now. I’ve had one in a 3 GAL pot of soil for months only getting indirect light and it still looks good though.


Hah! I was thinking of him when I posted it. I’ll come around and dump a few in your thread next time around :saluting_face:

Yes especially when rootbound in the slightest it wants to shoot up with lanky spacing. Very much like the hot mints I had a little while back. Very “og”. Smells are similar to the hot mints but end of flower smells can trick me. I’ll see what it’s like when I chop today and as it dries.

I’d say they’re slightly more likely to have darker stems but this case is 100% from being rootbound and really intense dry backs. This rootball dried out almost entirely between waterings. As it greens back up I’ll keep posting pictures. The hot mints I had wanted red stems but I assumed it was from the wifi mints side of things.

This is the same cut I’ve got in flower now and it’s stems are mostly green and it has barely faded this time around.


Thanks, guys! @syzygy @DirtySlowToes relieved to hear it’s normal and confirming my suspicions that being root bound can cause the purple stems.


Man. Holy cannoli does this #1 cut remind me exactly like some of the josh d og and oryan/Hollywood pure kush I used to be around tons of in my career. I hadn’t really caught those smells until I was cutting it down. But once I was rustling around it really hit me and the smell was unmistakable. I don’t know. Perhaps this #1 cut is the most og leaning it can get. Maybe not. I’ll have to pop a lot more seeds of this to find out :thinking: more pictures to come


Now that’s a gorgeous bouquet! @DirtySlowToes :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Many thanks! I’ll get better shots of it tonight. It’s a beautiful pheno. Thanks be to bodhi and syzygy for making it all happen. Right time right place, man. Enjoy everything you can! :metal:t2: You’ll also be happy to know the BBPS #1 fem/herm seed is up and grooving. And I’ll be starting something of yours within days. Not sure what yet but have space to start 12 seeds and only 6 are committed.


Awesome! :partying_face: I look forward to seeing what ya find!
The Atomi-C PB&J look like they might have something going for them. :smiley:

The Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls male I grew out was really nice and from our very own @Pigeonman :fist:t3:🪶🪶

I couldn’t help myself. I had to pop a few beans. I was in bean poppers withdrawal! :face_with_head_bandage:


Sweet glass man.

Mine broke a few months ago after a rather fast battle with gravity and haven’t been able to financially/emotionally recover since.

There used to be a place near my pad in San Diego that would repair it, but I haven’t found a place like that out in Ohio yet.

This leaf formation really is sexy dude.

I appreciate that man, thank you.

That is weird, I could’ve sworn I’ve used “bunch” in scrabble before.


Oooh yeah, that’s the good stuff right there. Look at that.


I took my glass back to the artist that made it and they fixed it up good!


I used to have a page in my tabs of a company that would repair glass. I used them once a few years back. Cost me $120 but they fixed up one of my pieces really well after I stonered it. I’ll browse around and see if my brain works

That’s all big buddertons work! It’s a beautiful, long legged thing. I’ll take a few more shots this afternoon. For you.

Hehe your post struck my funny bone, my friend. Thanks for the laughs.

I knew you’d like that tied down shot. Fuhreak.


Checkin in :metal:t2:

Rotten pineapple f4 (#2). She got sprayed down so don’t mind those wet leaves. Nice, dark leaves. Really like how this grows and it looks like it’ll stack well despite me not putting much effort into it’s structure this first round. Very pretty plant. :pray:t2: This is day 22. Needs a little defol down low

Slow and steady she gets ready. Maze :purple_heart::tent: I’ll be raising the light up a bit in a few days… hehe

Tossed a TS x SSDD #1 and #2 into flower today. Good times! Didn’t get shots but I will tomorrow :metal:t2:

Had one trufflez show male. Down to three there.
In the veg tent is…

Ssdd f2
TS x ssdd #1,2,3,4
Hawaiian lime ogee
Jordon g x b
W. Zkittlez
Peshawar A, B
Eternal Sunshine #1,3
Goji ghash x unicorn poop f2
Rotten pineapple #1, 2

Eternal Sunshine #2

Putting all that down makes me realize I’ve got way more females than I thought. Rough and tough choices will be made over the next few months! I will be starting a handful of purple lemon Thai x lucky lime to test for a friend. So I’ll be doing smaller plants and pumping em through so I can give those some attention. Hah by smaller I still mean 2-3 gallons. So still fairly big. Going to be trying out ventanas commercial line(dry salts) starting in about a month. Should be pretty much the same but ya never know with new stuff. Anyway, 4 weeks left of jtr, 5-6 weeks on rpf4. Have a good night!


Didn’t mean to not respond to this post my friend. I saw it and was absolutely baked from jaws chem d x UK cheese and got lost looking up the genetics and woke up the next day… I’m digging the branching and linking of the breaths. I’m also trying to find something sleepy and heavy to keep around. Maybe it’s the one… so! I started some.

On top of the purple lemon thai x lucky lime cross, I dropped:

3 Atomi-c pb & j - ndnchild
4 Emperor Haze IX - santero
1 chem 91 skunk VA fem - gcbudz

Tags will go out when they’re above soil. Finally rid myself of slugs. Didn’t start stuff for a second because the slugs ate my chem soda babies and it hurt. Small sample size but it’s a slow and steady hunt over here. Not planning on cloning that much from the veg tent now. Planning to flower on out and pick favorites. Maybe I’ll get lucky and maybe I won’t.

I think I’m liking TS x SSDD #3 the most. It has a similarly skunky veg smell to #1 with more complex funk. It’s really nice to my nose. Here it is after a few days of attention. Back outside for a spray down with #4. #3 left #4 right.

Couple close ups of jaws chem d x UK cheese. I’ll do a smoke report for this in a few days when I’ve smoke more of it. Stuff kicks.

Lil squish action. This rosin is slightly darker than I expected but really tasty. It was 2/3 apple fritter and 1/3 gab x cm x div(auto) and even after throwing it in the freezer it is still more of a sap/goo than most rosins. Not mad one bit. Leans sativa in high and I’m into that too :metal:t2: the off color drip is the slightest bit of water left in the hash.

Whole plant shot of the JTR. It started to flop hard hallway through week 5 so I had to tie it up. Haze-y smells still. Not mad about it either but definitely want to keep digging here.

Time for a joint. See you soon


No worries, buddy! @DirtySlowToes Your doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing in here… enjoying yourself! Everything is looking great! Thanks for dropping some more of my beans! I hope you enjoy them. I’m also running 3 Atomi-C PB&J. I freed space to pop some beans… was supposed to pop so many other things, couldn’t decide so I popped a few of my own crosses! :man_shrugging:t3: I’m going to run a few 12/12 from seed just to get a taste! :joy:
Good luck and happy growing, my friend! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


TS x SSDD #3 getting healthier. Not quite as lanky as true tk, but it’s made up of mostly three and four leafers. Few 5s. Zero 7s all the way down. Special smell compared to 1 and 3.

6/6 above ground on the purple lemon thai x lucky lime. So they’re grooving.

Pretty positive one trufflez is female. Another looks likely female. Add to the female count. Time to go get coffee. See you soon gang.