Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

I’ll throw a few plant shots up later but wanted to toss these up while I’m around! Pulled a little branch down to test dryness on the ts x ssdd. It seems just about perfect so I figure the thicker branches will be good by Saturday/Sunday. I’ll probably trim it up from the outside in over the next few days starting tomorrow. It turned out great! I’ll have to sit with the smells a bit but they’re really nice. My partner said it’s like a raw pu-erh tea to her. About to smoke it. I’ll report back.

Oh that’s nice weed. I’m really excited to dig more into it. I won’t speak too much on it now but it made it easy to relax. I put #4 in flower too. Not sure I mentioned that. So #1,2 and 4 are all flowering together as we speak. Nice.

Alright alright. Look! The eternal sunshine male. Developing strong lemon smells. He will get cloned and some love and I can feel something good brewing.

Jack be rippin’ something like 6-6.5 weeks. I just have notifications set so I’m not necessarily tracking by day and I find myself too lazy to pull up my calendar for each post. Blame that triple sunshine cross! Hah :metal:t2:

Rotten from a distance. Building fat little nugs. Such an intoxicating smell.

You know.

And what I meant in my last post…#3 stands out from 1 and 2. I said 3 twice. Hah.

I put these in sans thread but these are the trufflez ladies. Really interesting smells on them… very very sweet but I’ll have to think more on specifics.

The veg tent is a jungle and I need a bigger flower tent. Goodnight all


Super admirable work @DirtySlowToes
How big of a veg/flower space you working with?


Many thanks my friend.

4x4 flower.

Pretty sure I bought a 5x5 for veg and they sent a 5x6 but it’s on its side so it’s like 6x8 with 5 ft of height. Veg has 100ish watts, flower 500. Modest little setup. Upgrades are to be had in time


Youre putting out great work for a modest set up👍🏻


Looks great - nice work! I like the look of that bud. Comfortable / relaxing are pretty reliable SSDD effects, cool to hear they came through.


I’ll throw up a bunch more as I trim it up later today. Thanks for the compliment. I pretty much just grabbed some, turned on the shitty overhead light and shot it. They’re really pretty nugs. They look a lot like your dried trip sun. Seems the high has more body to it than tk that I’ve tried. I’m giving a little to a friend later today. I’m excited to hear what he thinks. I did make a stupid mistake last night though and bumped the dehu with my elbow and turned it from auto to low. I didn’t realize until I checked my phone this morning . So they spent 11p-6a slowly dropping from 58-59% to about 40%. I turned it back and it pretty quickly crept back up to 59%, but I was definitely really annoyed with myself. Especially because I really tried to do everything right for this run and to have a silly mistake like that is crumby. They are fine but I’m venting haha.


2nd. I’d have guessed you’ve got three tents going, plus a couple of saucers (full of seedlings) spinning atop a pole. You keep BUSY, my friend, and seem to get great results no matter what.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.50.18 AM


The man with the greenest jeans! Thanks for stopping by. I’ve got that third tent. And the light. And a fan/filter on the way for it. You’ll see it soon! If I don’t over reach a bit I end up underestimating what I can do.

Sidenote for any wondering why deficiency can be seen in my veg tent… I feed everything in veg the same feed. I’d say 66% are happy with it and the other third show me they want more or less of something. This helps me determine who’s a picky feeder in veg. About a week prior to flipping anything, I change up the feed and start dosing things up. I try to sort out most of my strain specific questions in veg. Tis just how I rock and roll. Saves me water, nutrients, time. Also…if everything was growing to its potential in there, I’d absolutely have to chop and clone and end up more overgrown than I am. It’s a delicate balance of depriving things just enough to grow the pace I need them. Hah so…there’s that.

In other news… that TS x SSDD #1 had my car smelling like lightly sweet, skunky, woodsy niceness. Grabbed one more shot in the sun before giving it to my bartender friend.


Lots of good looking plants you got growing here @DirtySlowToes - nice work !


That is exactly what i was thinking also! Man he must be busy


Thanks guys. Here be some more plants.

@seeds2weeds I started a chem 91 from the same pack you got. I’ll keep ya informed on how it grows and looks!

Just above ground
Chem 91 Skunk VA @GCBudz

Also just entering life…from @santero
Emperor Haze IX

Purple Lemon Thai x Lucky Lime

And some bigger friends…

Goji ghash x unicorn poop f2


Peshawar “A” doing what it does :metal:t2:

Eternal Sunshine female #1

Peshawar “B”. Didn’t get a good shot of it. Whoops.

TS x SSDD #1 nugs… more to come


Oh this sounds splendid.

I’ve been debating today whether I should pop some Cake Face or a lime/lemon citrus varietyfor my next repro. I want to take clones of the Always be Flowering Wedding Cake x Sunset Sherbert crosses and put them in the tent with whatever I decide on. Just unsure if I really want it to be another wedding cake cross.


I’m pretty pumped. It’s a bodhi x useful thing that rhai’s gang put together.

What variety are you thinking?? :eyes:

People love wedding cake. I don’t hate it. Though without even hearing the other option I’d probably say go citrus! A nice lime is definitely something I’m looking for. But…with eternal sunshine, JTR, Hawaiian lime ogee all in my lineup you can probably tell I enjoy the citrus. I am a bit bummed my JTR x moonbow cross is a boy but I haven’t tossed it yet.


So, I’m working on a project that’s dedicated to my chunky pup, Bombón.

The goal is to get a similar flower to Purple City Genetics’ Bombay Crush (Triangle Kush x Durban Biscotti). It was a doughey, lemony citrusy, and had a motivating high.

Wedding cake is supposed to be the strain fulfilling the role of doughey sweetness. Even though it was the first cross I ever grew, I never got to smoke it.

The wedding cake crosses that I have are

  1. Cake Face (Wedding Cake x Face Off OG Bx)
  2. Wedding Cake x OG Kush Breath v2.1
  3. ??? x (Wedding Cake x Sunset Sherbert)

With the ??? being any of Always be Flowering’s elite clones ( XXX OG, Chem D, Chem 4, Jealousy, Indiana Bubblegum, Miss Wicked, Trainwreck Thai, Rainbow Belts 2.0, Zlushie x Gelato 41, Candy Rain #26, Blueberry, etc…)

High end bagseed, pretty much.

And although not Wedding Cake crosses, also possible contenders:
4. Birthday Cake x Peanut Butter Breath
5. Twat Waffle ( Cuvée Cookies x Deer Creek #1)
6. Strawberry Waffles (Strawberry Cannonball x Twat Waffle)

For the citrus we have:

  1. Tropolope x Romulan
  2. TK NL5 Haze
  3. Limesoul Revival (Black Lime Reserve x Dragon Energy)
  4. Lemon Cemetery (Lemon Maraschino x Death Meddle)
  5. Lemon Stilton
  6. Super Lemon Haze
  7. Super Kush (Blockberry (superboof) x Triangle Kush Bx1)

If not the Cake Face, I’m thinking either the Lemon Cemetery or the Super Kush.

Watchu think?

Is that Puffalo’s cross? How’s the fella looking? If it seems stellar, I can throw a cut into the 2x2 and get some pollen.


The ts x ssdd looks amazing. A1 quality bud right there bro, i wish i could smell it.

Yea please let me know how the chems turn out @GCBudz talks highly of the chem 91 skunk va. I look forward to popping those once i get some more experience under my belt as i hear they can be a challenge to keep happy


Woah what a list! And I love the thought. For Bombon, there is no project that is too much. Chunks for all. :purple_heart:

That cake face calls to me the most. I think chem mixes well with almost everything…but after sitting with this a while and thinking about it. I think if I were after a lemony, doughy deliciousness, I’d go cake face and super lemon haze. Orrrr could even go nuts with a tknl5 haze x (wc x sunset sherb). Mash mash mash!!

Yes it’s from puffalo. It looks to be very much leaning moonbow. It’s a pretty, fat leafed plant with nice branches. Decent stem rub. I’ve given thought to throwing him at the JTR cut I have since she leans Jack. If you want JTR x moonbow 112 male cuts you’re welcome to some! I can shoot a picture over this afternoon. I was interested in this initially because moonbow was in a lunar lemon I tried and the lemon was very strong with that one. But! Lots of things to grow and cross, man. Selection selection selection! My indecisiveness would force me to pop some of everything and see what I like most before making decisions. It’s why my plans change…often.

Cake face x super kush would probably be nice and kushy with some nice bits in there.

I’ll keep you informed though on the lucky lime cross. I’ve seen black lime reserve talked about here lately and it’s a parent of lucky lime.


Hear, hear!

So, we’ll get to try out all those crossed together, sideways, upside down, rightside-up… I plan to search for keepers after open pollinating each pack and then using those to create the real Bombon Kush. I think the move is to pop that Cake Face next and take a peeksie through the offspring it’ll make with the ABF bagseed, then check with the Super Kush. Thanks for your input dude.

Lots to cross indeed! I expect this project to run for a few years, I want to look through as many plants as possible before making my selections.

Hell yeah dude, let’s see what them puppies hold!


Nice update @DirtySlowToes.


Thank you for following along since basically day one for me here :pray:t2::purple_heart: if there’s anything you think I can help you with at any time, let me know


Two confirmed trufflez. One I’ve shown the other I haven’t. One of the two I already showed up there turned out to be a strong young male. He put up a fair fight but he’s been reduced to a few branches and I’ll finish him when I take scissors back down. It can’t be a fair fight. Anyway. One female is lanky and tall with moderate branching and doesn’t have much of a stem rub. The other has very little branching, grows shorter, and has a very fruity, cherry leaning smell. It’s pretty intense right now so that’s cool. These Jordon g x b just will not show sex. Not that mad, but if they are both girls that would sort of be annoying ha. I’m leaning pretty heavily towards not starting any more seeds this year because I have so much stuff rocking now. I’ve got plans but in this moment it’s a shitload haha we will see who I can trim up and how many can get crammed in the 4x4 at the end of August.

Not loads of pictures tonight but a full tent shot. Maze can’t be contained…but I’m going to try here this weekend. Pull her in a little. Saddle. Reigns. TS x SSDD #2 there in the front being a hog. #1 is the taller plant reaching up. #4 is shorty in the middle. They get rearranged often and when JTR comes down in 2 weeks they’ll be ready for the show and get better placement. Didn’t clone #4. JTR started throwing a few male flowers on the top flower clusters just today. Pulled 2 off. 1 a few days ago. We will see what happens with it. Like I said it’s really only got 14-15 days so let’s see if the plain water helps. Rpf4 is so low maintenance. It’s just nice to look at in person, smells great. Sounds like I want to take it for coffee.

:upside_down_face: Sativas, man. They really know how to make a tent look big. Small. I can’t tell.