Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down


Peek into the ridiculous veg tent. The 5 babies together there on bottom are the purple lemon Thai x lucky lime babes. Had one nose dive the other day and die off on me. Likely due to genetics because it was given the same love as everything else? Could’ve been me though. The other 5 look groovy.

Up close of a side bud of maze. Somewhere around 4 weeks. I can go double check.

Some RP f4 week 5 plus a few days

Jack the ripper :metal:t2: plumping up nicely.

TS x SSDD #2

That’s all today. Oh wait. I was worried my fritter wasn’t going to root because I left a few cuts just chilling in a cup with fresh water changes for probably 4 days before putting them into the cloner. They’ve taken longer than everything else, but they’re alive. Thankfully. Eternal sunshine male clones are up next. Along with eternal sunshine #1 clones. Have multiple e.s #2 ready. SSDD f2 outside is maturing quickly. I didn’t grab a shot but I will tomorrow. I’m impressed with this man. And a smoke report for chem x cheese coming tomorrow I do think

Goodnight all.


Let’s have a smoke report…

UK Cheese x Chem D bc1 created by @JAWS grown by me. This was a freebie receive from @Great_lakes_Genetics

Veg time - somewhere around 50 days, give or take. I should get better at writing that down.
Flower time - chopped at 85 days. 12 weeks!
Pot size - 3 gallon
Yield - 90 grams dry.

Aroma - A strong chem smell right away is almost nose burning. As you get closer you get a pretty intense parmesan/green apple smell but with very minimal sweetness. It’s sour, but the way sour bread or sour cheese may be. Pretty weird. Initially for the first 3-4 weeks in the jar it has what I would describe as an offensive odor. After those 4 weeks it’s seemed to turn into a more complex stinky floral smell and less of an offensive parmesan/sour smell. It is one of the more unique smells I’ve had.

Flavor - a very pleasing, herbal, buttery sort of inhale. A little spicy and just slightly harsh. A strong floral cleaner sort of taste is left on the exhale. I definitely taste the funk from the parmesan smell aspect, but I think instead of a cheesy flavor I’m picking up it’s translating to a strong floral flavor. It’s not overpowering but it’s distinct.

Density - there are probably better phenos to be found for density. Take in mind that I grew this during the hottest time of the year for me. Temps saw 98-100 a few days. Nights were 75-80. That said, it came out dense enough. Nice body to it and it wasn’t crumbly or fall off the stem loose, but it was definitely on the spongy side of things. A bit airy with small calyxes and quite a lot of hairs. Not the commercial nugs we are used to seeing. Much more knobby, but not a slacker on yield. The lowers and larf are hard to trim because of it’s knobby, uneven sort of structure and so most of it got tossed into a pile for dry sift or edibles but 75-80% of it was nice, easy to find nugs. I could’ve trained it better and think most of my nug structure complaints come from my own training and environmental factors. It is one of those strains that seems to ‘fluff up’ once ground and seems to increase in volume quite a bit. Overall I’m happy with how they came out.

Effect - Probably my favorite part. Pretty intense cerebral high right away. Makes your head feel opened up and a bit spacey right away. The kind of come up that makes standing on the porch feel like your doing something. I’m surprised with how many ‘indica’ effects I feel for a plant that went 12 weeks. Strong muscle relaxation and headache relief with really intense cerebral feelings. I guess I could call it ‘lazy’ at first but after 30-45 minutes there is a good bit of energetic effect. It doesn’t necessarily make you want to tackle an 8 hour project, but you could happily zone out for a fun hobby for an hour or two. Reduced anxiety and long lasting. Overall effect probably lasts 3-4 hours. It settles into a good vibe, good time sort of feel and you come out of the high feeling like a happy cat. It’s not sleepy on its own, but I do notice that when I mix it with other things there seems to be an added sleepy effect. I find myself smoking it on its own during the day and mixing it with other things at night. It noticeably improves my sleep quality, so that’s cool. Really interesting and enjoyable weed.

Growth Patterns - topped twice, I believe. I didn’t touch it too much while it grew. It stretched roughly 2x it’s original size. Maybe like 2.25x. It grew a little viney but not like an OG where there were branches overlapping everywhere. Really excellent nug size compared to branch size. Small stems with a lot of flower. It started to flop over pretty hard somewhere around 45 days into flower and needed structural support. Slow onset of flowers that swell really heavily at the end. A little foxtail-y but I’ll probably attribute that to my environment. It was pretty easy to stake up and forget about while it finished. Didn’t grow too many new fans past day 40 or so and it didn’t fade much at all. Some yellowing/dead leaves at the end up it stayed green for the most part. It grinds to a deep dark green.

Overall - What else to say! It’s really unique weed. It has a very nice, relaxing, happy, long lasting effect. Smells different than everything else in the room. Maybe a little room for improvement on structure but who needs everything to be rock solid and tight? Good yield but I’d definitely train it better if I was going to invest in another 12 weeks of flowering. I’d like to give it more attention next time around but it’s given me more than I gave it. I call that good weed. Solid B - B+ on my scale. I’m excited to throw the last few seeds down and get into the lost skunk x UK cheese sometime next year.

Thank you for stopping by :metal:t2:


Now that is a great grow and smoke report! Thank you for taking the time, I genuinely get so so much from these.


And some ssdd f2 male shots! Not dropping yet but maturing quickly. I gave it a little top dressing of compost last week but otherwise I’ve been giving it plain water so excuse the yellowing. I’ll dump some jlf on it today and see what happens. Going to collect his pollen and hit a slew of things with it to pretty much just pass out around here. I’ve got a couple plans to search through things with this as a dad but nothing super important to me at the moment as it’ll take a while. Nice double serrations, not branchy, good height, 2.5x stretch, nice musky/skunky smells, fast maturing.


Thank you my friend! I’m happy it helps it some regard. I want to give a little effort back to the folks who spent effort making the things I’m growing! Thanks for taking the time to read it.


Excellent work, as per your usual. Very descriptive grow/smoke report on the UK Cheese X Chem D back cross!

Every time I visit your thread lately, I’m marveling at the looks of that Maze. You’re going to be swimming in weed!

With the variety of stuff you’re growing, I wonder – do you sell it to dispensaries, or are you growing purely for personal use?


Thank you! It should be done roughly end of October. I’m pumped. I’ll grab a few more shots later :wink:

100% just for me. I don’t sell anything, my partner doesn’t smoke and I have very few friends who smoke and don’t grow. I give some to a couple friends each harvest and trade a little with a couple other grower friends but otherwise it’s all for me. I do all I can not to let it sit around too long haha


That SSDD make looks good! Is it au natural? No training? Seems like you’ve grown a few of the F2’s out. Have you noticed that they take forever to show sex? 60 days plus. That’s what I’ve seen so far.


even if you were not talking about one of my creations id say crazy good read with lots and lots of great info.

very cool indeed …


Thanks man. I topped it once fairly early. Around 6th node when it was young. Then left untouched.

Hmm they seem to take a little longer to show sex but most things show for me fairly quickly. I’d say somewhere around 45-55 days these showed. The female was quicker to show than the male for these. I honestly only notice when things take forever to show. The Hawaiian lime ogee and the Jordon g x b both take longer than anything else in my tent for sure. But the ssdd f2 and the ts x ssdd cross both seem to take longer than the maze, Peshawar, trufflez did

I really appreciate that! Thank you for doing the work, showing others how and offering your stuff at really good prices. Definitely more to come


More Maze! Budderton is the jam.

Jack the ripper. Taking in it’s final week or so. 10-11 days maybe :pray:t2:

Aaand TS x SSDD #1 shooting up. Will get better shots of #2 and #4 tomorrow. Another #1 and #3 join in 10-11 days.


Looking good, man. I really like the looks of that Maze


Looking great over here @DirtySlowToes ! You’re gonna have some bat’s once that Maze fills in! Awesomeness!!


Jack the ripper is looking :ok_hand:


Thanks everybody. :metal:t2::purple_heart: You all rock

A bit conflicted on if I should replace maze with more maze(a second female, not a clone) or run through some of the 8-10 week stuff “real quick” before throwing another round of maze in. :thinking: It is quite a commitment to have ~25% of the tent blocked off for a 16-20 week plant. Who knows what these hands will do.


Lol ik the feeling I have a kullu valley with same run time😮‍💨 might be worth it from the looks of urs


SSDD just got first place melt at legends of hashish. lol, Just something I saw this morning.


Toss those 16-20 weekers and bring in the 8-10 weekers for sure. Haha


Hah! Thanks for the input friends. I probably will end up throwing faster plants in next and clone to kill the other maze I’ve got and flower out a few smaller cuts of her next go around so they don’t take up quite as much space. Or just use a 2x2 as a long flowering space. We will see how the smoke is. Maybe it’ll be worth it. What’s it all matter anyway :sweat_smile:

Oh I didn’t see that. That’s nice. I’ll have to save a few plants to run. I’ve got a female ready to be flowered out. Holyangel raves about the frost on his. May make some interesting crosses then. I wanted to use this ssdd f2 male to hit the fruity stuff I’ve got to see if it helps yield and funk. I may be able to shoot you a half pack of the SSDD f2 Ive got if you want to add it to your list of potential hash pairings/breeding. Thinking using it’s pollen on these things:

W. Zkittles
Rotten pineapple f4
Trufflez f2
Eternal Sunshine

Who knows what will come of it though. I’d like to get this eternal sunshine f2 run out of the way first. I’m 95% ready to start it. Just building confidence/waiting on one cut to root lol


Does the eternal sunshine have clementine terps?:rofl::rofl: (Joke if u know what movie that’s from)