Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

He’s probably just like me and thinks breeding or messing with seeds in your flower is crazy. Hahaha


Haha maybe. I think he thought I was growing outside and when I said I had stuff vegging I think he got confused thinking I was trying to re-veg a big dead w.zkittles plant outside during this time of year. Lol I set an alarm to leave him a small jar at the end of the month. Maybe he’s awesome and we will be best friends. Maybe he’s a cop. It’s hard to tell here


Is your male outside? Maybe he lives right by you and he’s scared of getting pollinated. Next thing you know you’ll find out your neighbors and become BFFs. Haha


That’s best case! Yeah the male is outside because I’m trying to keep my indoor pollen indoors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and collect frkm this then kill.

He said he was an outside grower. He works in my neighborhood. Could totally be possible. Maybe some ssdd would do him well lol but really. I don’t want to pollinate my neighbors. Child support aint cheap. So hopefully I catch him at the end of the month for a more prepared chat.


Awesome to hear, thanks for sharing that review! Was very impressed with bodhi’s work on that cross.

Could be trying to strike up a convo about it or just plain awkward as well, but asking if it’s your first time growing a few times is funny. The opinion of gardeners like that who give unsolicited advice and judgement is rarely worth listening to anyways. Lots of those types in the gardening realm who’s primary objective is just to talk themselves up.

Those hornworm shots are really cool! Lots of cocoons on that one.


Oh man of course on the review. I’m glad others like it like I do.

Yeah I sort of thought he was just being awkward. He said a couple times that growing was his passion and he liked to give new folks all the tips he could. Red flag? Lol Hopefully my little jar offering establishes a bridge. It was just a bit too forward for me haha but to be fair, I had a plant sort of right in the open there so it’s not his fault…but it was a weird lead. I probably would’ve asked what is was. But whateva. He was all “nows not the time to add nitrogen though. Let me tell you what you should do” I said uh, gotta walk the dog. We can do this next time. Let’s see if it gets better. Thanks though brother🤘🏻 idk. I would’ve definitely asked if I was feeding salts or organics first, but what’s it matter what I would do. Ramble over.

And yeah! Thanks. The hornworm is super cool. I found another so I moved the branch over to overlap and found them side by side today seemingly still. Rage on.


Youre generosity is unmatched bro. Ill have to think on that on as of right now im overloaded

Thank you


I would’ve been like, “what’s that?”

I had great experience the first night I moved here. I had one of the gas people inspecting a leak at like, 10 PM. Anyway, the dude was so excited when he saw me setting up my 2x2 and place the moms inside. He asked if he could take pictures and I assumed he meant of just the plants but he squatted down and took a couple of selfies making faces and shit. Talked about how he doesn’t smoke but that he was happy they had finally legalized it here, and then we spoke about soup. Very wholesome interaction.

The shitty thing is that this is basically medical weed that is now being sold to rec buyers. Which means that someone who depends on cannabis to survive has been using their hard earned cash to buy this subpar trash. For it to be $100 for half an oz, I was expecting something really good, but I have trim that’s better. This was meant to hold me over till the next harvest, but I don’t even really want to smoke it.

The few neighbors that have spoken to me always bring up cannabis in such an awkward way. I’ve already had a negative interaction so I’d rather not even entertain people anymore.


Dang that looks like the cheaper med stuff where im at. They literally offer pre ground aka shake for way more then shake should cost lol


Peshawar B (@Upstate) outside today getting a shake down and some compost. And for the lighting. A wirey, messy growth pattern but branchy. I think she was just a bit hungry and that’s why she was throwing odd numbered fans. I’ve given her a few days of feed and seems to be much happier.

And a little TS x SSDD I put into a joint. The high is getting longer lasting as it cures up a bit. Pretty potent heady effects that I’ve noticed so far. Haven’t smoked a ton yet though. Sure does smell nice. :arrow_heading_down:


What is ts bro?


Triple Sunshine. (Tk x SSDD)


Shit looks dope


Thanks man I’m sure there are some seeds floating around here if you ever jump into bodhi land :metal:t2:

More TS x SSDD. #3 this time :metal:t2:I’ll throw more #1 shots up later. 3 is just a bit branchier. Seemingly thinner branches, less fan leaves, more bud sites. #1 seems hungrier and more vigorous though.


Dang dude that’s crazy!! R u making anymore of those seeds!?! How many did u have to hunt threw for the sap pheno?

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Jah. Lookout for a new thread by me in the coming days of it beginning :metal:t2::purple_heart:

The pack had 50% germ rate and this is the only female like this. So 6 seeds technically hah One male showed something similar back in January but it wasn’t nearly as pronounced and seemed to go away after a while. Not sure if it’ll mean much as far as effect of finished product but it’s certainly cool. I’d like to cross an f2 back to this mom to try to lock it down a bit more.


Definitely interested in running it if u do a run!

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Finally, eh? How about some actual pictures of Eternal Sunshine. They’re outside getting sprayed down and top dressed, cleaned up, loved on and fed. Per usual, a few days of feed and then it’s on. The eternal sunshine #2 female isn’t pictured but I’ll throw her up later. Not nearly as big but I’ve got 5 rooted cuts of her so it was fine. Thinking I’ll throw two of those cuts in with Dad and mom #1 here and then we will have eternal Sunshine f2s. Keep pushing gang!

Female #1 on the left(bleeder). Male on right(I know, he needs food :avocado:)

Different angle on Peshawar B to try to show that branching.

SSDD f2 female before clean up and new pot.

TS x SSDD #1 on the left. #3 on the right. Judge for yourself! I look at them daily. Theme of this post is the veg tent is now getting more food. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ll just add on here :metal:t2:

Flower shots.
Maze starting to chunk. :arrow_heading_down:

TS x SSDD #2. A bit of a sloppy shot. I’ll pull her out tomorrow to give her a spray and some nicer shots. Day 22. Mid defoliation.

And some up close shots of each pheno rocking now. #4 is 3-5 days behind #1 and #2.

#1 :arrow_heading_down:

#2 :arrow_heading_down:


JTR looks very close to done. Has pretty much stopped swelling and leaves have started to die fairly rapidly. Pictures I took tonight are blurry so I’ll grab more tomorrow but 8/13 is 9 weeks and she may be ready right then. Turned out really nice.

More veg shots and whatnot coming tomorrow too! Moving things around feels good. Goodnight all


Happy Sunday everybody :purple_heart: saw a buddy today and he sent me home with some bho so it’s dabs tonight. I’ll throw shots up later when I water. Hope it’s a good evening for you all

Buncha flavors I don’t normally dig into. Orange-43(franchise genetics) on the right, animal tree up top, super boof on the left. Also gave me some super dark blueberry stuff he was going to toss but haven’t tried it yet. See you soon!


Okay what’s up good evening. Pretty nice dabs :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Jack the ripper coming around now. 61 days

Purple lemon Thai x lucky lime growing quickly! They started getting hungry this week so I upped the food.

TS x SSDD #2

Corey Heime growing quickly too. Nice climate right now.