Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Those are some good looking buds, man! I can’t wait to hear your smoke report. I was just researching JTR earlier today


Thanks man I’m excited to get to try it too! Never had it straight. This was the first female I found so I’m sure there are lots of good things in the beans ix3u made. I plan to go through more but I’m happy to run this cut once or twice more


I was going to try to snag them sometime when he puts them in the take seeds leave seeds thread. Everything I’ve read about it sounds good


JTR down. Flower tent stuffed. Defoliating all week. Have a vision for flower tent but it’ll be another hour or two of work before it’s ‘clean’

Little more work to do today. Updates aren’t totally done. Scrubbed dry tent, flower tent, and chuckery tent today. Tied up Maze. Time for a smoke and a banana. Or two.



The party has started! Confidence is here. Backups are had. Tent was scrubbed. It’s years old so don’t mind the doodoo there on the bottom. It’s seen wet times. Anyway. Fresh filter/fan. Forgot to include the clip fan for the picture but that’s okay. It’s there too.

Let’s chuck pollen!
The male of the group…
Eternal Sunshine I stripped him down a little today. Took some clones. Taking clones and rubbing his stem I got intense margarita type smells. Lemon/lime/sour smells.
The females are…
Eternal Sunshine(blood) in the 2.5ish gallon pot.
Eternal Sunshine #2 in a small pot.
Rotten pineapple f4 in a small pot.
Goji ghash x unicorn poop f2 in a small pot.

All the small pots will get transplanted tomorrow. On their first day of flower. Not ideal but it’s what’s happening and I don’t think they’ll see too much transplant shock. They’ll be happy. I’ve already flowered out both the goji ghash and the rotten pineapple. Threw rotten pineapple in there simply for the fast finishing and nice bushiness. Couple that with the intensely sweet smell, maybe it’ll bring out some interesting smells from the eternal sunshine. Rotten pineapple seems super stable. Ultimate goal here may be to find a really nice female and do a little back cross to dad. Goji ghash x unicorn poop is included because I am really, really fond of this female. Beautiful structure, easy on nutrient demands, really dense flowers with nice effect. Fuel/acetone/pine/incense for her. Not much sweetness, but maybe in the incense aspect there’s some. I’d like to explore the f1s of this chuck and see if it’s worth pursuing. I see a lot of potential for this one. Then obviously to both females of the eternal sunshine. The bigger female is the bleeding sap pheno which probably works out best, but because it’s a 16 week variety, I assume the clone will get decently sized after a while. On the same note, I didn’t stagger the males and females because my window for pollination will be a bit larger for them so I figure starting at the same time shouldn’t hurt them. My biggest concern here is that the male will take longer to throw pollen than 21-30 days and I’d like to hit the window with both rpf4 and goji ghash. I’ve got backups of both and I could ultimately move them over in a week to be safer, but we will see.

Here’s a larger goji ghash x unicorn poop that will hit flower once rpf4 comes down. I’ve been getting along with it well.


That’s an interesting moth. What species is it?


It’s a hornworm moth. Pretty large one, too! I had a giant silk moth make it’s cocoon in a bay tree I have but I didn’t capture it coming out, unfortunately. I think moths are cool as can be. Also thanks for stopping by :metal:t2:

Lol there’s even a hair on my moth?! I can’t escape.


Hey gang hope you’re all well!

@NDNCHILD unfortunately I only had 1/3 of the atomic PB and j pop soil. I think it was my fault because I tossed them in soil after 18hours in water thinking they’d be okay. Everything else came up 100% but they probably wanted a paper towel for a day. I’ll make it up! Here’s the one though.

Chem 91 starting life

Bubble Milk #6 seedling showing some fun.

TS x SSDD #1

TS x SSDD #2 there you can also see #1 compared to #2 pretty well. #2 seems to be frostier, shorter, and stinkier at this point. Forgot to grab a shot of #4 but it’s the least impressive and also in the smallest pot, but it still looks nice! I’ll throw it up tomorrow.

I’m also super impressed with this plt x lucky lime. Not stinky yet but really nice growth. The trufflez seem to be pretty different but both share that vibrant pink petiole thing. Lots to come. Officially in the flower tent we’ve got 2 TS x SSDD #1, one #2, one #3, one 4. SSDD f2. Maze. Rpf4.


Really tempted by vac ovens and cold traps this morning.

I’m also pretty sure I’m going to try a dry ice/ethanol slurry to do an ethanol extraction tomorrow. Should stay a lot colder that way… curious stuff. Been thinking about terpene extraction this morning and it’d be nice if there were a slightly more cost friendly way of capturing terpenes either during decarb or without ruining product completely. Also not sure I need to make distillate for me unless I was making carts. Not sure how well stuff would decarb after something like steam distilling terpenes off. Thinking of various ways to use trim efficienly. Hmm. I don’t know


Morning gang :relaxed:

Here are some of the purple lemon Thai x lucky lime. They’re all remarkably similar in growth so far. Have all been topped and larger fans removed.

I don’t know if I’d say a standout…but a clear outlier. A fat leafed little emperor haze ix. I say it a bunch but these are incredibly vigorous seeds.

While messing around today I forgot just how intoxicating the smell is of Peshawar A. Sticky and stinky and gets me pumped. Hard to place smells. She will be getting love over the next few days. I’m at a hard spot of figuring out what to flower and what to cut back/clone out. For anyone following, it seems the log jam is coming! Haha I’m like… do I clone off a bunch of these veg plants and do it all again or get a bigger flower tent. Roots on all the TS x ssdd #1 and #3. Pretty sure I’ll be giving a cut of #1 to a friend and will be using #3 to hit with eternal sunshine pollen. #3 seems to share the fast paced nature of the ssdd male. I’ll throw pics up later but they were put in at the same time and #3 is clearly spending energy on pistils while stretching where #1 seems to want to stretch first, pistils second. #2 is very very frosty with a flat, even looking layer of trichomes. Probably great for hashery. I’ll try to get a good shot this afternoon. It has a funky fruit/musty smell to it so far.
Enjoy the day! I’ll be back later :metal:t2:

That closer upper of #2. Microscope shots tomorrow because I’m on my phone right now


Love the structure man. I’ve started removing larger fans early and it really makes those lower growth shoots take off and catch up to the top of the plant. I have a theory that the real purpose of those larger fans might just be to protect the growth shoots from animals.


Yeah…somewhere back in here I pulled the fans on one seedling/clone and not on another. I very much like that the lower branches catch up. It was a clear difference for me. They definitely get bushier with an early defoliation. You can probably overdo it and I’ve also seen some plants slow down as a whole when you do too much too early, but these were so vigorous that I figured it would be alright. Definitely helps with uniformity. That’s the biggest reason I do it. Second biggest is because my veg tent is so packed that I really need everyone’s tops exposed.


SSDD f2 being a bush! She will be thinned out over the coming days though she is the most recent addition to flower.

TS x SSDD pheno #2. Kind of blurry shot there but it feels very dense. Very nice rotten/woodsy/fruity pineapple smells from this one. Dense buds, not tons of stretch and seems to want to make colas. Seems to have nugs curling around the stem rather than growing outward like pheno #1.

TS x SSDD pheno #1. Day 35 for this and the one above.

Whole tent shot and a quick shot of how pheno #3 is coming along next to #2. For #3 it seems…early onset frost like #2. Wider spacing like #1. Stretch seems to be comparable to #2 but this pheno stretches just a touch more, I think. #1 stretches the most.

Maze, of course.

Little neglected trufflez with a cookies-esque structure. Probably going to be stinky frosty nugs on sticks. Plan is to clone this cat and probably flower a clone once maze comes down in October.

Veg tent being packed as I mentioned a few days back. Pack packed.

Straight to the point tonight! Keep it shrimple everybody. :shrimp:

Edit: seed tent is doing well! Eternal sunshine is so vigorous. Shots coming soon. I also kept one tiny branch of e.s #2(not blood) in the pot with one of the ts plants. It’s below the canopy and not receiving much light but starting to get some frost on it and I’m noticing it ‘bulking’ lol now at week 5. Just for my own notes.


Okay getting back into it. Had a busy end of the week and a hectic weekend but here we are :metal:t2:

Some SSDD f2 action. Watermelon zkittles behind it. May not end up with viable seeds from that particular plant but that’s okay. Seems to be late flowering.


TS x SSDD pheno #3 day 15-18 somewhere in there

TS x SSDD pheno #2 day 36ish. Smaller, very dense nugs. Looks like it will be heavy but not necessarily huge. Looks almost white in person.

Smoke report coming for pheno #1 sometime in the next couple weeks! Getting into it now ish

Lol been wondering why some things in the flower tent have been looking a little off so I went in there at lights out to find that one of the fans lights was still on from when the power went out last here. So it’s been a few weeks of definite light pollution. I haven’t seen many male parts but it definitely has me on edge and feeling like extra vigilance is needed with this round. Annoying, but life goes on :metal:t2: keep killing it everybody. I’ll take more shots in a few and update y’all on some more shortly.


Oh that male looks nice! you said its ssdd f2? Any pollen to share? Would be a couple months before I could use it but that would save me needing to run the last of my f2 beans on this upcoming run :sweat_smile: I’d split the offspring with ya 50/50 if you want. No worries otherwise.

That bud looks damn tasty :drooling_face: looking forward to that report ^^


Oh I think that would be totally doable. I’ve been going out daily to shake branches into parchment and a cup but now that I’m seeing residue on the leaves I’ll bring it in tonight and let it drop without the wind. I’ll let you know when it’s good and ready to ship for sure. It seems to be pretty resilient, has a really nice odor, and it’s flowers are filling it fairly well. I’d be super curious to see what you do with it. Consider it done my friend.


Awesome! Yeah just let me know. I can cover shipping or whatever if ya need.

I’d for damn sure use the pollen on my ssdd f2 #1 girl, longtime keeper, to make f3s. Would probably hit the TK too while I’m at it. Unsure on anything else off-hand but yeah :grin:


Little seed tent update. I’ll go in and pull some leaves tomorrow. Everyone will get pulled outside for a nice spray down and I’ll give the veg tent a little wash so expect a lot of individual shots tomorrow! I’ve only lightly scoped the plt x LL cross for sex. Seems like they’ll be showing any day now. They’re super uniform though. Some slight differences but overall they’ve been easy to grow and have really nice structure. Here’s the carpet they’ve made.

And over in the 4x2…
Eternal sunshine dad in the first shot,
Blood mom in the second shot,
Everybody in third.
They’re getting fed fairly hard now so the light leaves will be gone. I’ll get some close ups tomorrow. Blood mom seems to be a little wild looking. Non blood female seems to be tighter on growth and maybe faster with flower rate, though it did start out a touch more rootbound and that could contribute to its quicker flower onset. The little single cola non blood female in the flower tent smells like a really sour haze/melon/lime thing. I like it a lot. The male is coming along quickly and is vigorous. Both the male and blood female have thick, thick sturdy stems.

Some of the lowers on the rpf4 have shown signs of very slight pollination. Nothing that is wildly concerning but I’ll probably pull some lowers and freeze them for hash. It’s pretty thick all the way down. Pollen was likely from the JTR male flowers that happened at the end of its life from the light pollution. I’ll likely pull it around 9.5-10 weeks and put probably goji ghash x upoop and a trufflez in there. I’ll commit to a couple nice rpf4 plants in with the plt x LL when they go to flower. I want to do it justice. Until next time. See you again soon everybody :metal:t2:


What a hot day out there. It is so much work to pull everything out of the veg tent and get it all cleaned up. More pictures coming but taking a quick break :metal:t2:

Peshawar B that’s been outside for maybe 2 weeks.

Goji ghash x unicorn poop f2

Quite a bit to do still but got all the clones moved up, everything sprayed, tents wiped down. Just need to transplant a few things and clone down a few. I’ll clone down both Jordon g x b and then throw the carcasses in flower to see what they are. Crazy they just don’t show sex in veg. Interesting trait though. I’m very interested in how this second maze pheno flowers out. Bushier with slightly fatter leaves and a sweeter/earthier smell to it. Be back soon


Your Maze is looking downright furry, as laden as it is with long pistils. She’s trying hard to get impregnated! Of all the beautiful grows on display by the many super-talented growers on OG, this is the plant I seem to be most interested in watching.

What more can you tell us about its heredity? I haven’t found anything about it in my searches on allbud, leafly, or any of the other sites I look at for info on cannabis strains.