Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Ohh what else is going on around here…

Watermelon zkittles seems to be quite pregnant with ssdd f2. Plus a leaf hopper. Zkittles seems to have a serious branch shearing trait that I definitely hate. It is also very sensitive to damp roots…I’ll likely not even flower it out on its own and wait to go through these seeds. I want the smells from that watermelon and I didn’t hate the effects when I tried it, so I’m thinking ssdd will be a good pairing. If not, I’ll eat some grapes about it.

TS x SSDD #2 outside getting the spray down

Plt x LL still all looking very similar. 5 plants there. Bushy, fairly even canopy. Some slight node differences between them. Two potential females but they haven’t really shown yet. Topped once. Day…32 from seed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: in 65/35 promix and compost.

Edited to add a couple side shots of the plt x LL. Nice structures. Hoping for good things from the flower. Half tempted to get these tested to save the male/female game. But I’ve got time so I’m probably just impatient.

And I wanted to add a shot of eternal sunshine #2(not blood). She’s a pretty plant.

The eternal sunshine male has trichomes on his stem and is quite vigorous. The blood female has a super similar structure to him. She smells a bit more sour and him more weedy. He is already dropping pollen so I’ve gone in by hand to put pollen on each recipient.

In the veg tent… the atomic pb-j looks and smells really great. I’m hoping it’s a lady. Chem 91 looks like chem to my eyes and the trufflez have really unique smells both.

Alright later all


Evening friends :metal:t2:

SSDD f2 (bubbashine pheno) she gets cleaned up and defol tomorrow. My notes say day 19

Rpf4 looking a little worse for wares after 2 weeks of light leak and now 2 weeks of flush haha but she’s finishing up. I’d expect her to be done around 9.5-10 weeks but I’m sure the light pollution caused extra pistils. It was the plant closest to the source of light pollution. I don’t see any intersex traits but the tops are extremely dense so who knows what hides beneath. Still a mouthwatering smell and unreal density. :arrow_heading_down:

TS x SSDD pheno #1 lower nug somewhere in week 6⤵️

Picture comparison of a leaf from TS x SSDD #1 and #3. #3 is on top. #1 has sharper and more serrations. #1 is considerably behind #3 in terms of bud formation at the moment. We will see how they play out. :arrow_heading_down:

While comparing I’ll throw a few more #1 and #3 shots up. Every pheno is different and has different smells. This is definitely something to check out for any sitting on it. They’re all going to be good weed, but the differences in smell alone tell me many folks will find something enjoyable in this cross. Pheno #4 is almost purely sweet. Pheno #1 is complex with citrus and pine and gas. #3 is more chem-y with a strong earthy accent. #2 is extremely smelly and like hashy pine. Thank you syzygy for letting me search through these. Truly, dude!

Left to right: maze, #3, #1 :arrow_heading_down:

#3 notes say day 19. Eyes say it’s super fast. :arrow_heading_down:

More focused shots of maze nugs! :arrow_heading_down:

Veg tent is groovy. Looks like I’ll have a few Peshawar B x SSDD to go through. It was sort of on purpose but I wasn’t sure if she’d catch the wind with where she is at. Wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with Peshawar B… but then I read upstate talk about his most desirable pheno being one that smelled like cat litter. This B I have has an eerily similar smell, so I didn’t want to cut it but I don’t really want to have room to keep it inside so it’s been outside for 2ish weeks. Outside today I noticed seeds in the auxiliary calyxes so that’s fun. May have to bring it and w.zkittles inside to finish seed ripening. It’s doable but annoying.

E.s. male is now dumping. Pistils have turned on all the ladies I touched the other day. Seems pollination is a success. Filter is on but fans are off so I’ll go in tomorrow and Wednesday and pollinate each branch by hand and collect a good bit. It’s super fresh, but if anyone wants eternal sunshine pollen to use fairly quickly, let me know. I’ll collect some and let it dry a bit and store it for later, but he isn’t dying anytime soon.

See you again soon :metal:t2::purple_heart:


It’s that time! Let’s have a smoke report…

Triple Sunshine x Sunshine Daydream Pheno #1 Original breeder of both strains: Bodhi. Cross done by @syzygy and grown by me.

Veg Time - roughly 40 days(above ground 4/7, flipped 5/17)

Flower Time - 65 days

Pot Size - 15 gallon fabric

Yield - roughly 235grams


This has been in jars for 4 weeks now. Gorilla glue/og -like. Pine, chemical adhesive, semi sweet gas/earth. What I would call OG type terpenes with some sweet undertones. Maybe some sweet/sour fruit like raspberry there on the nose too.
Ground aroma: much more intense citrus(orange) peel, sweet/sour tamarind/raspberry, pine, sour gas smells. A very very pleasant and strong smell this way.


Inhale: semi sweet citrus peel, pine, pungent gas/adhesive.
Exhale: a sweet/sugary sort of pine.
It has one of those ‘potent’ tastes. Reminds me just slightly of goji og. It is very very smooth and the flavors all roll over you at once. It is very pleasant and leaves a really nice hash/pine/mild fruit smell after smoked. Everyone that has tried it has commented on how “good” it tastes but haven’t given me too many other descriptions. It has pleased folks who enjoy sweet types and gassy types, so I’d say it blends the two really well.


Solid nugs all the way down! Absolutely zero complaints here. Even finishing in the high 80s, nugs came out very solid. Good calyx to leaf ratio and it was a breeze to trim. Ended up with probably 10-15 grams of what I could consider larf. So almost nothing from 15 gallons of soil. Pretty nice. I’d think it would only get better with slightly cooler temps and maybe taken to 10 weeks. Like I said…no complaints at all here. Dry and cure went pretty perfectly so that helps too.


I have been really trying to nail down the effect. It’s broad and complete. It’s very similar to OG’s I’ve had but has just a touch more lazy body stone and a tiny bit less mental stone. It’s an alert high. This is potent weed but I’d call the effects pretty hybrid. I’d even go so far to say it’s 50/50 or 60/40 indica leaning if I had to classify it that way. It relaxes muscles and brings about a sense of calm while also making you more alert if that makes any sense. I would call it more chill than giggly. It is really easy to smoke all day and also easy to smoke a few bowls and take a nap. I’d call it good anytime weed. This stuff makes it very easy to kill 2.5-3 hours without even noticing. Effect is long lasting, I’d say 3 hours-3.5 hours but the body relaxing lasts for a few hours after that. Everyone that has tried it has been visibly high after a few hits and have all enjoyed it a lot. It’s really good weed.

Growth Patterns:

Very very easy to grow. It seems to be a TS/tk leaning pheno. It grows like an OG but not quite so viney. The SSDD seems to add stability to what would seem to be floppy branches otherwise. It swells a lot from week 7-9 and is extremely ‘nuggy’. The buds themselves don’t grow too many leaves. It grows a few fans but it they don’t really cover bud sites. It ended up being easy to prune and trim during its life. It responds really really well to training and was very vigorous in veg. Great calyx/leaf ratio, great trichome coverage. I’d likely recommend folks take this pheno 10 weeks but it can be cut at 9 weeks without worry. I’d say it’s a medium-medium high yielder. I’ve seen heavier yielding plants but the no larf aspect on this pheno is super nice. Stretch is roughly 2.75-3x and it seems to stretch through week 4 of flower. Trichomes begin to set in around day 15 and buds begin to swell up after day 35 and especially after day 50. Topping twice encourages a more even canopy. It can be fed pretty intensely and has given me zero issues as far as intersex issues or mold issues. It can take a lot. I’d call it a really, really good commercial or sharable cut.


Incredibly solid. Incredibly potent, smelly, smooth tasty weed. It’s able to be cut at 63 days and has a pretty manageable og structure. It’s very good weed, though slightly too hybrid for my tastes. Not to say I don’t love smoking it, but for some reason, 50/50ish type highs don’t give me personally all the mental effects I like. It’s really good work weed, good social weed, good sharing herb and easy growing. I’d say it is up there with some of the best og type weed I’ve tried. I’m curious to see if taking it 10 weeks ramps up the mental aspects of it. If it does I may come back and amend this. I’m very happy with it. I would give it a solid A overall. It’s hard to complain about anything other than my own personal preferences, which tells me the cannabis itself is very, very good. I’m really happy to have two more of these in the flower tent and I’ll continue to see how it responds to different feeds and training.

I have loads of pictures and I feel like I’ve posted a lot and there are more to come so I’ll leave pictures off this post and blow you up with the next and best round of this pheno :purple_heart::metal:t2: much love. Thanks for reading.


Always a great write up. @DirtySlowToes :fist:t3:
Nice job, bud! That looks and sounds like a great smoke. :feather::feather:


Dude @DirtySlowToes your photos and smoke reports are always incredible. Lots of detail, makes me realize that I need to try harder when I am thinking of these things. I wish I could ready whisky tastings that are as detailed at pinning down the flavors & aromas because your descriptions blow most of the pros away - and writing it is half their job! :grin:

If you need to get rid of some of that ES pollen I would be willing to take some off your hands…


Can’t thank you enough for trying them out, documenting them, sharing pictures, and writing your thoughts down!

To me that sounds like the mom, with maybe a bit more body. Functional is how I describe it - but work weed fits as well! I don’t expect the high to change much by taking it later. I think around 63 is when I prefer to take the mom too.

I agree with your assessment on it having an OG type high - I smoked some TK a half hour ago and reading the review felt like you were describing tk to me haha. The chill / alert combo is what I love.


Right this is probably the best word! Definitely clear headed, but high. Hah able to have conversations but throw in weird thoughts. It’s a good mix.

Hah! I definitely think it leans heavily that direction or the TS direction, since I haven’t tried TS on it’s own I can’t say. It has that same interesting citrus aspect as the triangle I’ve been around in the past. I’m really excited to try these obviously ssdd leaning phenos to see the difference there. It also feels like there may be some even more TS/tk leaning phenos in there but that’s speculative.

Huge thanks for sharing! I hope my review and future grows encourages others to see what’s in theirs or to try your chucks. Seeds are meant to be grown, man. I appreciate the work you put it and your documentation! It made it more fun to compare it to Mom and be able to shoot the shit while it ripened.

Thank you! Your positivity is infectious my friend. Happy to have you in my state and I do enjoy myself a lily pad now and again. It’s always fun to stop by yours. I don’t know exactly how the eternal sunshine male translates in crosses or his full flower time yet, but no problem my friend. Hawaiian x omg is likely a good base to build from but it’s hard to know for sure til we do it. I’ll send ya a message :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Many many thanks to you captain sir. You and all the folks that have come before me keep me humble and passionate. It’s pretty cool to be around so many generous and knowledgeable folks. Thank you, my friend, for stopping by!

It seems I’ve attracted a skunk tonight. Lil homie is right outside my window and making a huge stink. I kinda like it. Forget what thread I was in where people were talking about not knowing what skunks smell like, but I can tell you for sure northeast Ohio folks know about skunks. Anyway. Thanks everybody for reading and weeding.


Plants plants plants, everybody. Stay hydrated!

JTR on the left and Peshawar B on the right just enjoying the weather. Have cuts of both so as nice as these look, they likely won’t finish into anything cool. Peshawar has been lightly pollinated and I’ve got cuts of jtr so I’ll probably kill this cat. Still look nice though and I am still excited about Peshawar x SSDDf2

Look! Pheno #4 of TS x SSDD. :sunglasses: It’s like SSDD got shoved into an OG frame. Floppy, sort of viney, og type nugs. Branch angles are already almost straight out but the bugs are heavy. They’re already weighing down some and I’ve got to stake it up tonight. In a 1.5gal plastic pot. I’d like to find a similar pheno and run it harder. I talked a lot of shit for me to now like it around week 6ish :arrow_heading_down:

Eternal sunshine non blood female. Frostier and stinkier than her bloody counterpart. Obviously still early :arrow_heading_down:

Blood pheno up close. Far less trichome coverage at the moment. :arrow_heading_down:

Dad with a spaced out frame that I’d imagine will fill in. Low-ish light intensity though so that may add to that. Can see blood moms top next to him. :arrow_heading_down:

That’s all. Realized there have been a lot of words in relation to plant pics. Even that out a bit :seedling:


Dude i seriously admire your organic skills! Everything looks amazing!


Thanks mate! :metal:t2: So glad the weather is breaking. Trying to take full advantage of cooler temps inside.

@NDNCHILD buckle down! Atomic PB and J is a lady. She will see flower…honestly probably once Maze comes down in October(or November). I hope. Her and Corey Heime #2 from hoss the boss. They’ll be in there with plt x LL and Hawaiian lime ogee. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Have I said I need a bigger tent? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Growth is all over the place on the Emperor’s Haze IX. Tall, short, fat leaves, thin, sensitive to nutrients and hungry as can be. They make me feel like I’ve got too many kids. Unique smells coming off a few though. They are fun.

Til next time.


I’ve been interested in seeing his stuff grown out. It’ll be cool to watch along.


It’ll be cool to have you :partying_face:

It’s a fine cut I say! So far it’s given me no real issues. I’ll grab a shot tomorrow. She’s can feed heavy, I feel. And she has a pretty deep funk smell. It’ll be a good contrast to the gourmet scents. I also definitely plan to pop his country fried melon eventually. Chocolope is cool. I want to see what this better cheddar is all about first though


Looking forward to seeing what you find. The three little ones I’m running now are looking good.
2 very similar and one a bit more vigorous, taller and fuller that the other 2.
Here’s one finishing up. 1 week of veg then on 12’s in a half gallon pot.

The last pic is the very bottom bud. :+1:t3:
Stem rub is a little nutty with some green jelly in there. :blush: Couple more weeks and some cal-mag and we’re there! :joy::partying_face:


Oh man that’s really nice. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what comes out of this one. Gorgeous color you’ve got going on. Well done on that one. Pretty bud. Thank you for throwing it down!


It’s funny when someone that’s shown to not be trustworthy comes back to the forum and ends a post with “humans are biased meatbags that can’t be trusted.” Lol. The projection is intense and it’s annoying that homie wants to be in places I like to read, but whatever. I’ll take that as a sign to enjoy my day. Taking a few joints out to spend the day with the dog. I’m a bit overstimulated with everyone’s preferences and opinions lately haha so here I am stinking up my own thread. Anyway.

Both Jordon g x b are females, so that’s cool. They look incredibly similar…one just a touch shorter and branchier. They both smell nice and pretty distinct from a lot of the other stuff I’ve got down there.

I had a mini heart attack yesterday as I went to go through some seeds and couldn’t find my container. I just have one container with all my seeds in it and I hid it from myself. Took me a solid 9 hours of head scratching before I remembered… hah. Found them unharmed. They were in a great spot lol

Ended up taking the rpf4 down at 72 days. I’ll grab some shots later from the dry tent when I go down there. I’m starting a flush on pheno #2 today of TS x SSDD. So it’ll come down in 12-14 days. Flush starts Wednesday for the smaller #1 clone in there. Then #4 will be a week behind that. So I’ll be able to compare three phenos here in about 6 weeks. #3 won’t come down til October sometime but once I’ve tried them all I’ll settle on who to keep.

Enjoy some cannabis. And be excellent haha :metal:t2:


Glad you found the beans you where looking for @DirtySlowToes . I hate when i hide stuff on myself. :grin: Oh boy, the Maze is starting to stack! It’ll keep swelling, even if it drops all its big fans. Only 6-8 wks left to try and keep it sorta happy.:sweat_smile:


Tent looks amazing! Enjoy the day away!


I was starting to come out of my shell a bit more after the co-op run, but all the drama and bull shit that happened during that time was a huge turn off. I’d rather stick to looking at pretty pictures and shooting the shit here and there.

Happy Sunday brochacho. I’m smoking on some Golden Showers as we speak.


You guys rock. Thanks for being here and around.

Yes sir it is. Visually definitely but more so in the feel. They’re really chunking up and thickening up on the feel. I sucked it up and ran almost 4 gallons of jlf through the media to get it back to capacity. So much wasted runoff but eventually it hydrated. Since then it’s been holding water so much better. Temps outside have dropped enough that the tent is now 80f at lights on and 72f at night…so things should finish really well. Weird how you just get used to the heat and convince yourself everything still looks good. Ha or at least I do. Then it cools off and I’m like “oh yeah. Buds are better at this temp…”

I was seriously walking around saying out loud “do I need more help? Am I actually insane?” Needless to say Jack the ripper and that pheno #1 together cause some serious confusion as a side effect… hah I like it but have to be aware. Bought 2 lbs of butter the other day, forgot, then bought more butter the next day. I love it but…it’s dangerous.

@Gadarien thanks for popping by. Appreciate you, friend. I was on your thread recently but I’ll have to drop back by. See above paragraph :upside_down_face:

It’s the PM’s fault. And I mean prime minister. Really though I do get it. What’s that saying? I don’t like crowds but I sure love people? That’s how I feel here sometimes. I’m happy you stick around. You’re one of the people that communicates via text better than most, I think. Fat love. Golden showers?! And you are talking about being turned off?? Lol I don’t know if I’m ready to ask you to share… hah! Never heard of it. Oh those genetics sound nice though. Ssh is really solid. I don’t know that I’ve actually ever had any verifiable cat piss. Fun cross though. Did you grow that and I miss it?



W. Zkittlez (pollinated by SSDD f2)

ts x ssdd #1 shot. Pretty sure I’ve given a touch too heavy of feeds for her and #3. Maybe the compost got a bit rich or the jlf more potent. They are both a touch leafy. I cut back the nitrogen and they’re under 30 days of flower so I’m not worried about it, just funny how things differ/change. Seems #1 does not like being rootbound. The one in the smaller pot looks okay but didn’t react to the small shoes how I thought. Thought she’d be one to swell when rootbound but live and learn.

Seed tent chunking up. Still groovy and issueless🤘🏻 I am really excited to go through e.s x (goji ghash x u.poop). 2 PLT x LL have shown female. 2 are very likely male. 1 still just a plant.

Edited to add a couple shots from the seed tent:
Goji ghash x unicorn poop :arrow_heading_down:

E.s. Blood Mom:arrow_heading_down:

E.s. non blood :arrow_heading_down: dried back too hard and got some curl but it’s coming back around.

Rpf4 is out of focus. I’ll get that one tomorrow.

Dad :arrow_heading_down: and group shot. Sprayed them down and pulled those yellow leaves.

Have the best evening


I get it lol. Seems like every time I pop in to yours I’m 6 to 16 days behind even if I thought I checked it yesterday.