Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

You making goji ghash x unicorn poop seeds or that is from seed youre sayin?


The goji ghash x unicorn poop was from seed. They were taken to f2 by darkillusion and I popped a few to find this lady. She was hit with eternal sunshine pollen. Just based on looks and growth, I think the omg side of eternal sunshine will mesh well with this goji ghash. It feels little dirty to introduce cookies into eternal sunshine but the crosses that make unicorn poop are interesting and forum gsc is definitely the cut I’ve got the most experience with when it comes to cookies. Ghost og/grateful breath is nice. Goji/ghash is nice. Chem D is in there. It’ll be a muddy hybrid but I’m still pumped about possibilities. There is definitely other influence but from what I see this lady leans ghash. I’ll probably have to go to f3 to lock stuff down as I’m sure there will be a lot of variance. All but one other plan of mine involve taking eternal sunshine more towards the Hawaiian/sativas side of things. Projects projects.


Oh hell yea thats gonna be a nice one!


Further comparison of pheno #1 vs #3 of TS x SSDD. Mostly just for comparisons sake. They’ll likely both stay around for a bit. #1 can take the most feeding wise. Then #2. Then #4. #3 seems fairly sensitive. I also kept #2 but it’s in the back corner putting on serious weight as it flushes so it’s been more difficult to take pictures of. Nice structure though. I’ll get pictures soon. Really bulbous nugs on pheno #2. #3 is calling to me more each day and I’m pretty excited to try it. I can’t quite nail smells down as every pheno is in there together but the tent smells really great when opening. Skunky, sort of sour kush smells. I’ll probably come back a bit later and throw a few more pictures down here but wanted to get these up.

Round two of pheno #1. Somewhere within a week left for this one. This is 61 days.

Round one of pheno #3. Somewhere around 5 weeks but less sure on days here since this started outside.

Rotten pineapple f4 dried up and being tried today. More pictures of this coming this was just a nug that got left out.


Nice buds bro!


Oh man. What’s up gang.

Nice to see lil isopod friends. There were easily 20 that popped out when I watered but I could only get 7 in this sloppy shot. Feels good to see life persisting. I’ve not been updating you guys on what I look at under the microscope but I’m having incredible results with the jlf in the smaller pots while feeding salts. I have a vast majority of the same microbes in my runoff as I do in my jlf. At least to my eyes. Seeing nematodes, rotifers, various bacteria, protozoa… lots of life. Tis a good sign with how salt heavy their diet has been.

Maze swelled up and has become floppy. She’s putting on weight rapidly and I’ll have to get in there tomorrow and tie her up a bit. If she weighs what she looks, it’s well worth the 18 weeks to flower her.

Also walked down to the triple Sunshine x ssdd pheno #2 falling over on itself. So, ultimately I’m glad I took her past 9 weeks so she could put that weight on. Day 62 was all cool. Day 64 she’s got bowling balls in her gloves. It is looking like it’s pretty much done though so I’ll probably chop it tomorrow or Monday depending on if there’s any more noticeable weight when I check it later.

Random hot mints shot from a friend that’s keeping it. He said “do you have space to flower this?” And I chuckled. No. No I do not. But it’s healthier than mine were at that stage so I wanted to show it.

I’m going to try to shove 5 plants in the place of 4 over the next week in the flower tent. If I can cram them all in there, it’ll be TS x SSDD pheno #2, Corey Heime #2, Trufflez, Goji Ghash x upoop, and the two plt x LL girls.

Went ahead and chopped big dad from the seed tent. Pollen hit the mailbox yesterday EB.

More pictures coming up later :pray:t2: Happy Saturday everybody. Keep it up.

Back with a few more shots!

SSDD f2 looking alright! A touch sensitive to nutrients but I’m finding what it likes. Great smells so far. Smallish nugs so far. Fairly positive the orange pistils are from being bumped and moved around a lot but I’ll definitely keep my eyes peeled for any damage done by eternal sunshine pollen. I think all is well though.

Round two of pheno #1. Coming down in a couple days. Maybe tomorrow but probably Monday? Starting to get a crispy look. Not the greatest round - she ended up with a pretty small rootmass…probably like .5-.75gallons. Round three looks amazing but this is round two.

Goodnight all!


(Watermelon zkittlez) x (Sunshine Daydream f2) seeds almost ready. That’s cool.

Happy Sunday everybody. Be back later