London pound cake og challenge

For the indoor, is there 2 spots?
1 for hydro grow and 1 for soil?


Is their any updates on it?

I got these at a local garden center $23 out the door. Another store in town carries them and happy frog for $24.99 and they carry all the foxfarm liquid ferts. They also carry other soils like Coast of Maine. I get my worm castings and perlite from Home Depot. I was getting a good deal on pro mix from Lowes, im waiting to see if they get it again. I usually need it for filler with ffof and compost from my friend.


We are waiting for one person to chime in yet……….


I hope my mushroom compost place opens soon for my garden…wait a minute, did I just print that out loud?


Nope it is whatever you choose to use. All the same category.


What would I call my grow? I’m going to be using a SIP system with soil for medium. lol

It’s going to be indoors so I’m entering it as such.


Right on! U should really consider getting ur own worms, fresh castings on a diet of your preference sure is the way to go! Mushroom compost is also a great filler and easy cheap to get! Do u ever check ur local buy/ sell sites? Last time I built soil I got 15 bags of perlite for 100 shoping that route vs the 20 bucks a bag at home depot


My fav compost to use and can’t beat the price!!!


I’ve thought about getting worms and making my own, I’ll be looking into that again more closely.

I kept it simple, 1 storage tote, handful of worms and threw all my fan leaves, fridge cleanouts, and some cardboard in there at least twice a month but shot for once a week getting em fed something, if it got to moist I would throw some dry coir in there to help soak it up and was regularly grabbing scoops out of there for my teas that it rotated nicely, whenever I got abundance I just mix in with any sitting soil not growing anything, couldn’t be anymore easy. If u got room for a storage tub in a closet that’s all u need and a healthy bin shouldn’t smell or even know it’s there by odor


We are going to call greenhouse grows as inside. I know they might have an advantage over say… me. No light will out do nature. lol
But we don’t want to end up with a lot of subcategories…
I’m growing with soil over a water res… is that hydro? Then we would need another category… etc.
We’ve decided to just say inside / outside and that’s it. Do you have walls or a ceiling? If so, you are inside.
It’s all just for fun anyway. :+1:t4:


True story Mo, it’s all for fun. It doesn’t need to be complicated.:peace_symbol: Cmon Saturday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So how does that work for judging dates? That’s where the confusion began because nature is gonna decide what cycle she is in growing in a greenhouse and indoor rules included veg times and flip dates…

I mean don’t get me wrong it’s a contest based on best given the environments, indoor and outdoor, greenhouse is only one being missed and I cant be the only greenhouse grower that wants to play ;).

Totally makes sense not to split up soil, hydro, synthetics etc cuz that’s just the growers methods and the goal here is to see who’s growing the best based on criteria and no cheating with bbp! Haha seems simple enough there but my best stuff comes out of the greenhouse and I wanna dazzle! Haha


I have been working with the others and they make a great point about greenhouse growers flower timelines conflicting with those growing under artificial light.
Therefore they will be judged in the outdoor group.
It’s the only way.

There. That was easy.


this is the way


I agree with you here. Except for a little bit of plastic, it’s all outdoor.


Pretty sure that plastic would be getting in the way if you were growing it. :sunny: :seedling:

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I think that would be more fair.
Other than creating categories for each growing style. I wouldn’t know what to do. And that’s a lot of work for a one or two person category.
I think Indoor and Outdoor is sufficient, as long as the judges take everything into account. I also think that @Oldjoints and @JohnnyPotseed will be very fair with the judging, as they have done nearly every method known to mankind.


And a few they didn’t tell mankind about. lol