London pound cake og challenge

Im gonna pop 5 of the ones I have, post #52. See y’all next Saturday :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

That would be 8 weeks from flip yes.

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So good question… Is greenhouse considered indoor or out? I mean it can kinda be considered both…

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Ok. It must be an early finisher?

@THCeed… Since you are outdoor you don’t have a set chop Date

See :arrow_down:

I am just waiting to see your Outdoor :evergreen_tree:


I am going to make a humble attempt at the indoor as well


I would consider that indoor, not a true outdoor grow in my opinion.


Well looking at the fine print of chop and flower dates, greenhouse is naturally gonna trigger to flower when the season hits the right point and have no control over a “flip” so I think that’s gonna shove me in the outdoor side of the challenge 🤷


Do what you want I am not trying to influence you in any way. But in my opinion you are maintaining control of the whole environment except for using the sun. That’s not something that can be done in an outdoor environment. It is much easier to control pests, mold and all the things others are having to deal with. It is behind walls, correct? Regardless of how flimsy they may be.


Not that it’s probably any of my business but I am on the fence here but leaning towards the outdoor part of it more than the indoor

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Nor not a true indoor. :rofl:
Indoor limited much by space and lights.
Greenhouse… Sun as outdoors.
Size of pots for greenhouse?.. Can be any or direct soil planting.

Very different from an indoor


I am not going to argue semantics, what I will do is score the outdoor challenge to the best of my abilities in what I believe an outdoor grow is meant to be.
If you look at post 341 I outline some of the ways i will be scoring.


Mine will be in my closet indoors, a greenhouse should be excluded from the contest. Not everyone has a greenhouse and I would think its a totally different classification. Just my 2 cents. :peace_symbol:


Well I wouldn’t say the entire environment, still have heat to battle plus heat from greenhouse effect (last year had power failures for swamp cooler and fans that drove temps up to 160 in there) plus cold ass nights, not like I got ac and a heater in there. About the only thing I would be maintaining is a wind and rain protected area. Lighting, humidity and temps are still dictated by nature with their own set of challenges.

I will agree I prob have some protection from pests but double edge sword cuz once they enter then its an infestation trying to get em back out, had an ash fly problem last year that never really went away, numbers just dropped in the winter, so don’t think I’m immune from that

Mold is product of high humidity, last years monsoon season proved that one with mold all over the fan leaves in veg that luckily I got corrected by flower but still didn’t prove immune to being in a greenhouse

Not trying to argue semantics, just trying to see where I can fit in with this challenge, sounds like fun but don’t wanna be a loser out the gate cuz I chose to grow in the greenhouse and knocked heavily for it

Maybe since there is some controversy with it we can just add another section for greenhouse? I mean indoor is a completely controlled environment, outdoor is not and a greenhouse is partial to both and all 3 have their own set of challenges but to think growing in a greenhouse I’m protected from everything is just silly.


It’s being discussed………


Very cool! :sunglasses:

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Ill definitely be spreading the love if I win. :heart_eyes: also I will not be using the greenhouse on the challenge.


Getting ready for the LPC challenge. 1st ingredient.

couple more things I need to get.


Some of this is for Oaxaca too, these have me excited. There’s only 4 days between thes pictures.


Just curious, how much those bags running these days? Last time I picked some up they were 24.99, now I just build my own soil and save a shitton without sacrificing any quality