Lonely's Micro Garden

Hi OG fam!
It’s finally Saturday and I got time to snap some pics.

I got the full Chem(Chem D x GMO Bx3) lineup ready for testing and everything is going good in the nursery. All seeds where popped and I got a healthy number from each of the planned crosses.

It’s the first day after the switch to 12/12 and I need to do some pruning so that the humidity levels doesn’t go bananas when they start to stretch. I also took some back up cuts of plants I want to save.

Finally got some good pollination going. The plants was stubborn to go into flower so they are a little bit async with each other, but we are in week 4-5 of flowering and the male is start to open his last pods. The females have all been absorbing pollen now for 2 weeks and the pedigree female show some signs of stress and have stopped to throw new stigmas/pistils. It start to be time to remove him from the tent and let’s the girls do their magic.
They are at maximum height so it’s really hard to get good pictures, but when the females are further into flowering I will do a one by one photo shoot so that you can see what I’ve been working on.

Straight ahead, you first have buds from one of the Dragon Drip females and in the back you see the male.

To the right, you see buds from the GDP and in the corner you can see some of the buds from The Pedigree.

That was it for this time, stay tuned for more.

Pz :v:t2:


IDK how I missed this! All caught up now tho!

Setup is killer! Looks great!

Sorry to hear on the herms but looks like you got tons of plans and stuff going on despite it. Onward through the fog! :muscle: :partying_face:


@HolyAngel Thank you, still have to figure out the hydro setup but it works OK for now.

Haha yeah, I had a couple of weeks of depression about it :laughing: Too emotionally invested I guess.

Pz :v:t2:


Grand Daddy Purple #6

The Pedigree #1

Dragon Drip #2(Big Beast)

Dragon Drip #3

Chem Core #2

Pz :v:t2:


Neat setup!

We’ve got similar sorts of goals. Awesome to see your approach.

Nice plants and quite a lot of seed making. Bummer to read about the herm issues. Impressive work :clap:

1 Like

@FieldEffect Thank you so much :pray:t2: I really appreciate it.

Happy to see others that ties to make some breeding with small spaces. If you ever want some of my beans I’m happy to share.

Just found the beginning of nanners on my Dragon Drip #2 so i threw out the clones of it and I’ll be making fresh freeze ISO dabs from the plant… I’m glad I noticed it before they where fully developed and would contaminate the other plants. Stuff happend.

Pz :v:t2:


hehe, nice to see you getting busy, bro :wink:
the combos will rock, especially those chem x gmo’s *wootwoot *


@santero That’s very flattering coming from you. I’m actually really inspired by your way of doing things an the quality you put out there. I’ll never be as good as the master but I’ll try my best with the constraints I got.

The Berry Moose and the Lemon Moose is fantastic plants btw, if you ever talk to @Prisma, say thanks from me to be able to get these. I especially found a super vigorous and terpy plant in the Lemon Moose that I’m contemplating to add to my clone stable. The Chemnesia F2 x (Chem D x GMO Bx3) is something I really looking forward for.

Pz :v:t2:


hehe, i like people using my gear woohoo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

prisma used my “berry nice plants” and “super lemon deez” to make those lines.
and (chemnesia f2 x chem/gmo) would be another thing that has great potential.

go, brother go, go !!


@santero Yeah, I’ve been planning the Urkle line from the moment @Swe-can gifted them to me and my idea and goals has always been to utilise the terp bomb that Urkle is, and combine it with other terp bombs. I actually have a previous experience from the Moose And Lobsta, it’s super terpy and the combination to your lines made this an obvious choice from the get go when I saw the auction with these lines.

Chemnesia(thanks @GCC.Bud :heart:) was actually what I intended to use as male in the Chem line above, but then I found the Dog Patty(Chem D x GMO Bx3) from 808 Genetics, the name Dog Patty is horrible though so I refer it to the pedigree. My initial idea for the Chem line was to make a Chem D Recombined but it didn’t seem possible with the Chemnesia as back bone so I did a last minute change to use the Chem D/GMO instead. I think the whole line will turn out beautiful and I’ll be able to share the F2s far and wide.

Pz :v:t2:


the “chemnesia” as backbone for a chemD would not be the worst :wink:
onycd and stardawg used chemDbx2 as males, so the alchemy is D-ish
but with a bit of #4 and '91 poking through as well. maybe i should just send
you some of my “alchemy” (?) i already made F2 from my favorite pheno
and also have some F1 left as well.

it’s a (chem#4/chemDbx2) X (chem’91/chemDbx2)-seedline :sunglasses:
my own pure chem from about five years ago or so … just let me know.


@santero That line sounds amazing!
I would gladly work with the Alchemy. That line already have what I want to achieve long term with my Chem projects, but I would rather work with your line then to reinvent the wheel.

Ill shot you an pm :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


I got some updates with the projects.

First off the Chem D x GMO Bx3 line.
It’s chugging along, I washed the cubes from salts and algea. I cleaned all the trays and equipment and clean the surfaces on the inside of the nurseries. So now all the plants are thriving again. I have 3 weeks for everything to get ready for 2 weeks for veg and then it’s flip.

The there is the Purple Urkle BX1 F2 project, with the male being from beans made by @G-paS.
I have cleaned this area aswell and washed the cuben, upped the strength of the feed and everything is starting to come into stretch mode. I also have started to see stigmas poking out on almost all the females in the tent, which is a good sign!

This is the father I selected for the crosses.

This is the Dragon Drip #6(Beast pheno) and she’s still budding, building weight and throwing new stigmas and getting frostier by the day.

This is the Chem Core #2 female and she continues to be a happy camper, some green seeds are starting to poke out of the buds.

This is the GDP F2 #6 by made by @KropDuster and she’s a happy camper aswell, she’s going to have to pull through for 3 more weeks until the seeds are done.

This is The Pedigree #1 and I start to wonder about if this choice was the best one, but my goal with the cross was to tame Chem Cores stretch while adding more Berry to the mix, which I’m quite confident is going to be the case.

Pz :v:t2:


Dragon Drip

Chem Core

Granddaddy Purple

The Pedigree

Pz :v:t2:


Reminds me of the scene from Back to the Future every time I hear it :laughing:

Nice micro setup you have here @LonelyOC… Just got all caught up and will be following along :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


@j0ebob Thank you so much for the kind words and I’m happy to have you following along the ride!

Pz :v:t2:


Here is an update on the Purple Urkle BX1 F2 project.

The females all have started to throw some hairs and the male are starting to show small clusters of pollen sacks.

This is the male I selected during my testing.

Imo he was the best male out of the 5 males I got, he really stood out to me. In the test he didn’t show me any stigmas and he was the loudest of the five, Deep Grape Funk stem and leaf rubs.

Pz :v:t2:


Hi Lonely , you garden is looking green an healthy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@m0sirys Hi! Yeah everything is great except the M29, but I know why and it’s the light intensity of the LEDs and a bit too much feed. It have happened to me a lot when it comes to landraces, only thing it hurts are the yield and I can’t dial her in because that would effect rest of the plants. I will run her by herself in my small 40x40 tent at some point and she’s never flowered or tested yet, so she’s quite a wildcard! But I’m a sucker for these old school cultivars so I couldn’t resist.

The M29 x Purple Urkle is definitely going to be one of the first crosses that I’m going to test grow. The description of the Malawi in the cross sounds like a good mate to an afghan, and bring the Malawi, Afghan and Pakistan trifecta together have a good chance of result in something interesting.

Pz :v:t2:


A little too much fertilizer or too much light can always happen quickly! I think especially with the older varieties like the Landraces, but I don’t have much experience with them!

you know what you’re doing! and it’s always nice to see what you can conjure up in such a small space!

I can’t wait to see how M29 x Purple Urkle will turn out! I will follow the whole thing in any case!