Lonely's Rare breed

Ehy @LonelyOC I have a question:My headroom Is pretty low,the tent Is 160cm height,so I Always have problems with my plants stretching too much.What would you suggest?Scrogging twice?
As you saw my plants are in Coco and love to Stretch a lot with wet medium

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Do you use enough light for the space? It’s en nr1 reason, other then genetics for stretching. 160cm is quite alot of headroom. Feels like with the correct light, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.

Pz :v:t2:


Also, you want to keep anything that would otherwise be vertical growth tucked under the screen.
If it helps you can tie the stems of the plant to the screen itself as it grows to keep it horizontal, that way only the buds will grow vertically.

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I use my light dimmed,maybe this Is the problem,a 200watt led lumatek dimmed to 40%,then 60 and 80% max because now the light Is too close and would cause a Little burn if at 100% Power

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My next run I Will use 2 nets,the only thing that blocks me Is the fact you cannot move the plants anymore

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@LonelyOC sorry I’m posting this late
Example of s modified mainline I topped at the third node but left the lower branches be



Seedlings sweet spot is around 200 to 300 par. But what matters even more is how close the light is. So it’s better to have a dimmed down light closer to the seedlings at 200-300 par. For every week you can give them 50-100 more par until you hit the 6th node. Now they should start to show sex if they havnt done it already and you can start blasting them with light.
Remember that if you want squat plants the height between the plant and the light should be as close as possible. If they burn dim them until you hit the sweet spot. Take notes all the time until you learn how your setup performs.

As @Hempire420 said. In scrog, before you flip the switch, the plant should be completely under the net.
Use super cropping and topping to cover as large of space as possible.

Tbh in small setup ive always run with the SoG method and flipped from week 1 or 2 :grin: This will give you a plant height of max 30cm in 50cl party cups.

Pz :v:t2:


You got the same scissor as me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nice work man! Looks like you got a small footprint on that one aswell :wink:

Pz :v:t2:


Yes Yes Yes,Sog of solo cups in Coco should work well,they are all autos tho.
Sog Is cutting all the branches and letting only One cola growing if I do Remember right…?


Not necessarily cutting all lateral branches, you can do if you want to grow single colas but that can also be achieved by not vegging more that 1 or 2 weeks.

I would refrain from trying to lollipop autos dough, they don’t respond very well to high stress training!
You can still do an auto SOG, just let them grow naturally otherwise you might stunt them and affect your yield.

I usually do grow SOG style in 1L pots


Yeah, sog is the way to go with Autos! You just need more seeds but if to spare a male and pollinate one girl every time. You got seed for alot of grows. My suggestion would be to get 1-2l fabric pots and a drip system in coco. I have had alot of great success with such a system. It should work just as good with Autos as with photos!

Pz :v:t2:


In my experience some autos reacted very well to fim,not so much to topping.I also Lollipop a Little and I Ve seen not so much problems with.Maybe I got lucky brother

That One was fimmed very hard and has not shown a problem


I got only 1gal airpots,should look into those 1l-2l

Edit:Sorry to post a pic here,do not want to hijack the thread,Just show my topped/hard fimmed auto,Sorry @LonelyOC

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Also, I would think about going organic with coco, its a learning curve but when you get it right the rewards are immense. With a drips system the coco works as a organic filter where bacteria and fungi can thrive…

I use to pre my coco with this

And Mykorrhiza.

I also used GHEs hydro bio line and added juices from rotten and fermented fruits ever 3 days. You only need 10cl per 4l of water.

Pz :v:t2:


FRIEND YES,I really like to use inoculants,but didn’t know you could take Coco’s advantages /hydro and treat It like organic with High frequency fertigation.But It would cost a lot less in fertilizer right?
I actually have some bacterias and mycos made for Hydro to be used in reservoir


Yes you only need to add the charge and when you kick into flowering then you can gradually add Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom. It’s very cheap but you have to get good quality coco to do this so you don’t get crazy PH swings. You also need water free from anti bacterial additives. Not every city needs to use them but if you got that problem you need RO water. With RO water you need to add calmag, but you can get a organic calmag and add it to the water :+1:t2: Still very inexpensive and the results will be the best hydro grow you’ll ever experience.

Pz :v:t2:

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Wonderful,I Will keep It in my mind for later,as with other questions I’ll Ask you later in private messages,when My actual run Is done
Thank you :heart:

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Hi, some updates!
The plants started to show small signs of cal/mag defs so I checked the PH and it was around 5 :scream:

Fixed it by changing all water, put the plants in buckets with 7 pH water. Let’s them run off while I cleaned the tray thoroughly. Adding new water with buffering nutes and a buffering silica. They are very happy now!

Ive noticed that 2 Swazi Dragon girls stood out which I’ve decided that I’ll clone! Here’s pics of the girls!

Why I’ve chosen them are because they grow like I remember their S1 ancestor grew and I think they are going to be the best representation of the initial cultivar.

The Blueberry Sour from @anonymous4289 are awesome and every single seed sprouted. Out of the 11 I threw away 2 which had problems with their shells and all 9 are looking happy in their new home.
Out of the 4 Core cut S1s all 4 sprouted but 1 was too slow and I threw it away. The 3 left are all working their way towards the light.

Hope yall having a nice week and ill update some more in a couple of days.

Pz :v:t2:


I just want to show off this Shiskaberry female, she’s growing twice as fast as any other female I got atm. Very vigorous, she got shots for her 7th and 8th node already. You can compare them to the Swazi Dragon females i got above :point_up_2:t2:

As far as growth I couldnt be happier, I hope the smoke is just as awesome!

Pz :v:t2:


That’s promising, looks like you may have found a keeper :slight_smile: