Lonely's Rare breed

Yes, the Shiskaberry is definitely a keep and if the smoke is crappy I’ll use her to bring vigor in crosses. But usually in pre worked lines like Shiskaberry and expecially S1 from an elite clone, vigor and good smoke goes hand in hand :+1:t2: But you never know… Nature always finds ways to surprise you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pz :v:t2:


That would be a fun name for that combo; do you like it? I love all the old stories/sagas. Back when the world still had magic!


Yes, I do like it very much. I didnt get PCK in the fallbox though, it got mixed up so I got sour bubble instead. I’m kinda glad it happend, I’ve read soooooo much about sour bubble but I’ve never actually grown it yet so I’m kinda excited about it.

Back to pck, ive grown both TRSC and ace versions and TRSC is good and I think its very close to the real landrace. But ace version is an actual great cultivar. As some may have noticed already, I’m abit of a ace fan boi. So I’m going to buy some pck for ace at the same time I’m getting more Malawi seeds, so Fafnir is happening :pray:t2: It might not be a cross to Swazi Dragon though, instead I’m thinking of using one of the crosses above, the one I like the best.

I also got a Black Domina BX1 going atm which I’m thinking of crossing to Swazi Dragon. There is a Black Domina x Dutch Dragon called Black Dragon, so I can’t call I that, don’t want to get em mixed up. So what I’ll call it is Onyxia, from a game I’ve spent too much time with as a youth :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


Got some update, the Blueberry Sour is loving the new light and the 2 Core cut S1s are coming along for the ride, popped the last 2 Core cut S1 seeds I have and hoping for the best :pray:t2: Also popped 3 Erdpurt fem seeds I had, just want to have a plant with abit of CBD into my bud rotation, might breed with it if I find one with nice color and awesome strawberry taste/smell, but I probably need more then 3 seeds to get that.

This is the kiddy winkles under the new light 20w of 50/50 3000k led stripes and blurple led stripes. Why I use the blurple is because I wanted to experiment abit and see if it would effect the height abit. What I hope to see is short plants but not stunned with dwarfism. That’s why I used the 3000k to have a wider range of light. Also, it’s a Chocolate heaven clone in the back.

Pz :v:t2:


Took the last clones and flipped to 12 today :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::scream::scream::scream::scream:

I hope the clones make it, was quite a while since last time I did it, but I think it’s a rather simple process… :eyes:

Heres the whole rdwc flowering setup i built this weekend, it’s still not 100% done but I can finish it up later :+1:t2:

Heres the list of the plants running, pairs front to back from the left to the right:
1 Swazi Dragon
2 Swazi Dragon

3 Shiskaberry
4 Chocolate heaven

5 Swazi Dragon
6 Swazi Dragon

7 Headband
8 Island punch

9 Now n frutti
10 Swazi Dragon

11 Black Apple hitchcock
12 Auto pounder

13 Pink gasoline
14 Kunts

15 Peanut Butter Cookies
16 Black Domina

The Swazi Dragon 1 and 2, Headband and Shiskaberry is the one I’ve cut clones from. They will be stressed and stunned the first week into flowering but it will prove me that they don’t have a tendency to herm from flower stress and topping :v:t2:I don’t need alot of smoke from them either to test how potentet they are.

Also I wont keep the Black Domina, it’s way to weak for me to want to breed with. Will look through more Black Domina in the future :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


@LonelyOC - Looks good, Im going to pull up a seat if you don’t mind

1 Like

swazi band


Dragon D


Dragon Head and Swazi Double D


@Ris You are more then welcome!
@beneficial Damn, totally forgot about the voting, thanks for reminding me, been building like crazy and I really suck at building so i have to redo alot of stuff!

Headband x Swazi Dragon
  • Dragons Reigns
  • Sweaty Dragon
  • Dragon Sweat
  • Heady Swag
  • Dragon Head Trophy
  • Ancient Headband
  • Vermithrax Pejorative
  • Stoned Hippie
  • DracHead
  • Swazi Band
  • Dragon Head

0 voters

Swazi Dragon x Contra D
  • Contragon
  • Ice Dragon
  • Sicarius Dracorum
  • DDragon
  • Dragon D
  • Swazi Double D

0 voters

Pz :v:t2:


Week 2 of flowering

Ive pruned them abit for them all to fit better, they have stretched abit. So hopefully this will slow them down abit and make them not outgrowibg the space… :grin:

This is how the seeds coming along :laughing:

Hoping that the clones make it, they are stuck in the cubes, but ive yet to see roots and they are staring to yellowing abit. :eyes:

Pz :v:t2:


Slight yellowing of the clones I always interpret it as a sign that the roots are starting to form.

They’re looking very healthy!


Going to give you an pic of the clones tomorrow, I suspect that my light experiment might have burned them. :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


Week 3
They are doing fine atm, more stretching. I trimmed everything back abit to contain it in the box. Used some super cropping to stun growth of some of the plants.

Pz :v:t2:


Week 3, Day 5
They are still stretching and still no sign of gender.

The cuts are rooting right now and the Erdpurt, Core cut S1 and Blueberry Sour are going strong. Culled 1 Erdpurt, 2 Core cut S1 and 3 Blueberry Sour. So I’m left with 2 Erdpurt in the front, 3 Core cut S1 in the middle and 6 Blueberry Sour in the back.

Edit: forgot to upload the pic of the seedlings and clones.

Pz :v:t2:




Sry, didnt upload the pic of the bb sour. But I edited it in.:eyes:

Pz :v:t2:


Forgot to add that Im using ½ of a dose of extra calmag on the one in flowering and it seems to work very well.

So, now I’m using:
Maxi bloom low strength,
T.A. Silicate ½ strength,
T.A. Calcium Magnesium ½ strength

Pz :v:t2:


Are you using R/O water Brother?


Nope, we got very good water where I live. No additives at all. So I don’t see the point in using RO for this small setup. But its definitely something worth investing if you don’t have access to great water :ok_hand:t2:

Pz :v:t2:



They are 1-2 weeks behind but the auto ponder is going strong.

Before pruning

After pruning

Its ticking along, not much to see.
Both Swazi Dragon clones have rooted.
The Shiskaberry doesn’t want to root, so I’m aiming for a reveg instead.
So now I got Chocolate heaven, both Swazi Dragon and a BEAUTIFUL Headband clones.

Pz :v:t2: