Long-flowering hazes in small pots - bad idea?

The old “plants need to be mature before flowering” myth comes from these types of plants. You won’t be happy with the results growing a undeveloped tent “haze”. It’s not even a haze if it isn’t 7ft minimum.

Haze needs to be buried to the 2nd node, it’s best roots are above the cotyls. It needs to be grown until it has a second mass of branches up in the air, otherwise you will yield this grinspoon looking shit you see online. The reason no one grows these plants is because no one has seen what they are capable of with zero restrictions and a proper feed.


Most sativas just don’t give me the effect I’m looking for. If they feel like an Indica I can deal. Sometimes.


Yeah and fair enough. They aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and I can understand why


Want to thank everyone for their input!

I was just shy of 15 weeks in a 3 gallon fabric pot and watering every 2-3 days depending on where I was at in the flowering stage but I always do pretty extreme drybacks…

I’ve been getting 4-5 oz. dry from 3 gallon pots and actually am looking to reduce yields to head off days and days of trimming and inability to smoke all the herb before it becomes compromised (though I’ve learned if properly stored it lasts a long time) which is why I want to give smaller pots a go…

I agree @George and ATM think I’m going to give 2 gallons a try for the hazes. A compromise between the 1 gallons I was contemplating and the 3 gallons I’ve been using.

No need to convert me @George I’m already a fabric pot believer! :+1:

I appreciate you stopping by @Upstate - glad you saw the signal :rotating_light: At one point in my journey I thought you’d be risking a failed grow if transplanting after start of flower but now understand in some situations it’s a necessity…

So I think I’ll be flowering the Hazes in 2 gallons - wish me luck!


The plant that I took 102 days was a Oaxacan @Pigeonman, but just for flower. Seed production still an advanced project far out in the future for me. But I can see how container size might be less sensitive of an issue if making seeds.

I plan on flipping close to 2 weeks from germination too. I’m planning on topping them as well, so might have to extend veg a bit to accommodate that…

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Thai Auto gone mad…. Any ideas why ? Little over 8 weeks now and still reaching for the sky.


Neat! Big pots make big plants. Looks like the Thai stretch came thru. I bet it smokes great! @WheelieSkidmore
What’s she look like now?

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If you need to take a break from trimming, freeze it. It’ll halt everything until you take it out. This way you don’t have to worry about it being compromised. I dry trim most of the time, this lets me break it up into sessions instead of a massive trim session

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@ 11 weeks Chop day…



That’s gorgeous. Nice! If that’s Thai , then some Thai genes made it to Oaxaca prior to 1970. Looks like a well worked version of my favorite Oaxaca pheno, Old Silversides. A dead ringer.
Smell like Pine and incense?

Maybe but I spent a great deal of time looking for Landrace variants that resemble my grow. I still feel it’s of Southeast Asian Landrace origin… Found this on Mass Medical…. Looks exactly like it.
IMG_0872 Laos Landrace - Muang Sing Highland Tribe


I’m not saying it isn’t. Looks like my Oaxaca has some Southeast Asian Thai heritage. The Spanish were all over East and Southeast Asia during the Colonial era.
The Laotian buds look similar, but the plants grow differently.
Another option…Oaxaca genes were brought to Thailand by some surfers.