Sativa Showdown

Got me two very Sativa Dominant plants growing and it’s like a race between the two! Both planted under a 12/12 light schedule.
The Burning Love no.2 80%sativa(mash up of Swazi, Malawi, South Indian Landrace and Northern Lights) is ahead for she has almost a week of flowering over the Red Thai x Assam HP 90% sativa.

Both planted at the same time and in same pots and same soil mix. Using a mix of roots organic Original and fox farm Happy frog. Bottom 1/3 of the pots have some Nature’s Living Soil in there as well. Topped of with some EWC. So far I only been giving the plants just water and two occasions water with Recharge which is a beneficial microbes fertilizer with no NPK.


You’ve had these under 12/12 from the start?


Yes!!! Actually a small tent full of different genetics.
I will say 80% sativa or more would be fine growing 12/12 from seed for a quicker harvest and for size control.
All my other seedlings are small and stayed small but entering into flower.
The only other plant to do well in 12/12 was my Toxic by Ripper seeds which is now in trichome production mode. I think she is 70% sativa and well she had an ok stretch to her but nothing compared to these two which will keep growing until finished flowering in my opinion.


Cool. My next project will be similar. Will be going through old seed stock looking for the pink haired ladies. Was going to start 12/12 after first set of 5 leaflets.


What kind of seeds you looking to grow???
My burning love No.1 is putting out purple hairs!!
Plus she smells like Peytons Chorizo and background notes of Skunk :skunk:
I’m vegetarian but I’ll still smoke her :rofl::rofl:


Some of my old stuff used to have these pretty pink pistils. It’s a mix of Afghan, NL and Mazar.


Sounds like some Mr.Nice seeds
I think Mr.Nice does throw out them pink pistils as well.
When light comes back on and I’m off work, I’ll post you some of the Burning Love no.1 with her purple hairs.

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So if I understood correctly you made your own seeds that are a mix of Afghan, Mazar and NL??
What kind of tastes do you get??
How long do they flower for??

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Yes. Over many seasons. I guess I’m not much of a connoiseur as it all tastes like weed me. :sweat_smile:
Usually done by mid September in my area.


Can you also get the same effect from a 14weeks sativa and a 7week indica?
You may have an all powerful transmutation engine built in, so jealous.

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This is Burning Love no.1, older sister to Burning Love no.2 and so far they seem quite similar except for no.1 having red/purple stems. Hope you enjoy as much as I do!:blush::blush:


I really couldn’t Say, to be very up front with you this is my first tent grow I hope to complete and unfortunately I made the mistake of popping lots of seeds and some popping some not and then some grew slow and some grew fast and some didn’t break ground after germing.
What do you mean by transmutation?? Interesting :thinking:

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Burning Love

Red Thai x Assam Hashplant


Hehe, that got confusing, did I dream it up or did you state earlier something like “all weed feel the same to me”. Thats what i responded to with a little jibe, either it got edited or i just hallucinated.


I have no idea what you are smoking but please share lol :joy: :joy::joy:


OG, one of the few places where falling off the rails is a compliment to your skills :joy:
I`ll just have a seat and keep watching, no one noticed right.


Just a comparison shot! Burning Love no 1 to the right and Burning Love no 2 on the left. Doesn’t no 1 have such a wild look to her??
And thank to @almostdone I know for sure that the genetics are a mash up of Swazi Gold, Malawi Gold, N. Lights and a South Indian Sativa.
For reference the no 1 is 38 days in flower while no 2 is 12 days in. Is it just me or does it look like no 2 is growing vigorously?

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