Longest kept clone

Hey folks, so the future doesn’t look bright for the cut I’ve managed to keep going for the longest time. 5 years. I’m currently nursing it but it hasn’t grown at all since February and is starting to senesce. I had a clone that just finished flowering and am also trying to re-veg that. Basically I’m trying to come to terms with it so was looking for OGers to make me feel better about the fact that I am probably gonna lose it. lol.
In all honesty it does feel like I’m losing a dear, close friend so am trying to make light of it by wondering what the longest time others have managed to keep a plant going and also any funny stories/ near misses and return of clones from other growers? Please do chime in.
I don’t have a network of people that grow (I’d love to) but it’s tricky and risky so I just keep myself to myself. But would have loved to have given this plant out to people to possibly have it returned some day. I have other keepers but this was my fave of faves.
Gimme some good stories people. Cheers. Have a nice weekend.


Have you tried taking clones and seeing if they’ll root?

I’ve also heard of people keeping fresh cuts in the fridge for up to a month at a time, sounds like an effective way to keep backups of your library


I’ve kept Matanuska Thunder Fuck for 17+ years and also passed them out to trusted growers…one day I slowed down on my growing to take care of my family… once my whole family all past away I got back to growing and those people who had my Matanuska Thunder Fuck didn’t keep them because of all these other new strains that has been created…I passed out all my clone only strains for safe keeping but sometimes growers want to try out new strains so they just discontinue growing the elite/clone only strain…

To me clone only strains are more valuable than these strains that you can get in seed form from these seed companies…I kinda wish/hope that there are a lot more people that will do a clone only strains preservation runs…I am still looking for clone only strains of Matanuska Thunder Fuck, Ogre, UW etc…btw, before I passed out my clone only strains I made crosses with them…


Have you tried up potting into fresh soil? Superthrive with better light? Your description is what I see with my moms that get put off to the side and neglected while I’m focusing on other moms


i have one cut thats over 10 years old at least and still doing work. every year i take a clone of my keepers and put them outside for a while and then take clones from those and bring them back inside. i dont know the science behind it, but when they come back in theyre as good as new

tl;dr: try putting it outside if you can


Too late as there is no new growth to take a clone from unfortunately. Think the clone has had it tbh. Trying to re-veg a flowered out clone in the sun so hopefully that might work.

Have given a soil change yeah. I have made lots of seed with diff males so can always enjoy a new treasure hunt.

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Learning living loving.

seh-NEH-sents) The process of growing old . In biology, senescence is a process by which a cell ages and permanently stops dividing but does not die. Over time, large numbers of old (or senescent) cells can build up in tissues throughout the body.

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Did you try triming up the roots, an your having no luck with rooting any fresh clones ? Sometimes that just happens, the plant feels its aged too much an they just finish an die off. Its just nature an im sure has happened to many breeders. All we as humans can do is try to bend nature to achieve our goals but in the end what’s ment to be will always happen one way or the other. You done well to keep it going for quite some time.


My grapestomper OG is going on 9 years atm. And we had the PNW hashplant for appx.7 , bubba was in the 7-8 year window too, sadly the only one still standing is the GSOG. An absolute frosty, tasty gem found from a single pack from the cannabis cup. We had oak tree forever too. It’s possible to keep them almost indefinitely with the proper methods. But some, some just fade after time and never seem to be as good again. I’ve seen this with my ghost OG, salvation, and a black lime reserve cut. Not sure why tbch. I have recently moved away from so many moms unless absolutely exceptional and have opted for the seed route in order to preserve the line and put it in peoples hands easier. I know it’s not the same as finding that exact pheno again can sometimes be nearly impossible. But I do love the hunt, always have and see the importance especially now of putting good, solid, stable top shelf genetics into peoples hands for the futures sake as well as this industry. As the guys doing the real work for the most part want nothing to do with this legal government Schwag BS and so many have opted to go back underground and take their stellar genetics with them.


I heard that dude. Many thanks. Roots also knackered unfortunately. On the upside I just rescued a sour diesel plant. Like you say, some you win…

You know that. I fucking love the hunt. A big head nod from me for preserving via seed. And 9 years is a good old long time. Nice work.


Group of us carried the GG4 clone from MI cannabis cup for nearly 8 years. Saved 15 cuts of her for a last grow but they were ravaged and I thin 4 survived .


Ooof. In the trenches. That’s a fire in the hole scenario.