Lookin help from the younger tek crowd , must have patience lol

So I’m lookin help setting up a app on my phone for rainpoint device for automatic watering
I’m afraid I push wrong button and it not being secure as I am in illegal state
Plus I don’t understand tek wording etc to set it up

Easy trivial stuff but for me nightmare : )

I’m using iPhone
Any help would be gratefully appreciated : )


I am as you not good with that stuff

Best wishes


I know paps
Wouldn’t it be amazing for us to say push a button on phone while on holiday and our plants got watered lol

I also have sonnoff stuff I bought a year ago and still haven’t set it up ( fear of unknown )

Because it’s grow related I can’t ask for help from friends or family ( makes life difficult )

I would also love a camera in there but will start with the watering , break myself in slowly


When I hear pairing
I think of getting hit by fruit haha

Only messing I’m not that bad

Just need help setting it up ( peace of mind I’m not hitting wrong button )
The rest I shall pick up as I go along in time and with use


I’m sure someone familiar with the tech will chime in. I try to automate everything I can. Just to make the daily work easier and if I need to be away the automation saves me from relying on someone. I am working on an automated PH system for when I’m away for longer periods of time. I am also paranoid about setting this up lol. I’m sure someone here has experience with that system your using will chime in. Good luck bud automation rocks once you get it dialed in !!!

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Wow automatic ph

I bet that cost a pretty penny ?

I think keeping ph constant would involve a lot of ph down or up over time

Will Rez be constantly phed or will it just be ph ed just befor watering ?

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You can preset the spread you want to cover so you can actually hit the 5.8 to 6.1 or whatever preset you want. This was more for when I’m away for more than three days. However, it’s not set up lol


You mean a drive by fruiting?


Hahaha exactly : )


I’m a huge Miss doubtfire fan and could you imagine that movie coming out today? Haha something tells me it wouldn’t be fully accepted


Interesting… automated ph


It’s really for longer periods of time when I’m away traveling for work. pH drift is necessary to hit all of the nutrients at the correct PH. For me after about three days, I can get drifted out of range. This was in case I’m gone for a week lol. But I’m a little paranoid lol. However next week I’ll be out of state for work. I will depend on the wife lol. The goal will be to get this up and running. But I’m duper paranoid to set it up and leave lol. I really want to set it up and monitor it for several weeks to ensure it’s all functioning with no worries.

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I use WiFi plugs, you can program them and they keep going even after blackouts, I can switch on from my phone, but I’m Android, would it work for you? icon_e_confused|nullxnull



For hassle-free automatic irrigation without any technology, the only thing that comes to mind is Blumat/Blusoak!!!



They seem temperamental tho

I’m trying to embrace technology

: )

@George that looks similar to the sonoff stuff I have only mine are hardwired not plug type
I also have temp and humidity units too and a power consumption thing ( all unfitted lol )

The rainpoint device is cool , if electric goes out batteries take over till power comes back on
Plus all automatic settings ,set and forget but if away and I feel they need more I can adjust if necessary


What about this and some headache? :sweat_smile:


Yes that’s like the stuff I have in drawer gathering dust
: )


Which Rainpoint device you setting up? Not the younger tech crowd but have heard of such things, lol.

It’s this one Doug : )


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