Looking for Cali O (ae77) again

Best of luck in your quest


Yep, if you read the original post I was working with csi’s Cali o s1s and I honestly may again if I can’t find any of the others I’m looking for.

I’m literally sitting in the dark with no power still in Houston. My whole grow is trash now I’m going on day 6 of no power tomorrow and my plants are sitting in 97 degree areas with no air flow and 90% Rh. I’ve lost my Cali o s1 cuts I hunted and was going to use for this project. That’s the whole reason I’ve made this post. Looking forward for other options before I go ahead and buy more s1s.

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Thanks dude. I’ll get there one way or another, I’m a stubborn determined asshole lol.


You could just get a pack of californian orange for 50$ and try and find your own keeper.

I want as close to ae77 as I can get. Believe me guys, I’ve considered going a different direction but that’s not what this thread is about.

The only other directions I’m willing to go for this project as of now is agent orange, bag of oranges, or Cali o.

I’m likely to just get another pack of ae77 s1s from Caleb at csi. He always hooks up the freebies anyways, but I’m waiting a while longer to see what I can drum up here.

I’ve made up my mind on my project, it just is what it is guys.

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Californian Orange is the same thing as Cali-O which is just a skunk hybrid. You could also get Skunk 1 and find the same thing.

I know what it is, I’ve extensively researched for this project. Again, I want as close to ae77 as I can get. I don’t know how else to explain that other than how I’ve already done it.

It’s historical value and nostalgia for me. That’s what this project is about. I know it’s the same strain. But it’s not guaranteed to be anything close to ae77.

This is something I’m willing to wait for, I’m in no rush and I’ll run another batch of ae77 s1s before I touch any other Cali o.

I know I’m being stubborn about this, but isn’t that what it’s all about. I’m not trying to throw this together quickly, I want it to be what I want it to be.

I could run a ton of skunk and find something like it, I could run everyone’s newer Cali o packs, but I’m not looking for that. I was just trying to see if anyone had any kind of sight to the ae77 cut, agent orange, or bag of oranges.

I appreciate the input either way, but like I said I’m super stubborn and I’ll be patient to make this project exactly how I want to make it


You wanted the cut on your first post and now you have been suggested BOO and Agent Orange and have now added those in. Your list of exceptions could grow could it now?

There is Cali-o 77 x Cali- 77 X Appalachia around and also Cali-o 77 X Ecto Cooler. Chances are very slim you will find the cali-77 cut as even people here in Cali do not have it anymore.

Yeah that’s what I’m seeing. The list could grow but for now these are the options I’m wanting to shoot for. This is no rush, I’m good waiting. I’m probably going to order the s1s again and go through the selection process again. I had such a nice example man.

She was the orangiest plant I’ve ever smelled and that’s exactly what I want.

I’d love the cut but I’m coming to the realization that only a select few may still have it and they aren’t sharing. They’re selling s1s. That’s the only reason I’m even entertaining the idea of nag of oranges or agent orange. But the ae77 is really what i want. Looks like csi’s s1 may be the only option even close to it.


So dudes, for the sake of transparency. I did just go ahead and order another pack of Cali o ae77 s1s from csi Humboldt. This is the same pack I just ran so I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find something similar to the one I’d already selected before this storm knocked out my power and killed basically every plant I love and all of my selections for upcoming projects.

It’d be so cool to find an ae77 cut but I know that’s next to impossible so I’ll work through the s1s and go from there.

That being said, I really appreciate everyone who chimed in to help. Who knows, maybe someone who has the cut will run into this at some point, and until then if anyone does have an agent orange cut or the bag of oranges thing plays out, I’d love to run them too and maybe make this into a 3 cross test to see which one makes the best “orange crush-alike”.

@Fuel id love to collaborate with you as we both tinker with these s1s and see where it goes.


We stay on touch for sure buddy, in my growlog it’s not so CaliO time but you can see a California Indica and a California Orange Bud reproduced for the outcrosses ^^. Something is already on the go lol

For the cut it sill around, but hoarders are hard to soften ^^ It took me 13 intense months to hunt a decent SD, and this cut is far more popular and distributed. Having someone with the radar turned ON on the CaliO is a great help and an additional probe.