Looking for pre 2000s crosses

What are the purple stems from?

Lol all my plants has some variation of purple on the stems. … .i assumed it was from being Cold ,among others issues . I haven’t had a run that was up off the cold concrete start to finish.

Mid way my current grow I got them onto a pallet about 4”off the ground. All the new growth is green however.

I’d love to have a healthy plant with pure green richn stalk !,

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Hey @Dirt_Wizard Have you bought any regular packs from them? I see they say their mix packs come with 25 beans but it doesn’t say how many in the reg packs!

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Hazeman has a bunch of 98 aloha white widow crosses. Got 4 AlohaWW x headband/mikado going in my veg tent right now.


Reg packs are 10 seeds, plus he seems to include a 5 pack freebie

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I like to say “10+” as the regular pack “usually” have 11 seeds.

Pre-2000s heirloom strains are a specialty at Fleur du Mal


This is perfect. I have been looking for straight IBG for a while now and just like that…here you are.

I’m just glad I don’t have to send you my resume to get some beans lol

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Too bad no one has any 90s era Skunks.Someone’s got to have some

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90s Skunk - In the works.

Cyber Monday - save 10% and get free US and international shipping on the complete catalog of FDM strains with code FDM-10 and a $100 minimum.


I’m very much interested

If you had some 1989 Super Sativa Seed Club Skunk #1 what would you do with them?


I was under the impression that the Skunk #1 that Skunkman Sam bred took the skunk out and went for sweeter notes and I think he liked the Acrid skunk smell from chatter picked up on OG.I would definitely still plant those beans if I had them go through them make more seeds and pick out the very best of the crop and do it all over again every year.I miss the burnt rubber skunks and the earthy piney funk skunks that slapped you in your temple and stunk so bad you got stares in every store you went in.There was a Canadian Skunk that a trucker used to bring through the falls in the 90s around here.It had Christmas tree shaped buds smelled piney earthy sweet skunk spray.It had a thickness to the buds that made Cookies seem like fluff.

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Are they seeds from 89 or is it just a name/wordplay ??

If they’re old I’d pop them and make f2s, keeping a cut from every female.

Select your favorite females and s1 them to reveal their composition… after that either keep selfing your favorite another gen or two to find a quality inbred candidate to breed with OR combine 2 families (ie s2 x s2, from 2 different original plants) to keep em pure but tailored to your needs.

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Got them labeled as such from NdnGuy about 10-12 years ago. Shared with Madjag who ran it outdoor down in Arizona and gave good feedback on another site. Would love to see it shared here as a way to give back to the community.


Wow Madjag, haven’t heard that name in a while hah.

With that kind of history, I’d tend to believe they are indeed old stock :wink:

I’m sure everybody and their mama would love to see it happen. If you can’t run them for some reason, there is a whole community behind you, I’m sure a trusted member would offer to do the seedrun for you

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That’s what I was thinking. Madjag is good people and I mean topshelf. We try and meet once a year during the holiday season for breaking bread. The meeting was out west this year but I wasn’t able to getaway.

I’m happy to hear he’s still around… and sorry you couldn’t make it this year, top fellow indeed hehe

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I like what @mithridate is suggesting, those are some rare and magic beans for sure with that pedigree!

I can confirm that @Baudelaire’s Indiana Bubblegum is sweet and frosty!!!