Looking for some Yeti OG (Loompas Headband) seeds

that site hella sketches me out like theres no email or contact

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nvm found his insta

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Yeah dude needs a little more info on that site, once I saw that they’re followed by a bunch of legit breeders it seemed better

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I have 6 seeds of Yeti OG from 2014. The seeds are 100% legit from a breeder known as Jacks Beanstalk in Pueblo, Colorado. It was confirmed to me by another breeder who bought some of his gear off of me that “Ol’ Boy bred Yeti OG better than Loompa did,” which is why that buyer pursued my Yeti OG crosses from him. I am happy to let these go for a 100% guaranteed return of seeds (and any spectacular cut found). But I don’t know how to make sure that happens—how does one set this up? I also have 11 of his Crazy Haze x (GSC x Yeti OG) and 9 of his Larry Dawg x (GSC x Yeti OG).


Are you wanting to propose a co-op run for the Yeti OG .?

If so just ask the @coopactiongroup to consider it for preserving - i think it ‘should’ pass okay.?!

Good luck with finding a reliable breeder if you don’t want to do a co-op run with them ( plenty to choose from on this forum.). :+1:.

Happy growing peeps’ …


Moio is/was Jacks Beanstock (not stalk haha). He is fucking crazy, but was always a good dude to me haha. And kind of an asshole haha. He would just always fly off the handle at some point and get banned from whatever forum and piss people off. I think he is bipolar or something maybe (not a doctor), so I just never paid much attention to that shit or fed into the drama (I never fucking do haha).

Anyfuckingway, he definitely received Yeti OG and worked with it, made F2s etc. We all did that ran in that same circle/ long list of forums. I have a long list of his work and some of Loompa’s original Yeti OG that Loompa sent me back around 2012. I couldn’t get what I tried to germinate of it to take though, except for some of Moio’s Yeti OG (which I used to make my Yeti OG x Tropicanna Cookies), so I stopped trying at some point. I WOULD LOVE AND APPRECIATE SOME YETI OG SEEDS! All of it is like a lovely stroll down memory lane for myself, of a simpler time when we were all fucking outlaws still haha. Fun times. Sorry for the old man ramble. Positive vibes…



Yes, when I met him he was a little rough and his social skills were wanting. But he was a nice guy to me and offered any help I’d want in growing—all you can ask for from someone in the community. I’ve heard his life isn’t going great these days and I feel for him.

As for @coopactiongroup - I’d love to preserve these seeds. I know a Yeti run was done a while back, so I don’t know if they meet the standard for preservation. If so, please let me know the rules I need to follow to preserve these with someone in this community, and I will get them posted for that purpose. Thanks!


Thank you for the info

How did those turn out?

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Man the 15 or so people that ran that hybrid fucking raved about it. There are quite a few pictures elsewhere of it, I believe. I sent you seeds of that hybrid, if I recall correctly?? I sent out so many seeds of that hybrid and only kept very few for myself. I was trying to check germination rates on them maybe a year or two ago and I couldn’t get too many to pop. They have really tough hulls, if you have them and go to germinate them. I still have a few left, but after a few rounds of trying 5-10, I got discouraged and tired of wasting time trying and moved on. It really fucking sucks dick because of how much everyone else that ran it fell in love with it. I mean, I am happy that everyone enjoyed it, but I fucking made it and missed out on enjoying it haha (or have so far).

I have grown out probably 15 or so hybrids that I made using my Tropicanna Cookies male and female and most all have been pretty lovely in one way or another. I still hold cuts of 3 of them haha. My Yeti OG female was lost after I made that one hybrid though. Life rolls on. Positive vibes…



Yea sir!! Still in the freezer. I have been growing from clone for quite some time, but want to start dropping seeds again. Thanks for letting me know about the hard shells!


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