Looks like bugs but I don't see any๐Ÿ‘€

Were you spraying anything on the leaves?

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no i usually avoid anything foliar cause im a worrywort about mold

i did have my first visit by red spider mites last run so i have been pretty vigilant. half expecting to have to battle them again. but i did a pretty good tent and room turnover with added punch from an ozone generator i have laying aroung from when carbon filters werent a thing yet

How did you get rid of the Red Spider Mites?

Those can be kinda tough, sometimes.

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they were my very first bug ever besides a few fungus gnats here and there. i mostly always did hydro. got them because i tried to grow outside and then brought em in when i couldnt find enuf of a sunny spot to finish. noticed them with only another week or so. a web or two but still not super bad. chopped immediately and did my first bud wash before drying. scoped clean after that so i think the infestation was still small. no remediation was done. however it prompted me to read up on ipm and buy a bottle of lost coast plant therapy and a cannafogger

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nuke mix:

  • captain jacks dead bug brew (spinosad)
  • neem oil
  • citric acid (food grade)

mix with water. put in pump sprayer. make johnny rico proud.

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This thing will find them no matter where they hide


whatever kills bugs is good with me. high tech, low tech, itโ€™s all good.

i grow organic so am limited in ingredients/methodology. but i am always happy and supportive of those willing to draw the line in the sand, slap on the war paint and fight for their crop(s) and not quit like lil b!tches and toss their plants.

F^CK bugs. i take them messing with my plants, time, expenses and efforts personally.

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