Lost Civilizations: Before the known

That’s a nice coincidence…but…for the 10th time…

They didn’t use meters!

They used cubits. Which isn’t equal to a meter. The speed of light in royal cubits is 655,714,038 cubits per second. Does that number mean anything to you?

You suggest they used a “megalithic yard” which isn’t a meter either.

You can make “connections” and “synchronicities” from ANYTHING to ANYTHING if you don’t mind reaching hard. Gematria, numerology, it’s all woo woo. The number 23 isn’t a documentary. A beautiful mind is about a crazy man lol.


That’s where Lambics really come from. That sour funk is from the squatch-foot, not wild yeast.



And watered down concrete… :open_mouth:

This is now here to “curve” the intensity away from “pyramids”

How could this have been used by Sassy for massive bread kneading machines?! Sure the bread would be hairy, but that’s part of it’s charm (they tell me).


“No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows.”



The pungent irony of the name of the subject of a favorite conspiracy theory also being what will put the Orange menace in prison. Quality pun.

Nor did they use our modern geographic coordinate system. The equator would be more or less the same but Greenwich, as far as I can tell from a bit of googling, didn’t exist so it seems rather unlikely that the Egyptians were good enough at guessing the future to have predicted the metric system or the geographic coordinate system. Curious coincidence though.

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Oh this could now stem into astrology / predicting the future / time travel via clairvoyance! :smiley:


Who says time is linear? Time is but a construct of humans anyway. Just because we rotate and revolve, it’s just a pattern we’ve noticed, and it’s still not even perfect. 🤷:thinking::yum:


One day we’ll have a time still and a toast even will reverse age ya. Or dust you like in Indiana Jone 3.

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“I have to dig out this fascinating book I read about the subject.”
Upstate, You left me kind of on a big cliff hanger here, because I want to know if this is the book I already suggested called Before the Pyramids, and if not, I sure would like to know the title so I could share this with you.


@Pie sorry about that. I found the book and started reading it again LOL. It’s called Civilization One. Absolutely fantastic book. I’ll get a picture of it when I get home. I recommend everybody read it.


Thank you very kindly; I’m even more curious now. :slight_smile:


Ancient Egyptians knew about stuff like helecopters and submarines. The video is on YouTube so it must be true…


The papyrus submarine tests went very poorly and plans had to be scrapped. Too many dead slaves.

Genuine question: what did they think happened to the regular assholes without elaborate funerals and mummification in the afterlife? Cause that’s a real bummer if they gotta keep serving the pharaohs lol.


Excellent must read for those who would like to learn a bit about how the ancestors of our modern units of measure are based in antiquity and things like mathematcally proving the relationship that existed between Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, and other megalithic structures.


I love this type of shit.

The Sphinx has water erosion going back to 12,000 years. Meanwhile common knowledge in the science community claims it’s 4,000 years old.


That was when it crawled it’s way to it’s current resting spot after it sank with Atlantis.

That’s so fucking stupid. It’s clearly the correct date, but it was the death date of the Sphinx which then rippled through the Sphinx overlords turning them all into stone as we know them today. :+1:

(*edit: if you’re not lol’ing inside the you are reading this wrong :rofl: )


They mummified virtually everyone including their cats. The cheaper backstreet jobs were quite shocking apparently. I wouldn’t know personally since it’s not my thing.

They say mummies litter the desert, Brit’s used to burn them when they ran out of wood for their steam trains. Some think the wait for a cremation nowadays is bad…

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I never understood why the mummy usually has his organs jarred up next to him, like he’s going to wake up and be like ahh I was missing these and slip them under his bandages. I saw a meme once that said mummies and zombies are the same species just from different cultural backgrounds.


Hey! This is how misinformation gets spread :joy:.