Lost Civilizations: Before the known


The face of Seti I is one of the most well preserved in all of Ancient Egyptian history.

He died 3,298 years ago and was the father of Ramesses II.

When he died, Egyptian mummification was at its peak.


Gotta admit I’m impressed with the precision of that number🤣


Some years ago they tried to rebuild one of the pyramids with heavy machines and failed, there was a documentation in German TV (and others too I guess)


Found these the other day :thinking:

He’s also got 4 more on stargates…


Modern man incapable of moving blocks of stone? I don’t know about that lol

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That’s what one would think but they gave up like 2 weeks later or so. If I don’t forget I try to dig out the video in the evening and post the link. Was kind of funny lol

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It helps that the exact date was written down and carved in stone.


Indeed. Quite helpful👌


Hate to beat a dead horse, but the latitude of the Great Pyramid( i checked with google earth and a better phone )is the same as the speed of light in meters squared out to infinite decimal points and appears to be located just off the point ( peak)of the pyramid( 10-20 feet) to the North. Nearly exactly the middle of it. Fucking crazy. Its debatable whether this is coincidental or not, but it is no longer debatable that the latitude coordinates match exactly the speed of light in meters per second. 29.972.458N latitude. These builders were just epic.

Notice the small white crosshairs located just north of the point. This is the exact spot within a few feet that matches up. Speed of light is 299,792,458 meters/ sec.
The last 3 decimal points change drastically by moving just feet in any direction. The crosshairs are nearly perfect. My guess is that the Earth has moved slightly since the Pyramids were built and that the point used to match perfectly with this measurement.


Pictures of Atlantis using Google Earth. Located in Mauritania.
The port to the sea is on the southwest corner.


Somewhere there’s a building that matches up closely with the number of Pi converted to latitude.

Does that mean the builder was some sort of ancient genius? Numerology isn’t science, anything can be a coincidence. Besides, it doesn’t even match up exactly. It especially doesn’t match up if you consider 4000 years ago that point would have been 100m or so North of where it is today.

They didn’t have GPS. They built them where they happened to live.


Was it EVO SHANDOR!?! :open_mouth:


we know very little about the true history of the World for sure check out these guys. The big one Looks like the Astronaut from that Ridley Scott movie. The big lady looks like Lady Liberty. They had that certain facial structure. I guess 13 foot tall. The woman has that guys whole head in her hand. We appear as pets to them. How strange we were so touchy feels with these giants. What happened to them? Can you imagine a battle between the races. Who knows what reality is. I find giant impossible stone monuments in some of the old big city graveyards. Stuff that is not possible for little people like us to make no matter what the argument is from the other person. They are wrong. There were Giants in those days. Where are they now?


Y’all believe this nonsense?


You glow really brightly buddy. Sharpie marker bright.


Oh please do elaborate on your thoughts.

All these giant wars during times we had photography technology and modern buildings.

Old houses have high ceilings must have been giants in those days lol.

Where do I hear folks saying other people “glow”…ah yeah right wing conspiracy messageboards. ahahahaha


It’s great in the matrix, this shite seems very popular… reality is whatever floats your boat

In which case from this day forth I wish to self identify as High Priest Albannach - Order Of Tartaria

We accept donations in both seeds AND fish

Brother A


Seeds no prob, but that’s gonna take a lot of fish, just hoping for leniency your Holiness.

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We all pray for leniency brother @Cannasaurusrex …but Cod is sadly absent :anguished:

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