Lost Civilizations: Before the known

“Some detailed eyewitness reports from reasonably credible people do exist“



I saw something I couldn’t identify on a lake in Haliburton this past fall, no video or pic, and I didn’t get a direct sighting, just a large disturbance trail on the water. (i was driving by, and u-turned) It looked like what a pissed off Loon does sometimes, flapping their wings on the water and bombing along for 100 yards or more. This wasn’t that. I reached out to the seasonally operating lodge on the lake , on FB but no response. the resort name is Ogopogo resort…really…I can’t find any mention in local history, conspiracy? I figured they’d like the publicity/story? I’ll have to catch it I suppose…when does the see serpent season open or are they automatically protected due to “species thought extinct” status??? Otters, possibly, horny lake trout…I am leaning toward the trout actually, was freaky though. pics or it didn’t happen right? Did I ever tell the story of my black bear attack? LOL


Two names….

Graham Hancock and Randal Carlson!

Those waterways are so small I’d assume a trout or otter or similar as well…

ALTHOUGH: if we take into account that the Haliburton region is mineral rich, we could tie together the theory that a lake containing a rich-enough concentration of quartz crystals in its geology could account for dimensional or general transportation rifts/portals allowing for “lake jumping” through both time and space.

Like the idea of Nessie being a series of Plesiosaurs that are swimming through one of these rifts deep in lock ness and ending up in our time.

:man_shrugging: :alien:



First and foremost, how did I miss this thread?

Secondly, is that the movie with the Nazi moon base?

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1: i don’t know!?
2: The movie FRANCHISE with the Nazi Moon base. (And USSR base on The Red Planet) :rofl:


Amazing. I was pretty sure I caught the last 20 minutes of that movie and never knew what it was called! Tomorrow now has a new purpose!

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I’m beginning to think some people around here might be on drugs…


Some people around here are suspiciously sober🤔



Just came across this thread…pretty sure the 3rd photo from your Feb 10 post is Tikal Guatemala, not Amazonia. Interesting thread though.



our local one looks like the Muntjackalope and it calls Rasselbock


Lots of old newspaper articles show bones of Giants. Typically two rows of teeth and a large jawbone. Not sure why anyone finds this hard to believe with all the different homo species we have discovered in the last 10 or 20 years…Gigantopithicus bones have been found in China dating only 8000 years ago( naturally I can’t find the article. It was a recent story…) around 11-12 feet tall and weighing over 1,000 pounds.

From what I have seen of first hand accounts of people that find the bones, The bones are taken by the Smithsonian Institute here in the states and likely by the Vatican overseas… There are hundreds and hundreds of accounts of giant bones buried in great mounds and pictures in old newspapers in the form of old microfilm. My guess is If they were genetically tested it would show something we the common people are not to know…
I’ve come across numerous accounts reading old books. Some pictures are obvious fakes, but others are not imo.
Before this is laughed off, there are people alive today with double rows of teeth. Condition is Called mesiodens.
Nearly every Native American tribe had talked about the Giants that had double rows of teeth and were cannibals. The Mohawk Tribe talked of one of these Giants that lived in Sidney,New York.


Ogopogo…up there in North Central Washington. Like “Champ” a similar creature in Lake Champlain, NY. I recently saw a video of a GIANT sturgeon swimming near the surface on YouTube.
Damn if it didn’t look like some crazy serpent. I’m sold this is what people have seen, at least in those two lakes. Must have been 20 feet long.


The Bible tells what happened to them. Wiped out by the flood. I used to have a major problem believing any of this until I began looking at things from a different perspective. The Bible says these Nephilim were a hybrid between humans and “gods”. The Offspring between a human and a God were Giants.
Let us think Sci fi for a moment. Let us suppose we were created by an advanced race that spliced their DNA with an ape man’s DNA and selected us, (quite like i do with pot plants actually), until eventually we looked like our creators. Maybe no selections were required. In a hybrid the older more stable genetics eventually predominate. At some point an alien dude, that looks just like us, takes a fancy to a human woman that looks quite presentable and they mate. The result is a GIANT. Sound crazy? What happens if you take a strain of weed and backcross it to an earlier generation of the same strain of weed? Hybrid vigor happens. The Offspring of this mating will be larger and more vigorous than either of the two parents. Just like the Giants were.
The Bible even says that our creators were horrified by this accidental outcome for it had been strictly forbidden to mate with a human. I would guess they knew what the outcome would be. The only way they could get rid of their creation was to wipe out everything.
Perhaps there is more truth to the Bible than many give credit for.


That definitely sounds no more crazy than anything else in the Bible. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is one of my favorite movies

OK funny story I had my own construction business my nephew and I had just saw this movie we’re working on your job and some men working where speaking in their native language I believe they where from Brazil one of my men spoke there language and said they where talking about our equipment in a way like it was already there’s lol so they realized we new what was up so they started speaking in there tribal language well now for the fun , me and my nephew started speaking in the click click language ( made up of course ) carrying on a conversation so to speak making like we new what we where talking about needless to say we were high as fuck we left and laughed like hell talking about the look on there faces

Now personally I feel this planet has been around longer then we think and most likely civilizations have come and gone several times
As I smoke an other bone


Considering the aboriginal peoples of Australia have an oral history going back 10,000 years; the flood logic is legit.