Lost Civilizations: Before the known

It was called the Younger Dryas event, where a massive meteor vaporized the Greenland ice sheet around 11, 700 years ago, setting off a massive Western Hemisphere extinction event, taking out Atlantis and all civilization, plunging the world into an ice age we are still coming out of and giving rise to the flood stories every major culture on Earth talks about to this day. Sea levels rose 400 feet almost overnight.


The Richat structure located in Mauritania, Africa absolutely boggles the mind. Some think it’s an Atlantean offshoot or perhaps Atlantis, itself. It is very difficult to know for sure yet fascinating, none the less. It is also known as “The Eye Of The Sahara”. The blue rings around the stone circles have been analyzed, found to contain sea salt.


There are many ecological windows into Ancient Earth around the world. Two examples that come to mind are Socotra Island in the Arabian Sea, and the landscape on the island of Madagascar.


I posted about this earlier in the thread . Check out Bright Insight on YouTube.( I see you did but did not list the podcast source) He has a series of Atlantis podcasts and recommends another couple. There is so much that correlates exactly with what Plato wrote about Atlantis and artifacts have come to light recently that almost make it conspiratorial to suggest it is not Atlantis. Anyone who thinks it’s not a possibility at all has not looked at the evidence. It’s absolutely overwhelming.


Those trees look like mushrooms don’t they? Second photo up?
What are the others? They look very similar to a Baobab.


The story of Noah may be part of the Abrahamic canon, but the legend of the Great Flood almost certainly has pre-biblical origins, rooted in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh dates back nearly 5,000 years and is thought to be perhaps the one of the oldest written tales on the planet.


I posted the video link to Bright Insight the coverage of the Richat structure, I was typing and thinking as I went along, hence the video link that followed the initial post.

The part that I find puzzling is how this been hush hush for so long. Perhaps, the " no man’s Land" location in the middle of nothing interesting. No destination vacation for the young and sexy, no resorts. No Instagram photo ops. The proliferation of satellite photos and the internet combined, reveal a bird’s eye view of rows of rock that sdesert smugglers would simply pass by. A visit to the sight with a decent drone will reveal much more.
When the library of Alexandria(and many others) burned, documents/maps/images of these types of structures vanished into obscurity. I’ll bet Plato wrote even more on the topic, but that is for the small circles of vey powerful people.

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Babylonian stone weight unit (1 mina = 480g) made of haematite in the shape of a grasshopper, hand-carved between 1800 and 1700 BC.


Those shroom trees make me think of the old MTV show ‘AEON FLUX’. Very trippy indeed. The others do resemble a baobab variant.

Adam’s Calendar located in Ehlanzeni, South Africa is another archaeological anomaly. Yet, another example of Pre-Younger Dryas advanced cultures.



Interesting that haematite is the stone used to carve the grasshopper. it’s almost as if it’s an inside joke about the nature of grasshopper feeding habits.


Did you see the video that tells about the 1960’s CIA report on the Eye of the Sahara? Some of the report is still classified to this day. Very interesting that no archeologist has ever searched there either, yet the ground is covered in artifacts and foundations are visible with Google earth.

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The Great Flood story is literally worldwide and we have only seen our own cultures version. Either many major cultures experienced a different flood, every culture speaks of the same worldwide flood, or the flood happened before human dispersal. The version we know is but one of them. Here are some more.
More importantly, I actually know how to give a link now😁. Only took 2 and a half years lol.

@royal talented carver. Awesome detail on that grasshopper.


I’ll bet there is a group of local thugs that have VERY nice trucks and weapons, get a tip when “tourists” are headed in that direction.

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What do you mean by this? Curious.


I’m speaking about the arsonists that burned the library of Alexandria in Egypt. The invisible hands that strangles uprisings and hires saboteurs. The books, maps and artifacts that exist in the vast Vatican library that the public will never see. Did Plato record more about Atlantis and other ancient civilizations? Probably, but the more we know about ancient civilizations, the less thought control churches and governments will have over common folk.


Himalayan griffon Vulture in attack mode !!



Stone head found in Guatemala in the 30’s - basically destroyed by 1987


Quite similar looking to the easter island faces.