Lost Civilizations: Before the known

All carved by Sassy’s ancestors! :thinking:


That guy needs to shave his neckbeard


Congress is holding UFO hearings. The verified Airforce sightings went from 125 we were told about previously up to 400 now. These craft can drop 70,000 feet in seconds, can fly at 20 times the speed of sound ( mach 20)and can make right angle turns at these speeds that cause 100-200 G’s…enough to crush a humans bones. A quote from the Congressional hearing…“these are not earthly craft” " these are not ours".
Think free my friends.


Discussion regarding Atlantis and the Richat structure is heating up. We have boots on the ground now making some interesting finds. The white color we see from google earth that was expected to be salt is indeed salt on the surface of the sand, hundreds of kilometers inland. Hmmm. Proof of saltwater flow?


Same nose isnt it?


Yes the one above is more natural looking and the easter island ones seem more stylized without eye difinition.



All i can see in this image is the invisible speech bubbles which read from RIGHT TO LEFT as follows:

  1. We are the noble defenders of this island and its people; ever vigilant, always on guard.
  2. Yes my brother, we watch and protect together.
  3. Ahh yes, the creators are watching us again to make sure we keep watching using their Ezekiel’s Wheel.
  4. …I swear that I used to be able to see my penis…

Yeah they all could see and feel them when they were first erected, pun intended lol.

It shows how ancient they are by the amount of soil that has built around them over time.


I love that image :heart:

And that these folks figured this out in the UK:


Bet they didn’t walk that one lol all done BC too (before cranes) they must have been certifiable by modem day standards :thinking:


Either there was an advanced civilization we still don’t know about or there’s a glitch in the Matrix. I’ve been to many of the monuments in Peru, and they defy explanation. That kind of laser precision sure as hell wasn’t an accident or unintended consequence that happened over and over and over again.


It sounds like the theory that the Richat structure in Mauritania is Atlantis is about to go mainstream. LIDAR, a ground penetrating radar, was just used and there are buried manmade structures visible.


The plot thickens…

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Giants in history where did they all go?!?


I had VPN turned on but those movie industry tycoons got me despite VPN, despite Torrent. VPN from Opera is a joke.

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On each of the 4 sides, the lines are not straight, but converge in the centers. I have a colleague in Cairo, I will ask for verification next time.
Academia was basically hijacked around the 1920’s progressive movement. But much, much earlier hence two two educational paths for students. The Esoteric, and Exoteric.
The latter is that dribble that is peddled at all the Universities, the older the club, the deeper into history it reaches, hence your fraternities. The good ole’ clubs been playing us ding dings like dolts for at least six recorded millennias, easily proven by study of anything pre 1920’s on the archive.org If yer ever in the mood to shit yerself real good, have yourself a gander. I have several libraries I have compiled on different websites, if you want some pointers. The archive is best approached on a fuk armd n find out logic. I often compare works from different centuries, so you can see with your own eyes the revisionists at work. It’s basically all in plain sight now. Since most folks have given up their senses, they can no longer see, hear, touch, taste, or do anything some authority has not told them to do. In so much as I realize this is all just an excercise in futility, I would always encourage lessons by regrets. There is a fantastic song that sums this up by Butthole Surfers, Album: Locust Abortion Technician Song: Sweat Loaf. Cheers!


Haha That song is great! :clap:

It’s been awhile tho

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Kuntz is my fav on this one

No laser. They used a 5 Meter diameter convex lens on a wooden frame. Stone was then melted and poured into clay forms, chiseld and carved by the priests best students. With my 12" fresnal lens, I can easily puddle up any stone to 3000c, as proof of concept, so scaled up this no longer becomes conjecture. Where did this technology originate? You see the Noah in the epics had 3 sons, all whom were likely some form of proto-Raphiem and lived for several centuries. One son Shem, whom the Egyptians called Shefu, due to linguistics, was Khufu, the great blond haired King whom conquered the Hamitic Egyptians and built the Pyramid to commemorate his literally shitting excellence with his supreme technology. He then went on to conquer the whole realm, teaching each civilization the meter, and all it’s derived technologies like; the addition sequence, golden ratio, golden phi. He taught them to be pyramid builders.
The true history of mankind came to a dead stop with the Egyptian Hyksos, the beginning of the perpetration of histories biggest lies; who call themselves the descendants of Them but are not, they are in fact descendants of Canaan, descendant of the seed that destroyed the antidiluvian civilizations. But that’s a story for another day. Lol


They were umm, eugenized out. Out of the bible, out of history, as prove of giants reveals the liars and the lies. Truth and lies are always mixed, to keep em’ chasing their tails.

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