Lost Civilizations: Before the known

So I’m about halfway through this thread I’m so darn excited by it I had to skip ahead with a thought:

  1. out of sync grandfather clocks in the same room will over time fall into sync, but swinging in opposite directions.

  2. Tesla had plans for a mountain mover that used oscillating frequencies.

  3. A natural medicine doctor alerted me to kidney problems with a rock and a handful of herbs on my first visit. She was 100% on point.

Do the mountain shaker and healing crystals and teslas understanding of free energy all work on resonant frequencies, compounding and multiplying energy? Is that possible?

Also I wanted to make a comment on ufo’s…I was reading something recently about an ‘alien’ technology where the craft doesn’t use propulsion, but instead bends space-time in front of the craft and is ‘pulled’ forward rather than being pushed from behind. Thought it was interesting.

Fucking awesome thread. Now I’ll return to post 312 lol


Also, great song/band

got a video of that somewhere? sounds cool errr hot.


No aliens, no ET tech. You speak of Alcuberie Device or some name, a Mexican Physicist whom came up with this idea. Lacking was only the 13-16 TeV, which as of about a month ago our civilization reached with the LHC powered up to full @ 13.5 TeV. That’s just a calculation of power, ie energy. Thusly, such device is now possible. They had this technology for some time, they called it Looking Glass, problems started to show up as of the last few years that irrespective of what they did, the resulting future was the same. That’s why they keep speeding along their dark narratives and agendas.


I do somewhere, but best experience is by your own hand, by your own eyes. Self derived knowledge, critical thinking, is what leads to enlightenment. Trusting others, leads to fallacy. Fresnal lenses can be had from projection TVs usually free on FB marketplace. Suggested reading; Curse of Canaan by Eustice Mullins.


Forget Tesla, and anything we are told about him. Unfortunately, it appears he was just another stooge actor playing his part. I know. It’s a rough one, no one likes to hear it. The lies that have been indoctrinated are difficult to break since they have been promulgated and rehashed over and over, much like our civilization. The knowledge of Atmospheric energy, it’s creation, storage and use did not originate from Tesla, nor the small village from whence he came. His father I suspect tho, as friar, likely had knowledge of this tech in the cathedral, and likely introduced his son to it early on. Assuming Tesla was not a full blown imagination of the revisionists, like many alleged characters. Nothing or no one in our history broke through our schools history books unless they played for the team. The truth, most certainly is not taught in school.

I can only wonder what information was lost when the Library of Alexandria burned. Then there were the Saracens and later European Crusaders who destroyed anything not approved by their respective religious authorities. Recently it was ISIS destroying artifacts. No offense to any believers, but organized religion has done more harm than good (to put it mildly).


What do these hieroglyphs really represent?

The glyphs are a result of both erosion of the stone surface (evident elsewhere in the temple) and the process of filling in and re-carving the stone to replace some of the original hieroglyphics. The technical term for such a surface that has been written on more than once is called a palimpsest. The usurping and modifying of inscriptions was common in ancient Egypt throughout its history. The glyph here were modified at least once in antiquity, and perhaps twice. Some of the filling has fallen out in places where the older and the newer inscriptions overlap, and the result is unique and odd-looking.


I feel like those have to be statues, I’d have to see something implicating movement to believe those are real, which is of course not gonna happen because shutter speed. Not to discount it (why I used words feel and believe). There may be proof, but I don’t think these pictures are it.

archive.org is as close as the common man is ever going to get. We can only be thankful for which they do must be available to us, so that they can consider it as silent consent, well within the scope of law as defined by Blacks Law Dictionary. For as silent consent, IS consent legally speaking. It can be inferred that ignorance is not an excuse, neither is negligence. A man can now only find themselves in two places:

Those who know.
Those who don’t.

Those who don’t know are judged as knowing, since it’s all in plain sight now.

Now, as far as who are they? And what is this Knowing? The knowing of what?

That remains to be discovered by each student individually because it cannot be taught, it must be wrought out of one owns work and experience. There are prerequisites to prerequisites, but after a few decades anyone can be enlightened to truth. The books are there, one just has to learn the keywords and search query.
A few of us have gone ahead and begun to compile some of these resources, should a student want some form of guidance it’s readily available to inquisition.
Point is, never stop learning. Case and point; got some Autos popping up, and by weeks end of next a transplant outdoors in the hopes of running to late October.



Yea they are “statues” good one agent bread!!! Hyuk hyuk!!

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Back when I wrote this I myself was one of the people who saw the objects from Google Earth…( I didn’t see them on a podcast,) I spent hours and hours looking at the Richat Structure with Google Earth and I found the foundations the LIDAR radar has since proven are man made( not saying I discovered them. I’m sure lots of other people saw them too). This doesn’t prove it could be Atlantis, but it does prove that there are ancient ruins there that deserve to be looked at. At the time I was extensively using Google Earth , on a mountain range to the Northeast l found what looked like a massive stairway chipped into the sides of a mountain range and since then that area of Africa is blacked out. I can no longer see this staircase and there is no longer an image of this mountain range. I wrote down the coordinates somewhere. Looked like some sort of massive ancient Quarry to me. I never did go back and see if they had a new picture up. The staircase was massive. I could find nothing that said that there is a modern-day Quarry there although that is certainly a possibility

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Great post

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On my way from ADK’s, just stopped UPSTATE at Fort Anne so the girls can go shopping. Lol.

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@onesun…I love the Adirondacks. Hoping to get up there before the leaves fall off. See any starting to turn? Usually a few early ones in mid-august

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Maine & ADK’s are our go to’s. Particularly, Maine due to its vast expanses between folks. Maine is where I would move if I could and hopefully in time will.


so where would someone start? theres literally millions of random documents etc on there…any suggestions?

cool thread!


I can link you privately to one of my pages which has a topics page. As well as many of the works, from antiquity thru modern day.