Lost Civilizations: Before the known

id love that, thanks. ive been on a ‘weird old book’ kick for a while lol. reading the kybalion atm. its…interesting but tedious



Or like this…



Still reading…but in the meantime!

IMO the real history of modern civilization begins with the creation of a digital operating system. Do you know how utterly complexe and difficult it is to create a operating system from scratch? They could have had computer like devices for centuries if not millennia, just without the ability to operate them, without a operating system…the electronics are the easy part to build.








“Well, it was about that time…”


The Atlantis could be in Mauritania theory has gained the attention of the so called academics, that are now interested in looking at the previously undiscovered ( by them anyway) structures they " found" using LIDAR while looking at the Richat structure. I’ve known about these structures since 2018, seeing them while watching Bright insight on you tube and then found the structures he showed and one he didn’t myself, using Google Earth with only an hour or so of looking. In my opinion there is so much information out there now about the richat structure and the mountain of evidence suggesting a mass catastrophic event from a tsunami or other water event, that anyone now denying it could be Atlantis is beginning to look like the conspiracy theorist. https://youtu.be/PmI8uCpF5qo






Watched the whole series on Sunday night, it was very good, and worrying.


What I enjoyed about this series, is they made ZERO mention of off world beings.
I knew of the the places Graham went to, except the Scablands. That Scabland theory, along with the black line across the globe, has my mind in a tumble. Not bad like, just a pondering.


Crazy some of the ancient advanced knowledge of our earth and its energy grid.


I love talks of this magnitude… thinking in the bigger picture… unlimiting our minds to greater possibility… talks about all becoming as 1… how aliens succeed is exactly that… working as 1 for 1 purpose… to further knowledge and technology… to the point of even time travel possibly… or other amazing impossible seeming things… seems like 1 thing is important for this to happen… think as 1 become as 1… quit the childhood sandbox style fighting over this and that… so childish… even strive for power is childish if you think of the big picture… there should be no strive for power over another… when working as 1.
It truly is the answer to all of our problems… if we were smart… we would racially intermingle to the point that there are no races… and we are all 1 in that sense… and strive to be 1 in every aspect of living life and what we live it for… instead of being divided… which is what our leaders push every day… why?? So they can control you and me!! we need to wake up and realize who the enemy is… it’s the ones striving for power and control … forms of “government” = sugar-coated slavery… because in the end … how much does the average person really live their life the way they want? How many hours spent working? Do you even feel like going out after the week is over? What happens when you try for a portion of the social types that go out? Tickets fines charges sickness cost of meds the list goes on… all the while… grabbing after every penny you have earned… finally get a house… owe… pay…work… sleep… see how there’s really no life in that? It’s paid slavery… whether you make a ton or not… you’re not truly free… not truly living… not a good life… but a competitive one… we all lose when this happens… competing… sad but true

I’ll leave this song as some insight because I truly feel this is the truth


This energy grid some may know as leylines. A rabbit hole i went down the beginning of this year. Bit rusty on the subject as its been some time since taking in the information so I cannot divulge a whole lot on the matter. Also away from my regular desktop currently so all the juicy links are not at hand , once I’ve returned I hope to remember to circle back to this topic and expand more on this.


Look into the work of Peter Champoux and his research into Earth rings and Ley lines. His correlation to Wounded Knee as an occult massacre/ritual is very interesting stuff.


Check him out on the ‘MY FAMILY THINKS I’M CRAZY’ podcast:


What fascinates me most is that there are megalithic structures at the intersections of many of these laylines( leylines?)around the earth. Sedona, Arizona is located at one of these junctions and it is a popular place for people seeking healing energy.


Yes. Been there and the place feels like the air is vibrating!


Most early churches in the UK are built on laylines or actually on the old pre Christian religious sites, as they wanted to replace the nature based religions with Christianity.

It always makes me laugh when I see signs people put up in their front yard, “Jesus is the reason for the season”

No, the winter solstice is the reason for the season, the Christians wanted something to compete with it and came up with Christ’s Mass, to try and snag a few confused drunken solstice revelers as they crawled back to their abodes lol.