Lost Civilizations: Before the known

According to the clay tablets of Sumeria Lilith was one of the Annunaki that was impregnated by an ape man, I’m guessing through artificial insemination, giving rise to humans.
Recent DNA testing shows that all of humanity rises from one woman. In my mind this correlates perfectly with The Bible.

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Not quite true.


The old Sumerian clay tablets found in Iraq say that the Annunaki Came to Earth because they needed gold to fix their atmosphere. However, they were not after the type of Gold you would think, but were after colloidal gold, which is microscopic gold floating in the ocean.
They planned on building a large plant in the Persian Gulf but it was too technically demanding for the limited supplies and bodies available. So they ended up having to mine gold the old fashioned way, out of the ground. They soon grew weary of this work and decided amongst themselves to take a primitive ape man that already existed here on Earth and cross it with themselves To create workers to work the gold mines. Lilith volunteered to be the egg donor and carrier of this new species.
I’m not saying this is true or anything but it does Explain Humanities unusual lust for gold And it actually kind of correlates with The Bible, at least the part about humanity coming from one woman. If humanity came about due to evolution youd think there would be a wider canopy on the family tree.
Interesting too, that we didn’t know about colloidal gold until the invention of the microscope And the sumerians knew over 5000 years ago.


Maybe they found more DNA since then?. It was one woman and 7 men last I knew…


Please post your source.

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Also bunk. It’s not according to Sumerian clay tablets, but according to Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation which has been debunked by numerous scientists, including Sumerologists.


Are you talking about mitochondrial eve @Upstate ?

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I didn’t want to assume, so I asked for his source. But that was exactly my thinking.

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Also anyone can now learn sumerian if they want to see what these clay tablets actually say.

Does Zacheriah sitchin ever cite which tablets from which collection have these stories about the annunaki?

Would love to try to decipher them myself


He may, you’d have to look him up or get his book - The 12th Planet.

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Give me a day or 2 and I’ll get you some links.

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Sorry I don’t know what mitochondrial eve is. I was either watching the History Channel or reading National Geographic magazine I when i learned this info and since then had looked it up but not very recently. Info must be a decade old now. Maybe the info has changed.

Could very well be one man’s interpretation of the clay tablet writings, I don’t remember. I think all interpretations come from one person originally. :thinking:


This thread is wild! :exploding_head:


Never saw Zecharia before. I just looked him up

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You guys have any good YouTube videos on this stuff? I wouldn’t mind getting heavily medicated and watching.

There’s probably tons out there…but any that you guys would suggest personally?


Their teeth are in better condition than mine.Must have been all that Coca Paste :wink:Peruvian Marching Dust in tooth paste form brightens the teeth and lightens the work load.Guess that’s one way to get the kids to brush their teeth hahahaha


Punch in the keyword annunaki on youtube but start with the video i posted. There are much longer versions.


I’ve always thought the Sumerian tree of life looks a lot like a cannabis plant, the Anunnaki grew that shit…


That’s definitely what happened. Eve picked the 1st Bud off of the Annuaki’ generals favorite plant and got adam to smoke it with her :rofl::joy::joy: For which we were kicked out of his garden of Eden​:grin: