Lost Civilizations: Before the known

On Atlantis, I think the original “Atlantis” at least from the myths is supposed to be either Japan or China… civilization progressed out of these areas, it’s only natural for our progenitors to create such a myth about “where people might have come from”… So as the traveler retraces the path of civilization, searching for it’s beginnings, Atlantis come up…maybe :thinking:.

Also about the mitochondrial eve…I have read that homo sapians are actually a chimera species. Like a cross between a ancient Bug or Plant that could assimilate another organism’s DNA, in this case chimpanzees :wink:. If this were the case, that is humans are actually the product of a chimera, a “Mitochondrial Eve” would be clearly evidenced in DNA studies.


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Very neat. The Easter Islanders themselves claim that is how the statues were moved.

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You’ve got to check out Bright Insights youtube videos on Atlantis. Let me know what you think afterwards. Very very compelling information. I guarantee you’ll find the videos thought provoking even if you disagree with his synopsis


Gotta wonder why this story was in a recent release of declassified CIA files. The Adam and Eve Event

CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf (2.2 MB)


A couple of Ancient African creation stories:
Khnum and the potters wheel
" he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter’s wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers’ wombs. He was later described as having moulded the other deities, and he had the titles “Divine Potter” and “Lord of created things from himself”

And the Nomo creation story:
“says that Nommo was the first living creature created by the sky god Amma.”

I like diggin into the ancient stories that came thousands of years before the bible (dead sea scrolls etc) and many more thousands before the " printing press: 1500 ad).
And if Africa is considered the cradle, I like to look there also, all are fascinateing
Reminds me of joe rogan


Hmmm…so you say humans came from a chimpanzee chimera?

Is it possible there are other species out there that come from the same chimera?

I’m working through the videos…so are you a subscriber to the theory Atlantis is in the Sahara?



Monkey + Pig???





:new_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face: :boom::zap::rocket::guitar::racing_car: :new_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face:


Humans are 95% Chimpanzee…



100%. In my mind the evidence is there. What sealed the deal for me is that the flow of water over the Sahara chopped off a lava flow from a volcano. A clean break…and this lava flow is only 12,000 years old. Atlantis was destroyed 11,700 years ago and todays science claims 65 million years ago was the most recent time the Sahara was under water. Clearly they are wrong.


Another interesting fact is the 1 1/2 mile deep pile of rubble off the coast of Mauritania, measuring 100×150 m wide. Scientists say this likely was made by a tsunami around 11,000 yrars ago ±.which fits right in with the theory.

You can see the pile of rubble in the photos and it is directly off the coast of Mauritania right where the water striations point.


50 millions years? not is the atlantis

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The date scientists currently give for the last time the Sahara was underwater is approximately 60 million years ago. However the new proof is that water came through the area at the time Atlantis was destroyed. Notice the pile of rubble up above gets Narrower towards the direction of the flow, Which means the flow came from inland


50 million years ago, when there were no humans on earth, do you say that the dinosaurs built Atlantis?


You are misunderstanding. Atlantis was destroyed 11,700 years ago


It sank in the waters… That is not sunk.

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Tartessos are the descendants of Atlantis.

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To be fair I’m certain anyone caught in sudden and catastrophic flood event would refer to the event as “sunk under waters”.