Lost Civilizations: Before the known

…what is that Land beneath Africa,Hyperia/Hesperia?? or that map is upside down and it is Spain/Portugal ?? :thinking:

edit: ok,now i see…Oceanus Atlanticus


Humans share 90% of our DNA with cats and 50% with trees. I have meet people with more than the average Tree DNA. Hard head mofos.


From @PhilCuisine



Bejeezus Christ,…,…goes to show ya!


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The DNA is just a blue print what matters is the coders the protein-coding genes These are different and make a huge difference in the outcome.

Back to Lost Civilizations. Could the wall of water that flowed through the Sahara have originated as a Tsunami from the Atlantic instead of originating from the Mediterranean sea? In my mind I can Imagine The wall of water making its to the Med and then retreating back to the Atlantic carrying all the debris with it to the Atlantic. Something like La Palma in the Canary Islands cracking off trillions of tons of rock facing Africa.


The site in Mauritania is at around 300 to 350 meters above sea level. If water levels were that high there, wouldnt everything in that area below that height be submerged?

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Sailing boats and oars in 3000 BC…in the south of Spain.

Compared to graffiti Delos (century I AC)


Im not totally sold on how scientists date objects with Radiocarbon dating. They are assuming the rate of production of radioactive carbon has been steady and the same rate that is measured today. Our star and a whole lot of other stars are variable stars. And the earths orbit goes up and down through the galactic plane as well which varies the amount of cosmic rays hitting our solar system.

I take all the archeologists proclaimed dates with a grain of salt.


can you explain what you think of elemental half lifes and their decay rates being variable? these dating methods typically look at a specific element or isotope and look at its rate of decay, not generation

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Im not talking decay rates. Im talking about the amount of Radioactive carbon created as cosmic rays hit the upper atmosphere. The amount of rays are variable.

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Bro that shit is all fucked…they don’t have a clue – carbon dating and “cern” supercolliders throw those folks into a tizzy…and why they hell are the edges of the moon blurry :wink::zap::boom:???

They are never going to find that particle at cern…I’m not convinced cern is even real :wink:…maybe if they ask nicely I’ll tell em why the edges of the moon is blurry!

Edit 2: Because it’s moving faster than the speed of light… :rotating_light:. Thought I heard a theoretical physicist or something somewhere…:innocent:

:city_sunrise: ---- that’s empirical evidence sir! :wink:

In summation, I guess all roads lead to Rome :smiley:.



What the heck are you trying to say?

When Super Nova explode nearby the ratio of Carbon 14 to carbon is greatly altered in the atmosphere.

Our star is a variable star it can explode with super flares the likes of which no one alive today has seen. see Carrington Event

Our star can also go into a centuries long slumber decreasing the amount of cosmic rays hitting the upper atmosphere. See Maunder Minimum

Our sun travels up and down through the galactic plane like a horse on a carousel. The amount of cosmic rays hitting the earth is greater when the planet travels through the center of the plane than when it is above or below the galactic plane.

All of these varies the amount of cosmic rays hitting the upper atmosphere.


A cosmic ray is only heat and light…:full_moon_with_face:


It’s a well known fact that goats are our overlords who came to this planet riding the photons of a distant supernova. Fact.


Actually goats are in fact NOT our overlords. Just highly advanced Bavarian beings, who some, in their awe, mistake goats for our overlords!!



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All human life can be traced back to one goat whore. It’s why we have good and evil.


You mean a single female chimpanzee…hmmm :thinking:

News to me…I assumed it was a group of them…:thinking::wink:


No the story goes something about a piece of silver and how the horns were lost in a bet.


Strange…they obviously got the silver though?
