Lost Civilizations: Before the known

There’s definitely a satanic push in this country. Most people don’t notice things like Beyonce wearing horns on her head dressed up as Baal The goat horned demon, satan’s top lieutenant. The Biden family having the same lieutenant on their Christmas wreath in the White House. Half time superbowl shows such as what you mentioned. A Giant bronze bull being paraded in the United Kingdom. The satanic parade at the opening of the gottenburg tunnel Ribbon cutting festival. The top 10 charts riddled with mockery of religion. I can tell you plainly that I was not religious until I saw what was going on. Evil is upon us. I could continue with examples all day long. Seeing this stuff really makes you questions what you believe deep down inside. My apologies for intruding on the thread in this way.


Can anyone explain how to mass produce pots like this out of Rose Granite, with greater precision that we can today with cnc, thousands of years ago. These were found in such numbers they were described as “stacked up like tupperware”


The ancient Sumerians invented television but they didn’t have ESPN so, you know, morons.



Not an intrusion, merely context.


…it´s just an old ,heathen ceremony…nothing to do with “satan” imho

some of you guys just should stop smoking ,i think


Not sure what else to say, except that if you start looking you’ll see this kind of thing becoming mainstream.
Fuck the satanic WEF. Nasty bastards.



you forgot the quotes on “evidence”. it’s usually just as reliable as that.

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The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE ) is an American conservative, libertarian economic think tank.[4][5][6]

Unsurprising that they want to portray liberals as Satanists. Whether any of that is true or not, the bias is definite. Political leaders ignoring the deaths of their common subjects is a standard. Sometimes they even fly a “Mission Accomplished” banner or something equally stupid, which opens them up to criticism from their political opposition. Then the opposition goes and does the same exact shit once they’re in power, and everyone feels happy because they’ve been proven right about their opponents being horrible, despite the fact that they’re doing the same thing. People suck, whatever their politics.


Its just dancing Heystacks and Capricorn… alpine folklore stuff, thats all

When i see, it, s a RT- Video, i’m knowing what to think about!



It’s like watching a softened Behemoth meets Heilung performance!


Ah @saxo is in on the conspiracy!

(Mrs Foreigner was in Germany and refused to bring me any Nuremberg sausage, that’s the real tragedy)


Also interesting is an American conservative think tank taking a position against statism…

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Lucky You, Next week i’m out for work close to Nürnberg… gonna send You some. :slight_smile: :yum:


Like I said, it’s only bad when your opponents are doing it. :stuck_out_tongue: States’ rights are extremely important to conservatives when said rights allow them to do what they want. When they don’t… not all that important, sometimes downright insidious when liberals are using those very same rights to do what they want. Don’t get me wrong and take this as a full-throated endorsement of liberalism though, they’re hypocrites too. Just in different ways.


Sure it was biased. But they also had the best footage of the actual parade which is why I talked about the article. The other articles were biased too, pro WEF. If you watch the parade it’s creepy and uncomfortable… And I don’t think at all related to ancient Swiss religious practices but more geared to the tastes of modern sickos. How did you like how they portrayed the dead tunnel workers? How would you have liked to have been their families?
That tunnel is old news anyway. That was just the beginning. Things have moved forward rapidly since then. How about the top 10 charts? I was absolutely shocked when I looked at the lyrics of some of the songs. I wouldn’t want my kids listening to them and I’m an old metalhead myself, If that tells you anything. Let’s see what they have planned for the Super Bowl. I can almost guarantee they will have some ritual on stage at halftime… and make no mistake, the people who came up with the halftime show know it’s a ritual.
The artist that made the statue of Ruth bader Ginsburg has admitted that it’s based on a fallen angel. Case closed. Satanic and I don’t like it. You can’t sugar coat shit.


Ok, I have to ask - What do you mean by Satanic? Are you talking about the personal Satan as articulated in various shades Christian theology, or is this a metaphor for a more general “evil” in the world?

I can’t help but hear a lot of pro-(cultural/White) Christian xenophobia in this interpretation of the ceremony - and even a nodding acquaintance with the devastating effects of fealty to various “Christian” systems in North America alone (chattel slavery, anyone…?) should be more than enough to dissolve any anxiety that whatever “paganism” is encroaching into the Western purview is threatening something elementally good.

And why on Earth does it matter if a statue of Bader-Ginsberg is based on some artists notion of what a “fallen angel” might look like? Transgressive and socially frictious imagery (if it can even be called that) has long been used by artists as a source of empowerment, provocation, and critique.

If there is anything properly “satanic” going on, it is to be found in whatever forces that are directing attention to these shiny objects with the aim of distracting from the very boring but profound evil of late-capitalist exploitation. The miners didn’t die as a sacrifice to Baal (although I admit that would be waaay more fun to be perversely twitterpated at), they were sacrificed by modern humans no different that you or me in the interest of boring old greed.

Sure wish it were sexier though…


dont mess with the dude downstairs. he is friends with those flying above us :wink:

What is this…

we are fucked in the middle(in so many ways), so live a good life.

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It’s not surprising that powerful people practice dark arts. The problem is that many people get caught up in terms, names and labels. Should anyone doubt, simply turn off your internal dialog. Observe the deeds and gestures of those that clammer for the spotlight. The ones that place wealth and power above all else. You will see patterns of behavior. Circles of familiars. Again, just observe and it will be made plain.

This thread is all about lost civilizations, in the study of these lost civilizations these dark themes appear if you have 3 eyes to see them.

Christianity is not the only religion to campaign against darkness.

In Islam, it is important to memorize the Q’uran. In doing so, the collective good Muslims cannot be fooled by djinn that are allowed to travel back in to time to deceive mankind and test the faithful.

In Judaism, there is Sabbatai Zevi. He was born in Turkey in 1626 on the same day that the Hebrew temple was destroyed in ancient Babylon. He started an offshoot of Qabalistic Judaism that had VERY DARK elements and intentions. He was very influential to Jacob Frank who created Sabbatean Frankism. One of their core beliefs is " Ein Sof", which refers to limitless power, going back to some of the original practices of King Solomon… That particular group has been known to hide within whichever religion rules the land wherein they reside, all the while gathering intelligence and utilizing blackmail and leverage.

Is all of this information relevant to lost civilizations and this thread? Of course. Simply examine the heirogylphs, the bas relief with strange imagery that displays harm to children, beastiality and other forms of low frequency energy.