Lost Civilizations: Before the known

According to them, Satan. Their leader. The head fallen angel. These people already have 3/4ths of the worlds wealth. 25% of it taken during covid. Whats left when you have all the money? What feeds that lust? What feeds the craving? Power. Thats what feeds and drives them. Power over everything. What you say. What you do. Who you see. Where you go. What you eat. Who you talk to. Keeping track of all of it with your social credit score. Punish anyone that speaks out. The Rise of the Fourth Reich er a I mean 4th Industrial Revolution
They think we’re dumb asses with their very thinly veiled “4th industrial revolution” I was taught about one Industrial Revolution in school, how about you? What did Hitler lead and from what country? The Third Reich. Claus Shwab, from Germany and his 4th Reich/ Revolution can suck my left nut. He’s not good enough for both of them.
That’s it from me on the topic. Maybe a good thread, but not here and its my fault for thinking that was Ginsburgs Statue. I think she’s rolling over in her grave over that interpretation. Getting us back on track…

Natural or manmade Giant Native American Head?
Artist interpretation of LIDAR/ Sonar images 2,500 feet down under the ocean off the coast of Cuba.


…it´s natural!

as natural as this …


Neat. Looks like the Old man of the mountain in New Hampshire, now gone.


And the conclusion is that ‘vasques’ people where living there long ago.
“Take this little stone, Patxi”.:rofl:

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Fair enough, I’ll note only that we are 100% in agreement that there are very dark times on the horizon, and that within our lifetimes (I have gathered that we are of an age/Gen-Xers); my take on the elemental problem is more pedestrian and less “arch”, but yea, we’re in trouble…

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Melted stone polygonal wall in Peru. What meled this? Look close and you’ll see half melted stones on the edges of the purely molten stone.

Stones said by liars( experts) to be cut by ( dont laugh) copper tools. Any carpenter that’s ever overcut a board knows a copper hand tool didn’t do this overcut mark. If you’ve used a hole saw or drill press the other round tool mark is obvious. Done by a copper bit? Laughable. Tough diamond blades don’t even last long cutting this granite. Tool marking on the edges of some stone cores that were found are evenly spaced. The currently excepted mainstream narrative is that sand was poured in the hole as a copper pipe was turned. Lol. Really not even funny Its such a ridiculous suggestion.
The precision of this statue could not have been done with soft copper tools.
The truth has been buried. First by mud, then by people not wanting us to know the truth.


Dragons…a dragon melted it with is flaming breath…!!!



Polygonal stone masonry cannot be done today and is found all over the world, proving a worldwide pre flood civilization in the same way looking at skyscrapers from different countries today we would instantly know they all came from an original idea and that the idea was shared around the world. These polygonal stone walls and platforms were used by later cultures as foundations for obvious reasons.


Here in Ecuador you can see a masonry patch done by a later more primitive culture in an older polygonal wall. The Inca themselves claim that the stones were there when they got there. The Spanish called them liars and decided that they had built them and forgot.


@Upstate sounds similar to the pyramids in Egypt. Most think they were built by the Egyptians but it is said that the pyramids weee built long before the Egyptians.


I think they were built long before the Egyptians by whatever worldwide society Was around at the time. I think it was what we called the Atlanteans.
I just Saw yesterday in the Video I linked above that there used to be a water line on the pyramids at 60 m. It was visible when the Spanish got there although I haven’t been able to figure out when that is. I actually wonder if that was wrong maybe? Perhaps The Spanish troops were under French control? I don’t recall the time that Spain had troops in the area.
At any rate the water line proves that the pyramids were at 1 time underwater. I’m guessing it’s a water line from the flood that took out Atlantis. The same flood told about In various cultures worldwide and the same one talked about in The Bible.
When I was younger I was an agnostic. I never liked religion. I began a quest for knowledge to solve the one glaring question I had. Where did we come from and why are we here? This set me on a Quest gathering knowledge of ancient history,
going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. Getting into the idea of alien visitation here on Earth. After 35 years I have come to An inescapable conclusion.
The Old Testament in the Bible is accurate. It’s one of the world’s oldest history books. When it is treated as such, all these old Crazy historical puzzle pieces all of a sudden fit together perfectly.
That is related to this topic and I don’t mind saying so. The Bible is the best book we have on ancient civilization, and you don’t have to be religious to come to this conclusion.


Just started reading an interesting sci-fi book series on Amazon; well, just started is a relative term, I’m on book 3 but it’s a 7-book series. It builds on this theory that aliens are responsible for the ancient buildings we can’t explain, and then they return to find us all grown up with the Internet and don’t entirely know how to handle it themselves because it’s so far outside their experiences. I haven’t actually done the research myself, but assuming the archaeological basis is true I can’t find any other stories that make as much sense. Viewing the Bible as a metaphor for alien visitation, though, starts to.

Sadly, looks like it’s now 10x the price of when I bought it. :frowning: Still a good read if you’re into that kind of stuff.


Me as a child:

Child: “Dad? What religion are you?”
Dad: “I was raised Roman Catholic and was an altar boy as a child.”
Child: “What is Mom?”
Dad: “She’s a part of the Christian United Church.”
Child: “What’s my sister?”
Dad: “Roman Catholic.”
Child: “What am I?”
Dad: “Also a part of the Christian United Church.”
Child: “…Dad, why am I not Roman Catholic?”
Dad: “Son. This is because I love you.


Me now at 41:

(Whoever made this gif must have been stalking me. They also made my skin-tone in the animation just slightly darker than it is in the summer, and made my dread’s much-much shorter… everything else is spot on including the hovering plant in the kitchen window! Yes, i’m Pagan. )


Native Americans have long said that waving was not to say" Hi "or “How” but to show that you had 5 fingers and not 6. Interesting Native American drawings.


Aliens/ interdimensional beings = Giants, the builders that used polygonal masonry And built these ancient structures that are beyond our capabilities today. Basically the same thing.


I like the kettle on the stove. Nice touch.

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Yep. In the book, actually, the ruling class of aliens are called Titans and are about 12 feet tall… maybe they really did do some research for this. As for the question of why they would’ve built in stone, the hypothesis this book’s floating is that they built that way because it’s primitive enough that we would’ve been able to continue ignoring and denying it for tens of thousands of years until they were ready to come back, which I found kind of amusing… tough to argue with that. I hope we’ll never actually find out if it’s the truth. :stuck_out_tongue:


When you read about these giants they are sneaky, intelligent, canniving, thieving liars. I can’t help but be reminded of our politicians and world leaders.


That is an interesting thought. In olden times writers had to disguise what they were writing about. If they wrote directly about an evil king they would probably get their head chopped off so instead maybe they wrote about the giants.


I read an article once that showed the lineage of all the top politicians on Earth and they are supposedely all related and from the same blood line. The Cain lineage. Multiple countries ruled by this same family.